/* ieee802154_cc1200_regs.h - Registers definition for TI CC1200 */ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef ZEPHYR_DRIVERS_IEEE802154_IEEE802154_CC1200_REGS_H_ #define ZEPHYR_DRIVERS_IEEE802154_IEEE802154_CC1200_REGS_H_ /* Access types (see Section 3.2) */ #define CC1200_ACCESS_RD BIT(7) #define CC1200_ACCESS_WR (0x00) #define CC1200_ACCESS_BURST BIT(6) /* Configuration registers (see Section 12 for the details) */ #define CC1200_REG_IOCFG3 (0x00) #define GPIO3_ATRAN BIT(7) #define GPIO3_INV BIT(6) #define GPIO3_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_IOCFG2 (0x01) #define GPIO2_ATRAN BIT(7) #define GPIO2_INV BIT(6) #define GPIO2_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_IOCFG1 (0x02) #define GPIO1_ATRAN BIT(7) #define GPIO1_INV BIT(6) #define GPIO1_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_IOCFG0 (0x03) #define GPIO0_ATRAN BIT(7) #define GPIO0_INV BIT(6) #define GPIO0_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC3 (0x04) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC2 (0x05) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC1 (0x06) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC0 (0x07) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC_CFG1 (0x08) #define SYNC_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xE0) #define SYNC_THR(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1F) #define CC1200_REG_SYNC_CFG0 (0x09) #define AUTO_CLEAR BIT(5) #define RX_CONFIG_LIMITATION BIT(4) #define PQT_GATING_EN BIT(3) #define EXT_SYNC_DETECT BIT(2) #define STRICT_SYNC_CHECK(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define CC1200_REG_DEVIATION_M (0x0A) #define CC1200_REG_MODCFG_DEV_E (0x0B) #define MODEM_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define MOD_FORMAT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x38) #define DEV_E(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x07) #define CC1200_REG_DCFILT_CFG (0x0C) #define DCFILT_FREEZE_COEFF BIT(6) #define DCFILT_BW_SETTLE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x38) #define DCFILT_BW(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x07) #define CC1200_REG_PREAMBLE_CFG1 (0x0D) #define NUM_PREAMBL(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3C) #define PREAMBLE_WORD(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define CC1200_REG_PREAMBLE_CFG0 (0x0E) #define PQT_EN BIT(7) #define PQT_VALID_TIMEOUT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x70) #define PQT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0F) #define CC1200_REG_IQIC (0x0F) #define IQIC_EN BIT(7) #define IQIC_UPDATE_COEFF_EN BIT(6) #define IQIC_BLEN_SETTLE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) #define IQIC_BLEN(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0C) #define IQIC_IMGCH_LEVEL_THR(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define CC1200_REG_CHAN_BW (0x10) #define ADC_CIC_DECFACT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define BB_CIC_DECFAC(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) /* Is it mentioned anywhere apart from chapter 12? No known address at least * #define CC1200_REG_MDMCFG2 () * #define ASK_SHAPE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) * #define SYMBOL_MAP_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) * #define UPSAMPLER_P(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0E) * #define CFM_DATA_EN BIT(0) */ #define CC1200_REG_MDMCFG1 (0x11) #define CARRIER_SENSE_GATE BIT(7) #define FIFO_EN BIT(6) #define MANCHESTER_EN BIT(5) #define INVERT_DATA_EN BIT(4) #define COLLISION_DETECT_EN BIT(3) #define DVGA_GAIN(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x06) #define SINGLE_ADC_EN BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_MDMCFG0 (0x12) #define TRANSPARENT_MODE_EN BIT(6) #define TRANSPARENT_INTFACT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) #define DATA_FILTER_EN BIT(3) #define VITERBI_EN BIT(2) #define CC1200_REG_SYMBOL_RATE2 (0x13) #define SRATE_E(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xF0) #define SRATE_M_19_16(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0F) #define CC1200_REG_SYMBOL_RATE1 (0x14) #define CC1200_REG_SYMBOL_RATE0 (0x15) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_REF (0x16) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_CS_THR (0x17) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_GAIN_ADJUST (0x18) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_CFG3 (0x19) #define AGC_SYNC_BEHAVIOUR(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xE0) #define