Andy Ross 837dd99a0e samples/xtensa-asm2: Unit test for new Xtensa assembly primitives
This sample (which should eventually become a proper test) suite
builds from simple applications of the new primitives to a full
context switch test and interrupt handling suite (based on the
CPU-internal CCOMPARE2 timer).

It's been extraordinarily useful finding regressing as the asm2 code
gets modified and should probably stick around as long as possible.

Signed-off-by: Andy Ross <andrew.j.ross@intel.com>
2018-02-16 10:44:29 -05:00

8 lines
177 B

set(IS_TEST 1)
include($ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}/cmake/app/boilerplate.cmake NO_POLICY_SCOPE)
target_sources(app PRIVATE src/main.c src/asmhelp.S)