#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set syntax=python ts=4 : # # Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import os import contextlib import string import mmap import sys import re import subprocess import select import shutil import shlex import signal import threading import concurrent.futures from collections import OrderedDict from threading import BoundedSemaphore import queue import time import csv import glob import concurrent import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import logging import pty from pathlib import Path import traceback from distutils.spawn import find_executable from colorama import Fore import pickle import platform import yaml try: # Use the C LibYAML parser if available, rather than the Python parser. # It's much faster. from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader from yaml import CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import SafeLoader, Dumper try: import serial except ImportError: print("Install pyserial python module with pip to use --device-testing option.") try: from tabulate import tabulate except ImportError: print("Install tabulate python module with pip to use --device-testing option.") try: import psutil except ImportError: print("Install psutil python module with pip to run in Qemu.") ZEPHYR_BASE = os.getenv("ZEPHYR_BASE") if not ZEPHYR_BASE: sys.exit("$ZEPHYR_BASE environment variable undefined") # This is needed to load edt.pickle files. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "dts")) hw_map_local = threading.Lock() report_lock = threading.Lock() # Use this for internal comparisons; that's what canonicalization is # for. Don't use it when invoking other components of the build system # to avoid confusing and hard to trace inconsistencies in error messages # and logs, generated Makefiles, etc. compared to when users invoke these # components directly. # Note "normalization" is different from canonicalization, see os.path. canonical_zephyr_base = os.path.realpath(ZEPHYR_BASE) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts/")) from sanity_chk import scl from sanity_chk import expr_parser logger = logging.getLogger('sanitycheck') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) pipeline = queue.LifoQueue() class CMakeCacheEntry: '''Represents a CMake cache entry. This class understands the type system in a CMakeCache.txt, and converts the following cache types to Python types: Cache Type Python type ---------- ------------------------------------------- FILEPATH str PATH str STRING str OR list of str (if ';' is in the value) BOOL bool INTERNAL str OR list of str (if ';' is in the value) ---------- ------------------------------------------- ''' # Regular expression for a cache entry. # # CMake variable names can include escape characters, allowing a # wider set of names than is easy to match with a regular # expression. To be permissive here, use a non-greedy match up to # the first colon (':'). This breaks if the variable name has a # colon inside, but it's good enough. CACHE_ENTRY = re.compile( r'''(?P.*?) # name :(?PFILEPATH|PATH|STRING|BOOL|INTERNAL) # type =(?P.*) # value ''', re.X) @classmethod def _to_bool(cls, val): # Convert a CMake BOOL string into a Python bool. # # "True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a # non-zero number. False if the constant is 0, OFF, NO, # FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the empty string, or ends in # the suffix -NOTFOUND. Named boolean constants are # case-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these # constants, it is treated as a variable." # # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/if.html val = val.upper() if val in ('ON', 'YES', 'TRUE', 'Y'): return 1 elif val in ('OFF', 'NO', 'FALSE', 'N', 'IGNORE', 'NOTFOUND', ''): return 0 elif val.endswith('-NOTFOUND'): return 0 else: try: v = int(val) return v != 0 except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError('invalid bool {}'.format(val)) from exc @classmethod def from_line(cls, line, line_no): # Comments can only occur at the beginning of a line. # (The value of an entry could contain a comment character). if line.startswith('//') or line.startswith('#'): return None # Whitespace-only lines do not contain cache entries. if not line.strip(): return None m = cls.CACHE_ENTRY.match(line) if not m: return None name, type_, value = (m.group(g) for g in ('name', 'type', 'value')) if type_ == 'BOOL': try: value = cls._to_bool(value) except ValueError as exc: args = exc.args + ('on line {}: {}'.format(line_no, line),) raise ValueError(args) from exc elif type_ in ['STRING', 'INTERNAL']: # If the value is a CMake list (i.e. is a string which # contains a ';'), convert to a Python list. if ';' in value: value = value.split(';') return CMakeCacheEntry(name, value) def __init__(self, name, value): self.name = name self.value = value def __str__(self): fmt = 'CMakeCacheEntry(name={}, value={})' return fmt.format(self.name, self.value) class