Stephanos Ioannidis 071a986bb6 doc: remove licensing for moved ext/ components
ext/hal/cmsis was moved out of the ext folder and into external modules
so we should remove the licensing exceptions noted in this document.

Signed-off-by: Stephanos Ioannidis <root@stephanos.io>
2020-04-10 14:47:44 +02:00

23 lines
689 B

.. _zephyr_licensing:
Licensing of Zephyr Project components
The Zephyr kernel tree imports or reuses packages, scripts and other files that
are not covered by the `Apache 2.0 License`_. In some places
there is no LICENSE file or way to put a LICENSE file there, so we describe the
licensing in this document.
.. _Apache 2.0 License:
.. _GPLv2 License:
*Origin:* Linux Kernel
*Licensing:* `GPLv2 License`_