AGC_MIN_GAIN(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1F) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_CFG2 (0x1A) #define START_PREVIOUS_GAIN_EN BIT(7) #define FE_PERFORMANCE_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x60) #define AGC_MAX_GAIN(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1F) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_CFG1 (0x1B) #define RSSI_STEP_THR BIT(6) #define AGC_WIN_SIZE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x38) #define AGC_SETTLE_WAIT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x07) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_CFG0 (0x1C) #define AGC_HYST_LEVEL(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define AGC_SLEWRATE_LIMIT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) #define RSSI_VALID_CNT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0C) #define AGC_ASK_DECAY(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define CC1200_REG_FIFO_CFG (0x1D) #define CRC_AUTOFLUSH BIT(7) #define FIFO_THR(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x7F) #define CC1200_REG_DEV_ADDR (0x1E) #define CC1200_REG_SETTLING_CFG (0x1F) #define FS_AUTOCAL(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x18) #define LOCK_TIME(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x06) #define FSREG_TIME BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CFG (0x20) #define FS_LOCK_EN BIT(4) #define FSD_BANDSELECT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0F) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_CFG1 (0x21) #define WOR_RES(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define WOR_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x38) #define EVENT1(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x07) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_CFG0 (0x22) #define RX_DUTY_CYCLE_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define DIV_256HZ_EN BIT(5) #define EVENT2_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x18) #define RC_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x06) #define RC_PD BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_EVENT0_MSB (0x23) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_EVENT0_LSB (0x24) #define CC1200_REG_RXDCM_TIME (0x25) #define CC1200_REG_PKT_CFG2 (0x26) #define BYTE_SWAP_EN BIT(6) #define FG_MODE_EN BIT(5) #define CCA_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1C) #define CCA_ALWAYS_CLEAR (0) #define CCA_RSSI_BELOW (1 << 2) #define CCA_NO_RX (2 << 2) #define CCA_RSSI_BELOW_NO_RX (3 << 2) #define CCA_RSSI_BELOW_ETSI_LBT (4 << 2) #define PKT_FORMAT(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define PKT_FORMAT_NORMAL_MODE (0) #define PKT_FORMAT_SYNCHRONOUS_MODE (1) #define PKT_FORMAT_RANDOM_MODE (2) #define PKT_FORMAT_TRANSPARENT_MODE (3) #define CC1200_REG_PKT_CFG1 (0x27) #define FEC_EN BIT(7) #define WHITE_DATA BIT(6) #define PN9_SWAP_EN BIT(5) #define ADDR_CHECK_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x18) #define ADDR_NO_CHK (0) #define ADDR_CHK_NO_BROADCAST (1 << 3) #define ADDR_CHK_BROADCAST_00 (2 << 3) #define ADDR_CHK_BROADCAST_FF (3 << 3) #define CRC_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x06) #define CRC_NONE (0) #define CRC_FFFF (1 << 1) #define CRC_0000 (2 << 1) #define CRC_1D0F (3 << 1) #define APPEND_STATUS BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_PKT_CFG0 (0x28) #define LENGTH_CONFIG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x60) #define LENGTH_FIXED (0) #define LENGTH_VAR_1 (1 << 5) #define LENGTH_INFINITE (2 << 5) #define LENGTH_VAR_2 (3 << 5) #define PKT_BIT_LEN(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1C) #define UART_MODE_EN BIT(1) #define UART_SWAP_EN BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_RFEND_CFG1 (0x29) #define RXOFF_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) #define RX_TIME(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x0E) #define RX_TIME_QUAL BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_RFEND_CFG0 (0x2A) #define CAL_END_WAKE_UP_EN BIT(6) #define TXOFF_MODE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x30) #define TERM_ON_BAD_PACKET_EN BIT(3) #define ANT_DIV_RX_TERM_CFG(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x07) /* Common RFEND tx/rx mode */ #define RFEND_TXRX_MODE_IDLE (0) #define RFEND_TXRX_MODE_FSTXON (1 << 4) #define RFEND_TXRX_MODE_TX (2 << 4) #define RFEND_TXRX_MODE_RX (3 << 4) #define CC1200_REG_PA_CFG1 (0x2B) #define PA_RAMP_SHAPE_EN