CMakeCache: '''Parses and represents a CMake cache file.''' @staticmethod def from_file(cache_file): return CMakeCache(cache_file) def __init__(self, cache_file): self.cache_file = cache_file self.load(cache_file) def load(self, cache_file): entries = [] with open(cache_file, 'r') as cache: for line_no, line in enumerate(cache): entry = CMakeCacheEntry.from_line(line, line_no) if entry: entries.append(entry) self._entries = OrderedDict((e.name, e) for e in entries) def get(self, name, default=None): entry = self._entries.get(name) if entry is not None: return entry.value else: return default def get_list(self, name, default=None): if default is None: default = [] entry = self._entries.get(name) if entry is not None: value = entry.value if isinstance(value, list): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return [value] if value else [] else: msg = 'invalid value {} type {}' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(value, type(value))) else: return default def __contains__(self, name): return name in self._entries def __getitem__(self, name): return self._entries[name].value def __setitem__(self, name, entry): if not isinstance(entry, CMakeCacheEntry): msg = 'improper type {} for value {}, expecting CMakeCacheEntry' raise TypeError(msg.format(type(entry), entry)) self._entries[name] = entry def __delitem__(self, name): del self._entries[name] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._entries.values()) class SanityCheckException(Exception): pass class SanityRuntimeError(SanityCheckException): pass class ConfigurationError(SanityCheckException): def __init__(self, cfile, message): SanityCheckException.__init__(self, cfile + ": " + message) class BuildError(SanityCheckException): pass class ExecutionError(SanityCheckException): pass class HarnessImporter: def __init__(self, name): sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts/sanity_chk")) module = __import__("harness") if name: my_class = getattr(module, name) else: my_class = getattr(module, "Test") self.instance = my_class() class Handler: def __init__(self, instance, type_str="build"): """Constructor """ self.lock = threading.Lock() self.state = "waiting" self.run = False self.duration = 0 self.type_str = type_str self.binary = None self.pid_fn = None self.call_make_run = False self.name = instance.name self.instance = instance self.timeout = instance.testcase.timeout self.sourcedir = instance.testcase.source_dir self.build_dir = instance.build_dir self.log = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "handler.log") self.returncode = 0 self.set_state("running", self.duration) self.generator = None self.generator_cmd = None self.args = [] def set_state(self, state, duration): self.lock.acquire() self.state = state self.duration = duration self.lock.release() def get_state(self): self.lock.acquire() ret = (self.state, self.duration) self.lock.release() return ret def record(self, harness): if harness.recording: filename = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "recording.csv") with open(filename, "at") as csvfile: cw = csv.writer(csvfile, harness.fieldnames, lineterminator=os.linesep) cw.writerow(harness.fieldnames) for instance in harness.recording: cw.writerow(instance) class BinaryHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, instance, type_str): """Constructor @param instance Test Instance """ super().__init__(instance, type_str) self.terminated = False # Tool options self.valgrind = False self.lsan = False self.asan = False self.ubsan = False self.coverage = False def try_kill_process_by_pid(self): if self.pid_fn: pid = int(open(self.pid_fn).read()) os.unlink(self.pid_fn) self.pid_fn = None # clear so we don't try to kill the binary twice try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: pass def terminate(self, proc): # encapsulate terminate functionality so we do it consistently where ever # we might want to terminate the proc. We need try_kill_process_by_pid # because of both how newer ninja (1.6.0 or greater) and .NET / renode # work. Newer ninja's don't seem to pass SIGTERM down to the children # so we need to use try_kill_process_by_pid. self.try_kill_process_by_pid() proc.terminate() # sleep for a while before attempting to kill time.sleep(0.5) proc.kill() self.terminated = True def _output_reader(self, proc, harness): log_out_fp = open(self.log, "wt") for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''): logger.debug("OUTPUT: {0}".format(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip())) log_out_fp.write(line.decode('utf-8')) log_out_fp.flush() harness.handle(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()) if harness.state: try: # POSIX arch based ztests end on their own, # so let's give it up to 100ms to do so proc.wait(0.1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: self.terminate(proc) break log_out_fp.close() def handle(self): harness_name = self.instance.testcase.harness.capitalize() harness_import = HarnessImporter(harness_name) harness = harness_import.instance harness.configure(self.instance) if self.call_make_run: command = [self.generator_cmd, "run"] else: command = [self.binary] run_valgrind = False if self.valgrind and shutil.which("valgrind"): command = ["valgrind", "--error-exitcode=2", "--leak-check=full", "--suppressions=" + ZEPHYR_BASE + "/scripts/valgrind.supp", "--log-file=" + self.build_dir + "/valgrind.log" ] + command run_valgrind = True logger.debug("Spawning process: " + " ".join(shlex.quote(word) for word in command) + os.linesep + "in directory: " + self.build_dir) start_time = time.time() env = os.environ.copy() if self.asan: env["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "log_path=stdout:" + \ env.get("ASAN_OPTIONS", "") if not self.lsan: env["ASAN_OPTIONS"] += "detect_leaks=0" if self.ubsan: env["UBSAN_OPTIONS"] = "log_path=stdout:halt_on_error=1:" + \ env.get("UBSAN_OPTIONS", "") with subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.build_dir, env=env) as proc: logger.debug("Spawning BinaryHandler Thread for %s" % self.name) t = threading.Thread(target=self._output_reader, args=(proc, harness,), daemon=True) t.start() t.join(self.timeout) if t.is_alive(): self.terminate(proc) t.join() proc.wait() self.returncode = proc.returncode handler_time = time.time() - start_time if self.coverage: subprocess.call(["GCOV_PREFIX=" + self.build_dir, "gcov", self.sourcedir, "-b", "-s", self.build_dir], shell=True) self.try_kill_process_by_pid() # FIXME: This is needed when killing the simulator, the console is # garbled and needs to be reset. Did not find a better way to do that. subprocess.call(["stty", "sane"]) self.instance.results = harness.tests if not self.terminated and self.returncode != 0: # When a process is killed, the default handler returns 128 + SIGTERM # so in that case the return code itself is not meaningful self.set_state("failed", handler_time) self.instance.reason = "Failed" elif run_valgrind and self.returncode == 2: self.set_state("failed", handler_time) self.instance.reason = "Valgrind error" elif harness.state: self.set_state(harness.state, handler_time) if harness.state == "failed": self.instance.reason = "Failed" else: self.set_state("timeout", handler_time) self.instance.reason = "Timeout" self.record(harness) class DeviceHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, instance, type_str): """Constructor @param instance Test Instance """ super().__init__(instance, type_str) self.suite = None def monitor_serial(self, ser, halt_fileno, harness): log_out_fp = open(self.log, "wt") ser_fileno = ser.fileno() readlist = [halt_fileno, ser_fileno] while ser.isOpen(): readable, _, _ = select.select(readlist, [], [], self.timeout) if halt_fileno in readable: logger.debug('halted') ser.close() break if ser_fileno not in readable: continue # Timeout. serial_line = None try: serial_line = ser.readline() except TypeError: pass except serial.SerialException: ser.close() break # Just because ser_fileno has data doesn't mean an entire line # is available yet. if serial_line: sl = serial_line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').lstrip() logger.debug("DEVICE: {0}".format(sl.rstrip())) log_out_fp.write(sl) log_out_fp.flush() harness.handle(sl.rstrip()) if harness.state: ser.close() break log_out_fp.close() def device_is_available(self, instance): device = instance.platform.name fixture = instance.testcase.harness_config.get("fixture") for i in self.suite.connected_hardware: if fixture and fixture not in i.get('fixtures', []): continue if i['platform'] == device and i['available'] and (i['serial'] or i.get('serial_pty', None)): return True return False def get_available_device(self, instance): device = instance.platform.name for i in self.suite.connected_hardware: if i['platform'] == device and i['available'] and (i['serial'] or i.get('serial_pty', None)): i['available'] = False i['counter'] += 1 return i return None def make_device_available(self, serial): with hw_map_local: for i in self.suite.connected_hardware: if i['serial'] == serial or i.get('serial_pty', None): i['available'] = True @staticmethod def run_custom_script(script, timeout): with subprocess.Popen(script, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: try: stdout, _ = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) logger.debug(stdout.decode()) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() proc.communicate() logger.error("{} timed out".format(script)) def handle(self): out_state = "failed" if self.suite.west_flash is not None: command = ["west", "flash", "--skip-rebuild", "-d", self.build_dir] if self.suite.west_runner: command.append("--runner") command.append(self.suite.west_runner) # There are three ways this option is used. # 1) bare: --west-flash # This results in options.west_flash == [] # 2) with a value: --west-flash="--board-id=42" # This results in options.west_flash == "--board-id=42" # 3) Multiple values: --west-flash="--board-id=42,--erase" # This results in options.west_flash == "--board-id=42 --erase" if