/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /** * @file * @brief Low-level debug output * * Low-level debugging output. Platform installs a character output routine at * init time. If no routine is installed, a nop routine is called. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef int (*out_func_t)(int c, void *ctx); enum pad_type { PAD_NONE, PAD_ZERO_BEFORE, PAD_SPACE_BEFORE, PAD_SPACE_AFTER, }; static void _printk_dec_ulong(out_func_t out, void *ctx, const unsigned long num, enum pad_type padding, int min_width); static void _printk_hex_ulong(out_func_t out, void *ctx, const unsigned long num, enum pad_type padding, int min_width); /** * @brief Default character output routine that does nothing * @param c Character to swallow * * @return 0 */ static int _nop_char_out(int c) { ARG_UNUSED(c); /* do nothing */ return 0; } static int (*_char_out)(int) = _nop_char_out; /** * @brief Install the character output routine for printk * * To be called by the platform's console driver at init time. Installs a * routine that outputs one ASCII character at a time. * @param fn putc routine to install * * @return N/A */ void __printk_hook_install(int (*fn)(int)) { _char_out = fn; } /** * @brief Get the current character output routine for printk * * To be called by any console driver that would like to save * current hook - if any - for later re-installation. * * @return a function pointer or NULL if no hook is set */ void *__printk_get_hook(void) { return _char_out; } /** * @brief Printk internals * * See printk() for description. * @param fmt Format string * @param ap Variable parameters * * @return N/A */ void _vprintk(out_func_t out, void *ctx, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int might_format = 0; /* 1 if encountered a '%' */ enum pad_type padding = PAD_NONE; int min_width = -1; int long_ctr = 0; /* fmt has already been adjusted if needed */ while (*fmt) { if (!might_format) { if (*fmt != '%') { out((int)*fmt, ctx); } else { might_format = 1; min_width = -1; padding = PAD_NONE; long_ctr = 0; } } else { switch (*fmt) { case '-': padding = PAD_SPACE_AFTER; goto still_might_format; case '0': if (min_width < 0 && padding == PAD_NONE) { padding = PAD_ZERO_BEFORE; goto still_might_format; } /* Fall through */ case '1' ... '9': if (min_width < 0) { min_width = *fmt - '0'; } else { min_width = 10 * min_width + *fmt - '0'; } if (padding == PAD_NONE) { padding = PAD_SPACE_BEFORE; } goto still_might_format; case 'l': long_ctr++; /* Fall through */ case 'z': case 'h': /* FIXME: do nothing for these modifiers */ goto still_might_format; case 'd': case 'i': { long d; if (long_ctr < 2) { d = va_arg(ap, long); } else { d = (long)va_arg(ap, long long); } if (d < 0) { out((int)'-', ctx); d = -d; min_width--; } _printk_dec_ulong(out, ctx, d, padding, min_width); break; } case 'u': { unsigned long u; if (long_ctr < 2) { u = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); } else { u = (unsigned long)va_arg(ap, unsigned long long); } _printk_dec_ulong(out, ctx, u, padding, min_width); break; } case 'p': out('0', ctx); out('x', ctx); /* left-pad pointers with zeros */ padding = PAD_ZERO_BEFORE; min_width = 8; /* Fall through */ case 'x': case 'X': { unsigned long x; if (long_ctr < 2) { x = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); } else { x = (unsigned long)va_arg(ap, unsigned long long); } _printk_hex_ulong(out, ctx, x, padding, min_width); break; } case 's': { char *s = va_arg(ap, char *); char *start = s; while (*s) out((int)(*s++), ctx); if (padding == PAD_SPACE_AFTER) { int remaining = min_width - (s - start); while (remaining-- > 0) { out(' ', ctx); } } break; } case 'c': { int c = va_arg(ap, int); out(c, ctx); break; } case '%': { out((int)'%', ctx); break; } default: out((int)'%', ctx); out((int)*fmt, ctx); break; } might_format = 0; } still_might_format: ++fmt; } } #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE struct buf_out_context { int count; unsigned int buf_count; char buf[CONFIG_PRINTK_BUFFER_SIZE]; }; static void buf_flush(struct buf_out_context *ctx) { k_str_out(ctx->buf, ctx->buf_count); ctx->buf_count = 0; } static int buf_char_out(int c, void *ctx_p) { struct buf_out_context *ctx = ctx_p; ctx->count++; ctx->buf[ctx->buf_count++] = c; if (ctx->buf_count == CONFIG_PRINTK_BUFFER_SIZE) { buf_flush(ctx); } return c; } #endif /* CONFIG_USERSPACE */ struct out_context { int count; }; static