BIT(6) #define PA_POWER_RAMP_MASK (0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_PA_CFG0 (0x2C) #define FIRST_IPL(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xE0) #define SECOND_IPL(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x1C) #define RAMP_SHAPE(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x03) #define CC1200_REG_ASK_CFG (0x2D) #define AGC_ASK_BW(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0xC0) #define ASK_DEPTH(_cfg_) (_cfg_ & 0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_PKT_LEN (0x2E) #define CC1200_REG_EXTENDED_ADDRESS (0x2F) /* Command strobes */ #define CC1200_INS_SRES (0x30) #define CC1200_INS_SFSTXON (0x31) #define CC1200_INS_SXOFF (0x32) #define CC1200_INS_SCAL (0x33) #define CC1200_INS_SRX (0x34) #define CC1200_INS_STX (0x35) #define CC1200_INS_SIDLE (0x36) #define CC1200_INS_SAFC (0x37) #define CC1200_INS_SWOR (0x38) #define CC1200_INS_SPWD (0x39) #define CC1200_INS_SFRX (0x3A) #define CC1200_INS_SFTX (0x3B) #define CC1200_INS_SWORRST (0x3C) #define CC1200_INS_SNOP (0x3D) /* Memory access */ #define CC1200_MEM_DMA (0x3E) #define CC1200_MEM_STD (0x3F) /* FIFO access */ #define CC1200_REG_TXFIFO (0x3F) #define CC1200_REG_RXFIFO (0x3F) /* Configuration registers (Extended register space) */ #define CC1200_REG_IF_MIX_CFG (0x00) #define CC1200_REG_FREQOFF_CFG (0x01) #define CC1200_REG_TOC_CFG (0x02) #define CC1200_REG_MARC_SPARE (0x03) #define CC1200_REG_ECG_CFG (0x04) #define CC1200_REG_MDMCFG2 (0x05) #define CC1200_REG_EXT_CTRL (0x06) #define CC1200_REG_RCCAL_FINE (0x07) #define CC1200_REG_RCCAL_COARSE (0x08) #define CC1200_REG_RCCAL_OFFSET (0x09) #define CC1200_REG_FREQOFF1 (0x0A) #define CC1200_REG_FREQOFF0 (0x0B) #define CC1200_REG_FREQ2 (0x0C) #define CC1200_REG_FREQ1 (0x0D) #define CC1200_REG_FREQ0 (0x0E) #define CC1200_REG_IF_ADC2 (0x0F) #define CC1200_REG_IF_ADC1 (0x10) #define CC1200_REG_IF_ADC0 (0x11) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DIG1 (0x12) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DIG0 (0x13) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CAL3 (0x14) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CAL2 (0x15) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CAL1 (0x16) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CAL0 (0x17) #define CC1200_REG_FS_CHP (0x18) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DIVTWO (0x19) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DSM1 (0x1A) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DSM0 (0x1B) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DVC1 (0x1C) #define CC1200_REG_FS_DVC0 (0x1D) #define CC1200_REG_FS_LBI (0x1E) #define CC1200_REG_FS_PFD (0x1F) #define CC1200_REG_FS_PRE (0x20) #define CC1200_REG_FS_REG_DIV_CML (0x21) #define CC1200_REG_FS_SPARE (0x22) #define CC1200_REG_FS_VCO4 (0x23) #define CC1200_REG_FS_VCO3 (0x24) #define CC1200_REG_FS_VCO2 (0x25) #define CC1200_REG_FS_VCO1 (0x26) #define CC1200_REG_FS_VCO0 (0x27) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS6 (0x28) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS5 (0x29) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS4 (0x2A) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS3 (0x2B) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS2 (0x2C) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS1 (0x2D) #define CC1200_REG_GBIAS0 (0x2E) #define CC1200_REG_IFAMP (0x2F) #define CC1200_REG_LNA (0x30) #define CC1200_REG_RXMIX (0x31) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC5 (0x32) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC4 (0x33) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC3 (0x34) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC2 (0x35) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC1 (0x36) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC0 (0x37) #define CC1200_REG_ANALOG_SPARE (0x38) #define CC1200_REG_PA_CFG3 (0x39) /* All addresses in between are unused ones */ #define CC1200_REG_WOR_TIME1 (0x64) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_TIME0 (0x65) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_CAPTURE1 (0x66) #define CC1200_REG_WOR_CAPTURE0 (0x67) #define CC1200_REG_BIST (0x68) #define CC1200_REG_DCFILTOFFSET_I1 (0x69) #define CC1200_REG_DCFILTOFFSET_I0 (0x6A) #define CC1200_REG_DCFILTOFFSET_Q1 (0x6B) #define CC1200_REG_DCFILTOFFSET_Q0 (0x6C) #define CC1200_REG_IQIE_I1 (0x6D) #define CC1200_REG_IQIE_I0 (0x6E) #define CC1200_REG_IQIE_Q1 (0x6F) #define CC1200_REG_IQIE_Q0 (0x70) #define CC1200_REG_RSSI1 (0x71) #define CC1200_REG_RSSI0 (0x72) #define