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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Sync Language Packs
2023-11-08 00:09:38 +01:00
# Script to synchronize each language pack's items against Hugo Blox's master pack (English).
# Prerequisites: pip3 install ruamel.yaml
# Note: we use Ruamel rather than PyYAML in order to preserve comments in language packs.
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
I18N_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1].joinpath(
2023-11-08 00:09:38 +01:00
'modules', 'blox-tailwind', 'i18n')
MASTER_PACK = I18N_PATH.joinpath('en.yaml')
yaml = YAML()
yaml.width = 5000 # large column width to avoid line breaks
# Load master language pack (English).
master_map = yaml.load(MASTER_PACK)
# Iterate over each child language pack (excluding 'en.yaml').
files = set(I18N_PATH.glob("*.yaml")) - set([MASTER_PACK])
tot = len(files)
for cnt, filename in enumerate(files):
i18n_file = I18N_PATH.joinpath(filename)
print(f"[{cnt+1:02d}/{tot:02d}] Processing {i18n_file} ...")
# Load a child language pack.
child_map = yaml.load(i18n_file)
# Synchronize the language pack's structure against the master language pack.
# Make a temporary deep copy of the master map (list of objects).
tmp_map = copy.deepcopy(master_map)
for master_index, master_item in enumerate(master_map):
translation = next((item['translation'] for item in child_map if item['id'] == master_item['id']),
tmp_map[master_index]['translation'] = translation
# Write the synced language pack to file.
yaml.dump(tmp_map, i18n_file)
# Print results.
print(f"{tot} child language packs successfully synchronized!")