int char_out(int c, void *ctx_p) { struct out_context *ctx = ctx_p; ctx->count++; return _char_out(c); } #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { if (_is_user_context()) { struct buf_out_context ctx = { 0 }; _vprintk(buf_char_out, &ctx, fmt, ap); if (ctx.buf_count) { buf_flush(&ctx); } return ctx.count; } else { struct out_context ctx = { 0 }; _vprintk(char_out, &ctx, fmt, ap); return ctx.count; } } #else int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { struct out_context ctx = { 0 }; _vprintk(char_out, &ctx, fmt, ap); return ctx.count; } #endif void _impl_k_str_out(char *c, size_t n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { _char_out(c[i]); } } #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE _SYSCALL_HANDLER(k_str_out, c, n) { _SYSCALL_MEMORY_READ(c, n); _impl_k_str_out((char *)c, n); return 0; } #endif /** * @brief Output a string * * Output a string on output installed by platform at init time. Some * printf-like formatting is available. * * Available formatting: * - %x/%X: outputs a 32-bit number in ABCDWXYZ format. All eight digits * are printed: if less than 8 characters are needed, leading zeroes * are displayed. * - %s: output a null-terminated string * - %p: pointer, same as %x * - %d/%i/%u: outputs a 32-bit number in unsigned decimal format. * * @param fmt formatted string to output * * @return Number of characters printed */ int printk(const char *fmt, ...) { int ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = vprintk(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } /** * @brief Output an unsigned long in hex format * * Output an unsigned long on output installed by platform at init time. Should * be able to handle an unsigned long of any size, 32 or 64 bit. * @param num Number to output * * @return N/A */ static void _printk_hex_ulong(out_func_t out, void *ctx, const unsigned long num, enum pad_type padding, int min_width) { int size = sizeof(num) * 2; int found_largest_digit = 0; int remaining = 8; /* 8 digits max */ int digits = 0; for (; size; size--) { char nibble = (num >> ((size - 1) << 2) & 0xf); if (nibble || found_largest_digit || size == 1) { found_largest_digit = 1; nibble += nibble > 9 ? 87 : 48; out((int)nibble, ctx); digits++; continue; } if (remaining-- <= min_width) { if (padding == PAD_ZERO_BEFORE) { out('0', ctx); } else if (padding == PAD_SPACE_BEFORE) { out(' ', ctx); } } } if (padding == PAD_SPACE_AFTER) { remaining = min_width * 2 - digits; while (remaining-- > 0) { out(' ', ctx); } } } /** * @brief Output an unsigned long (32-bit) in decimal format * * Output an unsigned long on output installed by platform at init time. Only * works with 32-bit values. * @param num Number to output * * @return N/A */ static void _printk_dec_ulong(out_func_t out, void *ctx, const unsigned long num, enum pad_type padding, int min_width) { unsigned long pos = 999999999; unsigned long remainder = num; int found_largest_digit = 0; int remaining = 10; /* 10 digits max */ int digits = 1; /* make sure we don't skip if value is zero */ if (min_width <= 0) { min_width = 1; } while (pos >= 9) { if (found_largest_digit || remainder > pos) { found_largest_digit = 1; out((int)((remainder / (pos + 1)) + 48), ctx); digits++; } else if (remaining <= min_width && padding < PAD_SPACE_AFTER) { out((int)(padding == PAD_ZERO_BEFORE ? '0' : ' '), ctx); digits++; } remaining--; remainder %= (pos + 1); pos /= 10; } out((int)(remainder + 48), ctx); if (padding == PAD_SPACE_AFTER) { remaining = min_width - digits; while (remaining-- > 0) { out(' ', ctx); } } } struct str_context { char *str; int max; int count; }; static int str_out(int c, struct str_context *ctx) { if (!ctx->str || ctx->count >= ctx->max) { ctx->count++; return c; } if (ctx->count == ctx->max - 1) { ctx->str[ctx->count++] = '\0'; } else { ctx->str[ctx->count++] = c; } return c; } int snprintk(char *str, size_t size, const char *fmt, ...) { struct str_context ctx = { str, size, 0 }; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); _vprintk((out_func_t)str_out, &ctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (ctx.count < ctx.max) { str[ctx.count] = '\0'; } return ctx.count; } int vsnprintk(char *str, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { struct str_context ctx = { str, size, 0 }; _vprintk((out_func_t)str_out, &ctx, fmt, ap); if (ctx.count < ctx.max) { str[ctx.count] = '\0'; } return ctx.count; }