""" External content ################ Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Introduction ============ This extension allows to import sources from directories out of the Sphinx source directory. They are copied to the source directory before starting the build. Note that the copy is *smart*, that is, only updated files are actually copied. Therefore, incremental builds detect changes correctly and behave as expected. Paths for external content included via e.g. figure, literalinclude, etc. are adjusted as needed. Configuration options ===================== - ``external_content_contents``: A list of external contents. Each entry is a tuple with two fields: the external base directory and a file glob pattern. - ``external_content_directives``: A list of directives that should be analyzed and their paths adjusted if necessary. Defaults to ``DEFAULT_DIRECTIVES``. - ``external_content_keep``: A list of file globs (relative to the destination directory) that should be kept even if they do not exist in the source directory. This option can be useful for auto-generated files in the destination directory. """ import filecmp import os from pathlib import Path import re import shutil import tempfile from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional from sphinx.application import Sphinx __version__ = "0.1.0" DEFAULT_DIRECTIVES = ("figure", "image", "include", "literalinclude") """Default directives for included content.""" def adjust_includes( fname: Path, basepath: Path, directives: List[str], encoding: str, dstpath: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """Adjust included content paths. Args: fname: File to be processed. basepath: Base path to be used to resolve content location. directives: Directives to be parsed and adjusted. encoding: Sources encoding. dstpath: Destination path for fname if its path is not the actual destination. """ if fname.suffix != ".rst": return dstpath = dstpath or fname.parent def _adjust(m): directive, fpath = m.groups() # ignore absolute paths if fpath.startswith("/"): fpath_adj = fpath else: fpath_adj = Path(os.path.relpath(basepath / fpath, dstpath)).as_posix() return f".. {directive}:: {fpath_adj}" with open(fname, "r+", encoding=encoding) as f: content = f.read() content_adj, modified = re.subn( r"\.\. (" + "|".join(directives) + r")::\s*([^`\n]+)", _adjust, content ) if modified: f.seek(0) f.write(content_adj) f.truncate() def sync_contents(app: Sphinx) -> None: """Synchronize external contents. Args: app: Sphinx application instance. """ srcdir = Path(app.srcdir).resolve() to_copy = [] to_delete = set(f for f in srcdir.glob("**/*") if not f.is_dir()) to_keep = set( f for k in app.config.external_content_keep for f in srcdir.glob(k) if not f.is_dir() ) for content in app.config.external_content_contents: prefix_src, glob = content for src in prefix_src.glob(glob): if src.is_dir(): to_copy.extend( [(f, prefix_src) for f in src.glob("**/*") if not f.is_dir()] ) else: to_copy.append((src, prefix_src)) for entry in to_copy: src, prefix_src = entry dst = (srcdir / src.relative_to(prefix_src)).resolve() if dst in to_delete: to_delete.remove(dst) if not dst.parent.exists(): dst.parent.mkdir(parents=True) # just copy if it does not exist if not dst.exists(): shutil.copy(src, dst) adjust_includes( dst, src.parent, app.config.external_content_directives, app.config.source_encoding, ) # if origin file is modified only copy if different elif src.stat().st_mtime > dst.stat().st_mtime: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: # adjust origin includes before comparing src_adjusted = Path(td) / src.name shutil.copy(src, src_adjusted) adjust_includes( src_adjusted, src.parent, app.config.external_content_directives, app.config.source_encoding, dstpath=dst.parent, ) if not filecmp.cmp(src_adjusted, dst): dst.unlink() shutil.move(os.fspath(src_adjusted), os.fspath(dst)) # remove any previously copied file not present in the origin folder, # excepting those marked to be kept. for file in to_delete - to_keep: file.unlink() def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]: app.add_config_value("external_content_contents", [], "env") app.add_config_value("external_content_directives", DEFAULT_DIRECTIVES, "env") app.add_config_value("external_content_keep", [], "") app.connect("builder-inited", sync_contents) return { "version": __version__, "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True, }