Michael Hope b07a2f29a7 Enable interrupts before running.
Add an encoded version of the CPU frequency as a reference.
Set the centre to 150 now that the CPU frequency is correct.
2014-01-07 22:34:54 +01:00

59 lines
985 B

#include "hal.h"
#include <blinker.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
volatile uint8_t HAL::ticks;
void HAL::init() {
DDRD |= 0
| _BV(RedPin)
| _BV(GreenPin)
UCSR0A = 0
| _BV(U2X0) // Halve the divisor.
UCSR0B = 0
| _BV(RXEN0)
| _BV(TXEN0)
UCSR0C = 0
| (0 << UMSEL00)
| (0 << UPM00)
| (0 << USBS0)
| (3 << UCSZ00)
const uint32_t brr = (F_CPU / 8 / BaudRate) - 1;
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(brr >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)(brr >> 0);
void HAL::start() {
void HAL::poll() {
void HAL::wait() {
void Blinker::update(bool red_on, bool green_on) {
if (red_on) {
PORTD |= _BV(HAL::RedPin);
} else {
PORTD &= ~_BV(HAL::RedPin);
if (green_on) {
PORTD |= _BV(HAL::GreenPin);
} else {
PORTD &= ~_BV(HAL::GreenPin);