RSSI(_reg_) ((_reg_ & 0x78) >> 3) #define CARRIER_SENSE BIT(2) #define CARRIER_SENSE_VALID BIT(1) #define RSSI_VALID BIT(0) #define CC1200_REG_MARCSTATE (0x73) #define CC1200_REG_LQI_VAL (0x74) #define CC1200_REG_PQT_SYNC_ERR (0x75) #define CC1200_REG_DEM_STATUS (0x76) #define CC1200_REG_FREQOFF_EST1 (0x77) #define CC1200_REG_FREQOFF_EST0 (0x78) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_GAIN3 (0x79) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_GAIN2 (0x7A) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_GAIN1 (0x7B) #define CC1200_REG_AGC_GAIN0 (0x7C) #define CC1200_REG_CFM_RX_DATA_OUT (0x7D) #define CC1200_REG_CFM_RX_DATA_IN (0x7E) #define CC1200_REG_ASK_SOFT_RX_DATA (0x7F) #define CC1200_REG_RNDGEN (0x80) #define CC1200_REG_MAGN2 (0x81) #define CC1200_REG_MAGN1 (0x82) #define CC1200_REG_MAGN0 (0x83) #define CC1200_REG_ANG1 (0x84) #define CC1200_REG_ANG0 (0x85) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_I2 (0x86) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_I1 (0x87) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_I0 (0x88) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_Q2 (0x89) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_Q1 (0x8A) #define CC1200_REG_CHFILT_Q0 (0x8B) #define CC1200_REG_GPIO_STATUS (0x8C) #define CC1200_REG_FSCAL_CTRL (0x8D) #define CC1200_REG_PHASE_ADJUST (0x8E) #define CC1200_REG_PARTNUMBER (0x8F) #define CC1200_REG_PARTVERSION (0x90) #define CC1200_REG_SERIAL_STATUS (0x91) #define CC1200_REG_MODEM_STATUS1 (0x92) #define CC1200_REG_MODEM_STATUS0 (0x93) #define CC1200_REG_MARC_STATUS1 (0x94) #define CC1200_REG_MARC_STATUS0 (0x95) #define CC1200_REG_PA_IFAMP_TEST (0x96) #define CC1200_REG_FSRF_TEST (0x97) #define CC1200_REG_PRE_TEST (0x98) #define CC1200_REG_PRE_OVR (0x99) #define CC1200_REG_ADC_TEST (0x9A) #define CC1200_REG_DVC_TEST (0x9B) #define CC1200_REG_ATEST (0x9C) #define CC1200_REG_ATEST_LVDS (0x9D) #define CC1200_REG_ATEST_MODE (0x9E) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC_TEST1 (0x9F) #define CC1200_REG_XOSC_TEST0 (0xA0) #define CC1200_REG_AES (0xA1) #define CC1200_REG_MDM_TEST (0xA2) /* All addresses in between are unused ones */ #define CC1200_REG_RXFIRST (0xD2) #define CC1200_REG_TXFIRST (0xD3) #define CC1200_REG_RXLAST (0xD4) #define CC1200_REG_TXLAST (0xD5) #define CC1200_REG_NUM_TXBYTES (0xD6) #define CC1200_REG_NUM_RXBYTES (0xD7) #define CC1200_REG_FIFO_NUM_TXBYTES (0xD8) #define CC1200_REG_FIFO_NUM_RXBYTES (0xD9) #define CC1200_REG_RXFIFO_PRE_BUF (0xDA) /* All addresses in between are unused ones */ #define CC1200_REG_AES_WORKSPACE (0xE0) /* Useful values *************** */ /* GPIO signals - See Section * Note: some signals are only available on certain GPIO * thus the number CC1200_GPIOn_(...) on some which * tells the GPIO line where that signal is valid. */ #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RXFIFO_THR (0) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RXFIFO_THR_PKT (1) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_TXFIFO_THR (2) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_TXFIFO_THR_PKT (3) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RXFIFO_OVERFLOW (4) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_TXFIFO_UNDERFLOW (5) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PKT_SYNC_RXTX (6) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CRC_OK (7) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_SERIAL_CLK (8) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_SERIAL_RX (9) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PQT_REACHED (11) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PQT_VALID (12) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RSSI_VALID (13) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_RSSI_UPDATE (14) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_RSSI_UPDATE (14) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_AGC_HOLD (14) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_AGC_UPDATE (14) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_CCA_STATUS (15) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_TXONCCA_DONE (15) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_CCA_STATUS (15) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_TXONCCA_FAILED (15) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CARRIER_SENSE_VALID (16) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CARRIER_SENSE (17) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_DSSS_CLK (18) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_DSSS_DATA0 (18) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_DSSS_CLK (18) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_DSSS_DATA1 (18) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PKT_CRC_OK (19) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_MCU_WAKEUP (20) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_SYNC_LOW0_HIGH1 (21) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_AES_COMMAND_ACTIVE (22) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_LNA_PA_REG_PD (23) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_LNA_PD (24) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PA_PD (25) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RX0TX1_CFG (26) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_IMAGE_FOUND (28) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CLKEN_CFM (29) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CFM_TX_DATA_CLK (30) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_RSSI_STEP_FOUND (33) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_AES_RUN (34) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_AES_RUN (34) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_RSSI_STEP_EVENT (34) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_RSSI_STEP_EVENT (34) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_LOCK (35) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_LOCK (35) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_ANTENNA_SELECT (36) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_MARC_2PIN_STATUS_1 (37) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_MARC_2PIN_STATUS_0 (38) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_TXFIFO_OVERFLOW (39) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_RXFIFO_UNDERFLOW (39) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_MAGN_VALID (40) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_CHFILT_VALID (40) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_RCC_CAL_VALID (40) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_CHFILT_STARTUP_VALID (40) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_COLLISION_FOUND (41) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_SYNC_EVENT (41) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_COLLISION_FOUND (41) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_COLLISION_EVENT (41) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_PA_RAMP_UP (42) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_CRC_FAILED (43) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_LENGTH_FAILED (43) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_ADDR_FAILED (43) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_UART_FRAMING_ERROR (43) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_AGC_STABLE_GAIN (44) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_AGC_UPDATE (45) #define CC1200_GPIO3_SIG_ADC_CLOCK (46) #define CC1200_GPIO2_SIG_ADC_Q_DATA_SAMPLE (46) #define CC1200_GPIO1_SIG_ADC_CLOCK (46) #define CC1200_GPIO0_SIG_ADC_I_DATA_SAMPLE (46) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_HIGHZ (48) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_EXT_CLOCK (49) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CHIP_RDYn (50) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_HW0 (51) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_CLOCK_40K (54) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_WOR_EVENT0 (55) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_WOR_EVENT1 (56) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_WOR_EVENT2 (57) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_XOSC_STABLE (59) #define CC1200_GPIO_SIG_EXT_OSC_EN (60) /* Chip status - See Section 3.1.2 */ #define CC1200_STATUS_CHIP_NOT_READY BIT(7) #define CC1200_STATUS_IDLE (0x00) #define CC1200_STATUS_RX (0x01 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_TX (0x02 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_FSTXON (0x03 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_CALIBRATE (0x04 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_SETTLING (0x05 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_RX_FIFO_ERROR (0x06 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_TX_FIFO_ERROR (0x07 << 4) #define CC1200_STATUS_MASK (0x70) /* Appended FCS - See Section 8 */ #define CC1200_FCS_LEN (2) #define CC1200_FCS_CRC_OK BIT(7) #define CC1200_FCS_LQI_MASK (0x7F) /* ToDo: supporting 802.15.4g will make this header of a different size */ #define CC1200_PHY_HDR_LEN (1) #endif /* ZEPHYR_DRIVERS_IEEE802154_IEEE802154_CC1200_REGS_H_ */