Maciej Perkowski 48665f2636 scripts: Allow using quarantine mechanism with test_plan.py script
In twister, applying quarantine is a part of apply_filters() function.
However, this function is not called when --load-test is used.
Therefore, if one wants to use quarantines in combination with
dynamic scope from the test_plan.py script, one has to pass such
info through the script.

Signed-off-by: Maciej Perkowski <Maciej.Perkowski@nordicsemi.no>
2024-05-24 08:25:20 -04:00

500 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2021 Intel Corporation
# A script to generate twister options based on modified files.
import re, os
import argparse
import yaml
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import json
import logging
import sys
import glob
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo
from west.manifest import Manifest
if "ZEPHYR_BASE" not in os.environ:
exit("$ZEPHYR_BASE environment variable undefined.")
# These are globaly used variables. They are assigned in __main__ and are visible in further methods
# however, pylint complains that it doesn't recognized them when used (used-before-assignment).
zephyr_base = Path(os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE'])
repository_path = zephyr_base
repo_to_scan = Repo(zephyr_base)
args = None
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(zephyr_base, 'scripts'))
import list_boards
def _get_match_fn(globs, regexes):
# Constructs a single regex that tests for matches against the globs in
# 'globs' and the regexes in 'regexes'. Parts are joined with '|' (OR).
# Returns the search() method of the compiled regex.
# Returns None if there are neither globs nor regexes, which should be
# interpreted as no match.
if not (globs or regexes):
return None
regex = ""
if globs:
glob_regexes = []
for glob in globs:
# Construct a regex equivalent to the glob
glob_regex = glob.replace(".", "\\.").replace("*", "[^/]*") \
.replace("?", "[^/]")
if not glob.endswith("/"):
# Require a full match for globs that don't end in /
glob_regex += "$"
# The glob regexes must anchor to the beginning of the path, since we
# return search(). (?:) is a non-capturing group.
regex += "^(?:{})".format("|".join(glob_regexes))
if regexes:
if regex:
regex += "|"
regex += "|".join(regexes)
return re.compile(regex).search
class Tag:
Represents an entry for a tag in tags.yaml.
These attributes are available:
List of GitHub labels for the area. Empty if the area has no 'labels'
Text from 'description' key, or None if the area has no 'description'
def _contains(self, path):
# Returns True if the area contains 'path', and False otherwise
return self._match_fn and self._match_fn(path) and not \
(self._exclude_match_fn and self._exclude_match_fn(path))
def __repr__(self):
return "<Tag {}>".format(self.name)
class Filters:
def __init__(self, modified_files, ignore_path, alt_tags, testsuite_root,
pull_request=False, platforms=[], detailed_test_id=True, quarantine_list=None, tc_roots_th=20):
self.modified_files = modified_files
self.testsuite_root = testsuite_root
self.resolved_files = []
self.twister_options = []
self.full_twister = False
self.all_tests = []
self.tag_options = []
self.pull_request = pull_request
self.platforms = platforms
self.detailed_test_id = detailed_test_id
self.ignore_path = ignore_path
self.tag_cfg_file = alt_tags
self.quarantine_list = quarantine_list
self.tc_roots_th = tc_roots_th
def process(self):
if not self.platforms:
def get_plan(self, options, integration=False, use_testsuite_root=True):
fname = "_test_plan_partial.json"
cmd = [f"{zephyr_base}/scripts/twister", "-c"] + options + ["--save-tests", fname ]
if not self.detailed_test_id:
cmd += ["--no-detailed-test-id"]
if self.testsuite_root and use_testsuite_root:
for root in self.testsuite_root:
cmd+=["-T", root]
if integration:
if self.quarantine_list:
for q in self.quarantine_list:
cmd += ["--quarantine-list", q]
logging.info(" ".join(cmd))
_ = subprocess.call(cmd)
with open(fname, newline='') as jsonfile:
json_data = json.load(jsonfile)
suites = json_data.get("testsuites", [])
if os.path.exists(fname):
def find_modules(self):
if 'west.yml' in self.modified_files:
print(f"Manifest file 'west.yml' changed")
old_manifest_content = repo_to_scan.git.show(f"{args.commits[:-2]}:west.yml")
with open("west_old.yml", "w") as manifest:
old_manifest = Manifest.from_file("west_old.yml")
new_manifest = Manifest.from_file("west.yml")
old_projs = set((p.name, p.revision) for p in old_manifest.projects)
new_projs = set((p.name, p.revision) for p in new_manifest.projects)
logging.debug(f'old_projs: {old_projs}')
logging.debug(f'new_projs: {new_projs}')
# Removed projects
rprojs = set(filter(lambda p: p[0] not in list(p[0] for p in new_projs),
old_projs - new_projs))
# Updated projects
uprojs = set(filter(lambda p: p[0] in list(p[0] for p in old_projs),
new_projs - old_projs))
# Added projects
aprojs = new_projs - old_projs - uprojs
# All projs
projs = rprojs | uprojs | aprojs
projs_names = [name for name, rev in projs]
logging.info(f'rprojs: {rprojs}')
logging.info(f'uprojs: {uprojs}')
logging.info(f'aprojs: {aprojs}')
logging.info(f'project: {projs_names}')
_options = []
for p in projs_names:
_options.extend(["-t", p ])
if self.platforms:
for platform in self.platforms:
_options.extend(["-p", platform])
self.get_plan(_options, True)
def find_archs(self):
