# TODO: Set to make when make is used as a generator set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM ninja) get_filename_component(generator ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} NAME) set(arch_list arc arm nios2 riscv32 posix x86 xtensa ) set(board_dir ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/boards) foreach(arch ${arch_list}) set(board_arch_dir ${board_dir}/${arch}) # Match the .yanl files in the board directories to make sure we are # finding boards, e.g. qemu_xtensa/qemu_xtensa.yaml file(GLOB_RECURSE yamls_for_${arch} RELATIVE ${board_arch_dir} ${board_arch_dir}/*.yaml ) # The above gives a list like # nrf51_blenano/nrf51_blenano_yaml;nrf51_pca10028/nrf51_pca10028_yaml # we construct a list of board names by removing both the .yaml # suffix and the path. set(boards_for_${arch} "") foreach(yaml_path ${yamls_for_${arch}}) get_filename_component(board ${yaml_path} NAME_WE) list(APPEND boards_for_${arch} ${board}) endforeach() endforeach() message("Cleaning targets:") message(" clean - Remove most generated files but keep configuration and backup files") message(" pristine - Remove all files in the build directory") message("") message("Configuration targets:") message("") message(" run <${generator} kconfig-usage>") message("") message("Other generic targets:") message(" all - Build a zephyr application") message(" run - Build a zephyr application and run it if the board supports emulation") message(" flash - Build and flash an application") message(" debug - Build and debug an application using GDB") message(" debugserver - Build and start a GDB server (port 1234 for Qemu targets)") message(" ram_report - Build and create RAM usage report") message(" rom_report - Build and create ROM usage report") message(" usage - Display this text") message("") message("Supported Boards:") message("") message(" To generate project files for one of the supported boards below, run:") message("") message(" $ cmake -DBOARD= -Bpath/to/build_dir -Hpath/to/source_dir") message("") message(" or") message("") message(" $ export BOARD=") message(" $ cmake -Bpath/to/build_dir -Hpath/to/source_dir") message("") foreach(arch ${arch_list}) message(" ${arch}:") foreach(board ${boards_for_${arch}}) message(" ${board}") endforeach() endforeach() message("") message("Build flags:") message("") message(" ${generator} VERBOSE=1 [targets] verbose build") message(" cmake -DW=n Enable extra gcc checks, n=1,2,3 where") message(" 1: warnings which may be relevant and do not occur too often") message(" 2: warnings which occur quite often but may still be relevant") message(" 3: more obscure warnings, can most likely be ignored") message(" Multiple levels can be combined with W=12 or W=123")