Michael Hope michaelh
michaelh synced commits to main at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-08-08 02:03:21 +02:00
15ee0927a7 i18n: improve Japanese (JA) translation (#2974)
michaelh synced commits to main at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-08-06 09:53:21 +02:00
2342b0c39a fix: 1c09422 error calling isset
michaelh synced commits to refs/pull/2942/head at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-08-05 17:43:21 +02:00
4682f28877 fix: revert removal of Bootstrap JS
michaelh synced commits to refs/pull/2942/head at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-08-03 17:33:21 +02:00
9fdadd48b8 remove duplicated bs js import
michaelh synced commits to refs/pull/2950/head at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-07-31 00:53:21 +02:00
2ef0e4e1b4 Update site_js.html
michaelh synced commits to refs/tags/modules/wowchemy/v5.8.0 at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-07-31 00:53:21 +02:00
michaelh synced new reference refs/tags/modules/wowchemy/v5.8.0 to michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-07-31 00:53:21 +02:00
michaelh synced commits to main at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-07-31 00:53:21 +02:00
1c094227ec feat: update Headroom implementation to support recent Hugo versions (#2950)
michaelh synced commits to refs/pull/2950/head at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-07-19 16:23:21 +02:00
e17b4d4ef0 refactor as fix
ef3574d316 Merge branch 'wowchemy:main' into sticky-header
92cc5a2710 feat(blocks>slider): only show prev/next arrows when more than one slide (#2949)
8b1b5ee32a starters: add google_tag_manager and microsoft_clarity to default config (#2955)
Compare 4 commits »
michaelh pushed to master at michaelh/wiki 2023-07-04 21:59:59 +02:00
047b6b273e wiki: allow pandoc to run
michaelh synced commits to main at michaelh/hugo-academic-mirror from mirror 2023-06-19 07:05:38 +02:00
92cc5a2710 feat(blocks>slider): only show prev/next arrows when more than one slide (#2949)
8b1b5ee32a starters: add google_tag_manager and microsoft_clarity to default config (#2955)
Compare 2 commits »
michaelh pushed to main at juju/bootstrap 2023-06-13 21:21:42 +02:00
77d571be76 bootstrap: rename the site file to the default name
michaelh pushed to main at juju/bootstrap 2023-06-13 21:16:26 +02:00
aab7b68498 bootstrap: reformat the packages and expose node-exporter
michaelh created branch main in juju/bootstrap 2023-06-13 20:59:32 +02:00
michaelh pushed to main at juju/bootstrap 2023-06-13 20:59:32 +02:00
6c8fe9a670 bootstrap: add the initial config
michaelh created repository juju/bootstrap 2023-06-13 20:46:28 +02:00
michaelh pushed to master at michaelh/wiki 2023-06-04 20:28:02 +02:00
3b2c6e69b7 wiki: make the build quieter
michaelh pushed to master at michaelh/wiki 2023-06-04 20:21:14 +02:00
f302914622 wiki: switch to bullseye for the right hugo version
michaelh pushed to master at michaelh/wiki 2023-06-04 20:18:09 +02:00
670b5874e1 wiki: add the missing charger images
dba9fd8d36 wiki: try printing the hugo versions
Compare 2 commits »
michaelh pushed to master at michaelh/wiki 2023-06-04 20:11:13 +02:00
aeedf32da3 wiki: switch to bullseye to get the right version of hugo