[Code Component Name] ##################### Origin: [Name of project hosting the original open source code] [Provide a link to the source] Status: [Current version of this component, supported by Zephyr] Purpose: [Brief description of what this software does] Description: [Long description that will help reviewers discuss suitability of the package to solve the problem at hand (there may be a better package available.) What is its primary functionality (e.g., SQLLite is a lightweight database)? What problem are you trying to solve? (e.g., a state store is required to maintain ...) Why is this the right package to solve it (e.g., SQLite is small, easy to use, and has a very liberal license.)] Dependencies: [What other components does this package depend on? Does the software include any dynamic or static linking, or automatic downloading of any code? Will the Zephyr project have a direct dependency on the component, or will it be included via an abstraction layer with this component as a replacable implementation?] URL: [location to the project's home, e.g., a github repo] commit: [08ded7f21529c39e5133688ffb9a9d0c94e5c6e] Maintained-by: [External] License: [use SPDX identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/), such as BSD-3-Clause] License Link: [link to the project's LICENSE file, e.g., https://github.com/xyz/LICENSE]