# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # On Windows, instruct Python to output UTF-8 even when not # interacting with a terminal. This is required since Python scripts # are invoked by CMake code and, on Windows, standard I/O encoding defaults # to the current code page if not connected to a terminal, which is often # not what we want. if (WIN32) set(ENV{PYTHONIOENCODING} "utf-8") endif() set(PYTHON_MINIMUM_REQUIRED 3.6) # We are using foreach here, instead of find_program(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT "python" "python3") # cause just using find_program directly could result in a python2.7 as python, and not finding a valid python3. foreach(PYTHON_PREFER ${PYTHON_PREFER} "python" "python3") find_program(PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE ${PYTHON_PREFER}) if(PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE) execute_process (COMMAND "${PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE}" -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write('.'.join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2]]))" RESULT_VARIABLE result OUTPUT_VARIABLE version ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(version VERSION_LESS PYTHON_MINIMUM_REQUIRED) set(PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE "PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") else() set(PYTHON_MINIMUM_REQUIRED ${version}) set(PYTHON_EXACT EXACT) # Python3_ROOT_DIR ensures that location will be preferred by FindPython3. # On Linux, this has no impact as it will usually be /usr/bin # but on Windows it solve issues when both 32 and 64 bit versions are # installed, as version is not enough and FindPython3 might pick the # version not on %PATH%. Setting Python3_ROOT_DIR ensures we are using # the version we just tested. get_filename_component(PYTHON_PATH ${PYTHON_PREFER_EXECUTABLE} DIRECTORY) set(Python3_ROOT_DIR ${PYTHON_PATH}) break() endif() endif() endforeach() find_package(Python3 ${PYTHON_MINIMUM_REQUIRED} REQUIRED ${PYTHON_EXACT}) set(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ${Python3_EXECUTABLE})