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# To run, use:
# sudo apt-get install -y ansible git
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
# git clone .devenv
2015-04-04 21:40:00 +02:00
# ansible-playbook -i 'localhost ansible_connection=local,' -K .devenv/local.yml
- hosts: localhost
- me: michaelh
- home: /home/{{ me }}
- juju:
- name: Install the basics
2015-12-04 08:58:34 +01:00
apt: name=jed,git,psmisc,unzip,git
become: yes
- name: Create a new SSH key
command: ssh-keygen -f {{ home }}/.ssh/id_rsa -C {{ me }}@{{ }} creates={{ home }}/.ssh/id_rsa
- name: Install the dev bits
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
apt: name=emacs,yaml-mode,ssh,build-essential,man,manpages-dev,ack-grep,screen,exuberant-ctags,clang-format,ispell,elpa-use-package
become: yes
- name: Install the ARM dev tools
apt: name=g++-arm-linux-gnueabi,g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
become: yes
- name: Install python3 and modules
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
apt: name=python3,python3-serial,python3-matplotlib,python3-pip
become: yes
2015-12-04 08:58:34 +01:00
- name: Install crosstool-NG basics
2020-05-22 20:17:45 +02:00
apt: name=unrar-free,autoconf,automake,libtool,libtool-bin,gcc,g++,gperf,flex,bison,texinfo,gawk,ncurses-dev,libexpat-dev,sed,srecord,bc
become: yes
- name: Install common packages
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
apt: name=gimp,qt5-style-plugins,dkms,iftop,vlc,pulseview,sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw,sbuild,silversearcher-ag,entr,ninja-build,cmake
2020-05-22 20:17:45 +02:00
become: yes
- name: Set up permissions
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
user: name={{ me }} append=yes groups=dialout,sudo,sbuild
become: yes
2020-05-23 11:00:08 +02:00
- name: Install CAD
apt: name=openscad
become: yes
2020-05-23 11:48:46 +02:00
- name: Themes
apt: name=gnome-tweaks,adapta-gtk-theme,blackbird-gtk-theme,bluebird-gtk-theme,breeze-gtk-theme,greybird-gtk-theme,materia-gtk-theme,numix-blue-gtk-theme,numix-gtk-theme,pop-gtk-theme,fonts-hack,fonts-inconsolata,fonts-firacode,fonts-terminus
become: yes