/* * * Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited. * Copyright (c) 2017 RnDity Sp. z o.o. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "stm32_ll_clock.h" /* Macros to fill up prescaler values */ #define _ahb_prescaler(v) LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_ ## v #define ahb_prescaler(v) _ahb_prescaler(v) #define _apb1_prescaler(v) LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_ ## v #define apb1_prescaler(v) _apb1_prescaler(v) #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X #define _apb2_prescaler(v) LL_RCC_APB2_DIV_ ## v #define apb2_prescaler(v) _apb2_prescaler(v) #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ /** * @brief fill in AHB/APB buses configuration structure */ static void config_bus_clk_init(LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *clk_init) { clk_init->AHBCLKDivider = ahb_prescaler( CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_AHB_PRESCALER); clk_init->APB1CLKDivider = apb1_prescaler( CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_APB1_PRESCALER); #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X clk_init->APB2CLKDivider = apb2_prescaler( CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_APB2_PRESCALER); #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ } static u32_t get_bus_clock(u32_t clock, u32_t prescaler) { return clock / prescaler; } static inline int stm32_clock_control_on(struct device *dev, clock_control_subsys_t sub_system) { struct stm32_pclken *pclken = (struct stm32_pclken *)(sub_system); ARG_UNUSED(dev); switch (pclken->bus) { case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB1: LL_AHB1_GRP1_EnableClock(pclken->enr); break; #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F4X) case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB2: LL_AHB2_GRP1_EnableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X || CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F4X */ case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1: LL_APB1_GRP1_EnableClock(pclken->enr); break; #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X) case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1_2: LL_APB1_GRP2_EnableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X || CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB2: LL_APB2_GRP1_EnableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ } return 0; } static inline int stm32_clock_control_off(struct device *dev, clock_control_subsys_t sub_system) { struct stm32_pclken *pclken = (struct stm32_pclken *)(sub_system); ARG_UNUSED(dev); switch (pclken->bus) { case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB1: LL_AHB1_GRP1_DisableClock(pclken->enr); break; #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F4X) case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB2: LL_AHB2_GRP1_DisableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X || CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F4X */ case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1: LL_APB1_GRP1_DisableClock(pclken->enr); break; #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X) case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1_2: LL_APB1_GRP2_DisableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X || CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB2: LL_APB2_GRP1_DisableClock(pclken->enr); break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ } return 0; } static int stm32_clock_control_get_subsys_rate(struct device *clock, clock_control_subsys_t sub_system, u32_t *rate) { struct stm32_pclken *pclken = (struct stm32_pclken *)(sub_system); /* * Get AHB Clock (= SystemCoreClock = SYSCLK/prescaler) * SystemCoreClock is preferred to CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_HW_CYCLES_PER_SEC * since it will be updated after clock configuration and hence * more likely to contain actual clock speed */ u32_t ahb_clock = SystemCoreClock; u32_t apb1_clock = get_bus_clock(ahb_clock, CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_APB1_PRESCALER); #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X u32_t apb2_clock = get_bus_clock(ahb_clock, CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_APB2_PRESCALER); #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ ARG_UNUSED(clock); switch (pclken->bus) { case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB1: case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_AHB2: *rate = ahb_clock; break; case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1: #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X) case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB1_2: #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32L4X || CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ *rate = apb1_clock; break; #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X case STM32_CLOCK_BUS_APB2: *rate = apb2_clock; break; #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ } return 0; } static struct clock_control_driver_api stm32_clock_control_api = { .on = stm32_clock_control_on, .off = stm32_clock_control_off, .get_rate = stm32_clock_control_get_subsys_rate, }; /* * Unconditionally switch the system clock source to HSI. */ __unused static void stm32_clock_switch_to_hsi(u32_t ahb_prescaler) { /* Enable HSI if not enabled */ if (LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady() != 1) { /* Enable HSI */ LL_RCC_HSI_Enable(); while (LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady() != 1) { /* Wait for HSI ready */ } } /* Set HSI as SYSCLCK source */ LL_RCC_SetSysClkSource(LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSI); LL_RCC_SetAHBPrescaler(ahb_prescaler); while (LL_RCC_GetSysClkSource() != LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI) { } } static int stm32_clock_control_init(struct device *dev) { LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef s_ClkInitStruct; ARG_UNUSED(dev); /* configure clock for AHB/APB buses */ config_bus_clk_init((LL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef *)&s_ClkInitStruct); /* Some clocks would be activated by default */ config_enable_default_clocks(); #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_SYSCLK_SRC_PLL LL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef s_PLLInitStruct; /* configure PLL input settings */ config_pll_init(&s_PLLInitStruct); /* * Switch to HSI and disable the PLL before configuration. * (Switching to HSI makes sure we have a SYSCLK source in * case we're currently running from the PLL we're about to * turn off and reconfigure.) * * Don't use s_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider as the AHB * prescaler here. In this configuration, that's the value to * use when the SYSCLK source is the PLL, not HSI. */ stm32_clock_switch_to_hsi(LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_1); LL_RCC_PLL_Disable(); #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_Q_DIVISOR MODIFY_REG(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ, CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_Q_DIVISOR << POSITION_VAL(RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ)); #endif /* CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_Q_DIVISOR */ #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_SRC_MSI /* Switch to PLL with MSI as clock source */ LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_MSI(&s_PLLInitStruct, &s_ClkInitStruct); /* Disable other clocks */ LL_RCC_HSI_Disable(); LL_RCC_HSE_Disable(); #elif CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_SRC_HSI /* Switch to PLL with HSI as clock source */ LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_HSI(&s_PLLInitStruct, &s_ClkInitStruct); /* Disable other clocks */ LL_RCC_HSE_Disable(); LL_RCC_MSI_Disable(); #elif CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_SRC_HSE int hse_bypass = LL_UTILS_HSEBYPASS_OFF; #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_BYPASS hse_bypass = LL_UTILS_HSEBYPASS_ON; #endif /* CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_BYPASS */ /* Switch to PLL with HSE as clock source */ LL_PLL_ConfigSystemClock_HSE(CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_CLOCK, hse_bypass, &s_PLLInitStruct, &s_ClkInitStruct); /* Disable other clocks */ LL_RCC_HSI_Disable(); LL_RCC_MSI_Disable(); #endif /* CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_PLL_SRC_... */ #elif CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_SYSCLK_SRC_HSE /* Enable HSE if not enabled */ if (LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady() != 1) { /* Check if need to enable HSE bypass feature or not */ #ifdef CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_BYPASS LL_RCC_HSE_EnableBypass(); #else LL_RCC_HSE_DisableBypass(); #endif /* CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_BYPASS */ /* Enable HSE */ LL_RCC_HSE_Enable(); while (LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady() != 1) { /* Wait for HSE ready */ } } /* Set HSE as SYSCLCK source */ LL_RCC_SetSysClkSource(LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSE); LL_RCC_SetAHBPrescaler(s_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider); while (LL_RCC_GetSysClkSource() != LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE) { } /* Update SystemCoreClock variable */ LL_SetSystemCoreClock(__LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK_FREQ( CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_HSE_CLOCK, s_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider)); /* Set APB1 & APB2 prescaler*/ LL_RCC_SetAPB1Prescaler(s_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider); #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X LL_RCC_SetAPB2Prescaler(s_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider); #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ /* Set flash latency */ /* HSI used as SYSCLK, set latency to 0 */ LL_FLASH_SetLatency(LL_FLASH_LATENCY_0); /* Disable other clocks */ LL_RCC_HSI_Disable(); LL_RCC_MSI_Disable(); LL_RCC_PLL_Disable(); #elif CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_SYSCLK_SRC_HSI stm32_clock_switch_to_hsi(s_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider); /* Update SystemCoreClock variable */ LL_SetSystemCoreClock(__LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK_FREQ(HSI_VALUE, s_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider)); /* Set APB1 & APB2 prescaler*/ LL_RCC_SetAPB1Prescaler(s_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider); #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X LL_RCC_SetAPB2Prescaler(s_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider); #endif /* CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_STM32F0X */ /* Set flash latency */ /* HSI used as SYSCLK, set latency to 0 */ LL_FLASH_SetLatency(LL_FLASH_LATENCY_0); /* Disable other clocks */ LL_RCC_HSE_Disable(); LL_RCC_MSI_Disable(); LL_RCC_PLL_Disable(); #endif /* CONFIG_CLOCK_STM32_SYSCLK_SRC_... */ return 0; } /** * @brief RCC device, note that priority is intentionally set to 1 so * that the device init runs just after SOC init */ DEVICE_AND_API_INIT(rcc_stm32, STM32_CLOCK_CONTROL_NAME, &stm32_clock_control_init, NULL, NULL, PRE_KERNEL_1, CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_STM32_DEVICE_INIT_PRIORITY, &stm32_clock_control_api);