# we match both arch/<arch>/* and include/zephyr/arch/<arch> and skip common.
archs = set()
for f in self.modified_files:
p = re.match(r"^arch\/([^/]+)\/", f)
if not p:
p = re.match(r"^include\/zephyr\/arch\/([^/]+)\/", f)
if p:
if p.group(1) != 'common':
# Modified file is treated as resolved, since a matching scope was found
_options = []
for arch in archs:
_options.extend(["-a", arch ])
if _options:
logging.info(f'Potential architecture filters...')
if self.platforms:
for platform in self.platforms:
_options.extend(["-p", platform])
self.get_plan(_options, True)
self.get_plan(_options, True)
def find_boards(self):
boards = set()
all_boards = set()
resolved = []
for f in self.modified_files:
if f.endswith(".rst") or f.endswith(".png") or f.endswith(".jpg"):
p = re.match(r"^boards\/[^/]+\/([^/]+)\/", f)
if p and p.groups():
roots = [zephyr_base]
if repository_path != zephyr_base:
# Look for boards in monitored repositories
lb_args = argparse.Namespace(**{'arch_roots': roots, 'board_roots': roots, 'board': None,
'board_dir': None})
known_boards = list_boards.find_boards(lb_args)
for b in boards:
name_re = re.compile(b)
for kb in known_boards:
if name_re.search(kb.name):
# If modified file is catched by "find_boards" workflow (change in "boards" dir AND board recognized)
# it means a proper testing scope for this file was found and this file can be removed
# from further consideration
for board in all_boards:
self.resolved_files.extend(list(filter(lambda f: board in f, resolved)))
_options = []
if len(all_boards) > 20:
logging.warning(f"{len(boards)} boards changed, this looks like a global change, skipping test handling, revert to default.")
self.full_twister = True
for board in all_boards:
_options.extend(["-p", board ])
if _options:
logging.info(f'Potential board filters...')
def find_tests(self):
tests = set()
for f in self.modified_files:
if f.endswith(".rst"):
d = os.path.dirname(f)
scope_found = False
while not scope_found and d:
head, tail = os.path.split(d)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "testcase.yaml")) or \
os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "sample.yaml")):
# Modified file is treated as resolved, since a matching scope was found
scope_found = True
elif tail == "common":
# Look for yamls in directories collocated with common
yamls_found = [yaml for yaml in glob.iglob(head + '/**/testcase.yaml', recursive=True)]
yamls_found.extend([yaml for yaml in glob.iglob(head + '/**/sample.yaml', recursive=True)])
if yamls_found:
for yaml in yamls_found:
scope_found = True
d = os.path.dirname(d)
d = os.path.dirname(d)
_options = []
for t in tests:
_options.extend(["-T", t ])
if len(tests) > self.tc_roots_th:
logging.warning(f"{len(tests)} tests changed, this looks like a global change, skipping test handling, revert to default")
self.full_twister = True
if _options:
logging.info(f'Potential test filters...({len(tests)} changed...)')
if self.platforms:
for platform in self.platforms:
_options.extend(["-p", platform])
self.get_plan(_options, use_testsuite_root=False)
def find_tags(self):
with open(self.tag_cfg_file, 'r') as ymlfile:
tags_config = yaml.safe_load(ymlfile)
tags = {}
for t,x in tags_config.items():
tag = Tag()
tag.exclude = True
tag.name = t
# tag._match_fn(path) tests if the path matches files and/or
# files-regex
tag._match_fn = _get_match_fn(x.get("files"), x.get("files-regex"))
# Like tag._match_fn(path), but for files-exclude and
# files-regex-exclude
tag._exclude_match_fn = \
_get_match_fn(x.get("files-exclude"), x.get("files-regex-exclude"))
tags[tag.name] = tag
for f in self.modified_files:
for t in tags.values():
if t._contains(f):
t.exclude = False
exclude_tags = set()
for t in tags.values():
if t.exclude:
for tag in exclude_tags:
self.tag_options.extend(["-e", tag ])
if exclude_tags:
logging.info(f'Potential tag based filters: {exclude_tags}')
def find_excludes(self, skip=[]):
with open(self.ignore_path, "r") as twister_ignore:
ignores = twister_ignore.read().splitlines()
ignores = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("#"), ignores)
found = set()
files_not_resolved = list(filter(lambda x: x not in self.resolved_files, self.modified_files))
for pattern in ignores:
if pattern:
found.update(fnmatch.filter(files_not_resolved, pattern))
# Full twister run can be ordered by detecting great number of tests/boards changed
# or if not all modified files were resolved (corresponding scope found)
self.full_twister = self.full_twister or sorted(files_not_resolved) != sorted(found)
if self.full_twister:
_options = []
logging.info(f'Need to run full or partial twister...')
