Marc Herbert 2cd51a33ce samples: make find_package(Zephyr...) REQUIRED
This provides a better error message when building with CMake and
forgetting ZEPHYR_BASE or not registering Zephyr in the CMake package
registry. See parent commit for more details (split from parent for
better readability).

Signed-off-by: Marc Herbert <marc.herbert@intel.com>
2020-05-29 10:47:25 +02:00
src kernel/timeout: Make timeout arguments an opaque type 2020-03-31 19:40:47 -04:00
CMakeLists.txt samples: make find_package(Zephyr...) REQUIRED 2020-05-29 10:47:25 +02:00
prj.conf cpp: Use malloc/free instead of kernel variants in new/delete 2019-11-26 12:41:54 -06:00
README.rst samples: cpp_synchronization: Change sample description to rst format 2020-05-15 17:18:56 +02:00
sample.yaml tests: fix test identifiers 2019-12-09 15:53:44 -05:00

.. _cpp_synchronization:

C++ Synchronization

The sample project illustrates usage of pure virtual class, member
functions with different types of arguments, global objects constructor

A simple application demonstrates basic sanity of the kernel.  The main thread
and a cooperative thread take turns printing a greeting message to the console,
and use timers and semaphores to control the rate at which messages are
generated. This demonstrates that kernel scheduling, communication, and
timing are operating correctly.

Building and Running

This kernel project outputs to the console.  It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/cpp_synchronization
   :host-os: unix
   :board: qemu_x86
   :goals: run

Sample Output

.. code-block:: console

     Create semaphore 0x001042b0
     Create semaphore 0x001042c4
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!
     coop_thread_entry: Hello World!
     main: Hello World!

     <repeats endlessly>

Exit QEMU by pressing :kbd:`CTRL+A` :kbd:`x`.