
95 lines
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$fs = 0.5;
// epsilon
e = 0.1;
// tolerance
tol = 0.5;
// wall thickness
wall = 1.5;
// A cube with rounded edges
module rcube(s, r=4) {
hull() {
for (x = [r, s[0]-r]) {
for (y = [r, s[1]-r]) {
translate([x, y, 0])
cylinder(h=s[2], r=r);
// Outer dimensions of the phone including a gel case
a40_s = [144.4+tol, 69.2, 7.9+tol];
module a40() {
translate([a40_s.x, (a40_s.y-10)/2, (a40_s.z-3)/2])
cube([3, 10, 3]);
inc = 30;
module main() {
h = 27;
rotate(-inc, [1, 0, 0])
translate([0, -a40_s.z-wall, 0]) {
difference() {
translate([0, 0, -5])
cube([a40_s.x+wall*2, a40_s.z+wall*2, h+5]); // Body
translate([wall, a40_s.z+wall, 1])
rotate(90,[1, 0, 0])
translate([wall*2, wall*2, wall*2])
rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])
rcube([a40_s.x-wall*2, 30, 20]); // LCD cutout
translate([a40_s.x+10, wall*1.5, 10])
rotate(-90, [0, 1, 0]) {
rcube([14, a40_s.z-wall, 20], r=wall); // Jack hole
module base() {
i = 10;
rotate(-inc, [1, 0, 0])
translate([0, -a40_s.z-wall, 0]) {
translate([wall+i/2, a40_s.z+wall*2, 0])
rotate(90, [1, 0, 0])
rcube([a40_s.x-i, a40_s.y*1/3, wall]);
// Base plate
translate([wall+i/2, wall, 0])
rcube([a40_s.x-i, 15+a40_s.y*sin(inc)/2, wall]);
module upright() {
hull() {
rotate(90-inc, [1, 0, 0])
translate([0, a40_s.y*1/3, -wall])
cylinder(r=wall*1.5, wall);
translate([0, 28, 0])
cylinder(r=wall*1.5, wall);
translate([0, 3, 0])
cylinder(r=wall*1.5, wall);
translate([a40_s.x*1/3, wall/2, 0]) upright();
translate([a40_s.x*2/3, wall/2, 0]) upright();
difference() {
union() {
translate([-10, -100, -200])
cube([200, 200, 200]);
module phone() {
translate([wall, 0, 0])
rotate(90-inc,[1, 0, 0])
color("darkgreen") a40();