Wayne Ren 7249fbf5ad arch: arc: fix the bug of irq_offload
* remove irq lock/unlock which is not needed because of
  the protection of offload_sem in irq_offload
* simplify the assembly codes related irq_offload, remove
  the thread switch logic
* the old codes may do thread switch in the epilogue of
  irq_offload handling with int locked, this is not correct
  may cause irq_offload related codes crash.

Signed-off-by: Wayne Ren <wei.ren@synopsys.com>
2020-02-12 14:30:38 +02:00

34 lines
606 B

* Copyright (c) 2015 Intel corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file Software interrupts utility code - ARC implementation
#include <kernel.h>
#include <irq_offload.h>
static irq_offload_routine_t offload_routine;
static void *offload_param;
/* Called by trap_s exception handler */
void z_irq_do_offload(void)
void arch_irq_offload(irq_offload_routine_t routine, void *parameter)
offload_routine = routine;
offload_param = parameter;
__asm__ volatile ("trap_s %[id]"
: [id] "i"(_TRAP_S_SCALL_IRQ_OFFLOAD) : );