if self.platforms:
for platform in self.platforms:
_options.extend(["-p", platform])
self.get_plan(_options, True)
logging.info(f'No twister needed or partial twister run only...')
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate twister argument files based on modified file",
parser.add_argument('-c', '--commits', default=None,
help="Commit range in the form: a..b")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--modified-files', default=None,
help="File with information about changed/deleted/added files.")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', default="testplan.json",
help="JSON file with the test plan to be passed to twister")
parser.add_argument('-P', '--pull-request', action="store_true",
help="This is a pull request")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', action="append",
help="Limit this for a platform or a list of platforms.")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tests_per_builder', default=700, type=int,
help="Number of tests per builder")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--default-matrix', default=10, type=int,
help="Number of tests per builder")
parser.add_argument('--testcase-roots-threshold', default=20, type=int,
help="Threshold value for number of modified testcase roots, up to which an optimized scope is still applied."
"When exceeded, full scope will be triggered")
parser.add_argument('--detailed-test-id', action='store_true',
help="Include paths to tests' locations in tests' names.")
parser.add_argument("--no-detailed-test-id", dest='detailed_test_id', action="store_false",
help="Don't put paths into tests' names.")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--repo-to-scan', default=None,
help="Repo to scan")
default=os.path.join(zephyr_base, 'scripts', 'ci', 'twister_ignore.txt'),
help="Path to a text file with patterns of files to be matched against changed files")
default=os.path.join(zephyr_base, 'scripts', 'ci', 'tags.yaml'),
help="Path to a file describing relations between directories and tags")
"-T", "--testsuite-root", action="append", default=[],
help="Base directory to recursively search for test cases. All "
"testcase.yaml files under here will be processed. May be "
"called multiple times. Defaults to the 'samples/' and "
"'tests/' directories at the base of the Zephyr tree.")
"--quarantine-list", action="append", metavar="FILENAME",
help="Load list of test scenarios under quarantine. The entries in "
"the file need to correspond to the test scenarios names as in "
"corresponding tests .yaml files. These scenarios "
"will be skipped with quarantine as the reason.")
# Include paths in names by default.
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args()
files = []
errors = 0
if args.repo_to_scan:
repository_path = Path(args.repo_to_scan)
repo_to_scan = Repo(repository_path)
if args.commits:
commit = repo_to_scan.git.diff("--name-only", args.commits)
files = commit.split("\n")
elif args.modified_files:
with open(args.modified_files, "r") as fp:
files = json.load(fp)
if files:
print("Changed files:\n=========")
f = Filters(files, args.ignore_path, args.alt_tags, args.testsuite_root,
args.pull_request, args.platform, args.detailed_test_id, args.quarantine_list,
# remove dupes and filtered cases
dup_free = []
dup_free_set = set()
logging.info(f'Total tests gathered: {len(f.all_tests)}')
for ts in f.all_tests:
if ts.get('status') == 'filtered':
n = ts.get("name")
a = ts.get("arch")
p = ts.get("platform")
if ts.get('status') == 'error':
logging.info(f"Error found: {n} on {p} ({ts.get('reason')})")
errors += 1
if (n, a, p,) not in dup_free_set:
dup_free_set.add((n, a, p,))
logging.info(f'Total tests to be run: {len(dup_free)}')
with open(".testplan", "w") as tp:
total_tests = len(dup_free)
if total_tests and total_tests < args.tests_per_builder:
nodes = 1
nodes = round(total_tests / args.tests_per_builder)
logging.info(f'Total nodes to launch: {nodes}')
header = ['test', 'arch', 'platform', 'status', 'extra_args', 'handler',
'handler_time', 'used_ram', 'used_rom']
# write plan
if dup_free:
data = {}
data['testsuites'] = dup_free
with open(args.output_file, 'w', newline='') as json_file:
json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4, separators=(',',':'))