
142 lines
2.7 KiB

$fs = 0.5;
// epsilon
e = 0.1;
// tolerance
tol = 0.5;
// wall thickness
wall = 3;
// A cube with rounded edges
module rcube(s, r=4) {
hull() {
for (x = [r, s[0]-r]) {
for (y = [r, s[1]-r]) {
translate([x, y, 0])
cylinder(h=s[2], r=r);
// Outer dimensions of the phone
motoe2lte_s = [130, 67+tol, 12.5+tol];
module motoe2lte(s=motoe2lte_s) {
module body() {
hull() {
// Front
// 12 mm radius on the corners.
r = 12;
// Sides
// ~7mm on the edge, going to `t` over ~8mm
ts = 7;
// Bottom end
// 12 mm radius on the corners.
// Pulls in to 8 mm thick over the last 15 mm to the USB connector.
tb = 8;
translate([r, r, 0])
cylinder(h=ts, r=r);
translate([r, s[1]-r, 0])
cylinder(h=ts, r=r);
// Top end
// ~9 mm thick on the edge, going to `t` over ~8mm
tt = 9;
translate([s[0] - r, r, 0])
cylinder(h=ts, r=r);
translate([s[0] - r, s[1]-r, 0])
cylinder(h=ts, r=r);
// Back plate
bs = [s[0] - 15-8, s[1]-8-8, 1];
translate([15, (s[1]-bs[1])/2, s[2]-bs[2]])
// Volume button
translate([65, s[1]-e, 12.5-9-tol])
cube([17, 1+e, 1.5]);
// Headphone jack hole
jd = 9+2;
translate([s[0]-10, s[1]/2, 1+jd/2])
rotate(90, [0, 1, 0])
cylinder(h=30, d=jd);
// USB socket hole
us = [11+2, 9+2, 30];
translate([-us[2]/2+10, s[1]/2, us[1]/2])
rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(90, [0, 1, 0])
rcube(us, r=2);
// Display
ds = [100, 56, e];
translate([12, (s[1]-ds[1])/2, -e/2])
rcube(ds, r=1);
module motoe2lte_up() {
rotate(90-10, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(180, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(-90, [0, 0, 1])
translate([0, -motoe2lte_s[1]/2, 0])
module motoe2lte_right() {
rotate(-90-10, [1, 0, 0])
rotate(180, [0, 0, 1])
translate([-motoe2lte_s[0]/2, 0, 0])
module stand(s, ph) {
module base() {
// Base
translate([-s[0]/2, 0, 0]) {
r = 4;
hull() {
for (x = [r, s[0]-r]) {
translate([x, r, 0])
cylinder(h=s[2], r=r);
translate([x, s[1]-r, 0])
cylinder(h=wall*1.5, r=r);
// Back stand
w = ph[1]+wall*2;
h = 65;
difference() {
rotate(-10, [1, 0, 0])
difference() {
translate([-w/2, 4, 0])
cube([w, 40, h]);
rotate(20, [1, 0, 0])
translate([-(s[0]+e)/2, 40, -20])
cube([s[0]+e, 40, 1000]);
// Cut of anything below the base
translate([-(s[0]+e)/2, 0, -s[2]])
cube([s[0]+e, s[1]+e, s[2]]);
difference() {
base(s, ph);
translate([0, wall, wall])
module motoe2lte_stand() {
s = [motoe2lte_s[1]+20, 50, 15];
stand(s, motoe2lte_s);