.. _ethernet_interface: Ethernet ######## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 vlan.rst lldp.rst 8021Qav.rst Overview ******** Ethernet is a networking technology commonly used in local area networks (LAN). For more information, see this `Ethernet Wikipedia article `_. Zephyr supports following Ethernet features: * 10, 100 and 1000 Mbit/sec links * Auto negotiation * Half/full duplex * Promiscuous mode * TX and RX checksum offloading * MAC address filtering * :ref:`Virtual LANs ` * :ref:`Priority queues ` * :ref:`IEEE 802.1AS (gPTP) ` * :ref:`IEEE 802.1Qav (credit based shaping) <8021Qav>` * :ref:`LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) ` Not all Ethernet device drivers support all of these features. You can see what is supported by ``net iface`` net-shell command. It will print currently supported Ethernet features. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: ethernet :project: Zephyr .. doxygengroup:: ethernet_mii :project: Zephyr