self.suite.west_flash != []: command.append('--') command.extend(self.suite.west_flash.split(',')) else: command = [self.generator_cmd, "-C", self.build_dir, "flash"] while not self.device_is_available(self.instance): logger.debug("Waiting for device {} to become available".format(self.instance.platform.name)) time.sleep(1) hardware = self.get_available_device(self.instance) if hardware: runner = hardware.get('runner', None) if runner: board_id = hardware.get("probe_id", hardware.get("id", None)) product = hardware.get("product", None) command = ["west", "flash", "--skip-rebuild", "-d", self.build_dir] command.append("--runner") command.append(hardware.get('runner', None)) if runner == "pyocd": command.append("--board-id") command.append(board_id) elif runner == "nrfjprog": command.append('--') command.append("--snr") command.append(board_id) elif runner == "openocd" and product == "STM32 STLink": command.append('--') command.append("--cmd-pre-init") command.append("hla_serial %s" % (board_id)) elif runner == "openocd" and product == "STLINK-V3": command.append('--') command.append("--cmd-pre-init") command.append("hla_serial %s" % (board_id)) elif runner == "openocd" and product == "EDBG CMSIS-DAP": command.append('--') command.append("--cmd-pre-init") command.append("cmsis_dap_serial %s" % (board_id)) elif runner == "jlink": command.append("--tool-opt=-SelectEmuBySN %s" % (board_id)) serial_pty = hardware.get('serial_pty', None) if serial_pty: master, slave = pty.openpty() try: ser_pty_process = subprocess.Popen(serial_pty, stdout=master, stdin=master, stderr=master) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: logger.error("Failed to run subprocess {}, error {}".format(serial_pty, error.output)) return serial_device = os.ttyname(slave) else: serial_device = hardware['serial'] logger.debug("Using serial device {}".format(serial_device)) try: ser = serial.Serial( serial_device, baudrate=115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=self.timeout ) except serial.SerialException as e: self.set_state("failed", 0) self.instance.reason = "Failed" logger.error("Serial device error: %s" % (str(e))) if serial_pty: ser_pty_process.terminate() outs, errs = ser_pty_process.communicate() logger.debug("Process {} terminated outs: {} errs {}".format(serial_pty, outs, errs)) self.make_device_available(serial_device) return ser.flush() harness_name = self.instance.testcase.harness.capitalize() harness_import = HarnessImporter(harness_name) harness = harness_import.instance harness.configure(self.instance) read_pipe, write_pipe = os.pipe() start_time = time.time() pre_script = hardware.get('pre_script') post_flash_script = hardware.get('post_flash_script') post_script = hardware.get('post_script') if pre_script: self.run_custom_script(pre_script, 30) t = threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_serial, daemon=True, args=(ser, read_pipe, harness)) t.start() d_log = "{}/device.log".format(self.instance.build_dir) logger.debug('Flash command: %s', command) try: stdout = stderr = None with subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: try: (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate(timeout=30) logger.debug(stdout.decode()) if proc.returncode != 0: self.instance.reason = "Device issue (Flash?)" with open(d_log, "w") as dlog_fp: dlog_fp.write(stderr.decode()) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() self.instance.reason = "Device issue (Timeout)" with open(d_log, "w") as dlog_fp: dlog_fp.write(stderr.decode()) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: os.write(write_pipe, b'x') # halt the thread if post_flash_script: self.run_custom_script(post_flash_script, 30) t.join(self.timeout) if t.is_alive(): logger.debug("Timed out while monitoring serial output on {}".format(self.instance.platform.name)) out_state = "timeout" if ser.isOpen(): ser.close() if serial_pty: ser_pty_process.terminate() outs, errs = ser_pty_process.communicate() logger.debug("Process {} terminated outs: {} errs {}".format(serial_pty, outs, errs)) os.close(write_pipe) os.close(read_pipe) handler_time = time.time() - start_time if out_state == "timeout": for c in self.instance.testcase.cases: if c not in harness.tests: harness.tests[c] = "BLOCK" self.instance.reason = "Timeout" self.instance.results = harness.tests if harness.state: self.set_state(harness.state, handler_time) if harness.state == "failed": self.instance.reason = "Failed" else: self.set_state(out_state, handler_time) if post_script: self.run_custom_script(post_script, 30) self.make_device_available(serial_device) self.record(harness) class QEMUHandler(Handler): """Spawns a thread to monitor QEMU output from pipes We pass QEMU_PIPE to 'make run' and monitor the pipes for output. We need to do this as once qemu starts, it runs forever until killed. Test cases emit special messages to the console as they run, we check for these to collect whether the test passed or failed. """ def __init__(self, instance, type_str): """Constructor @param instance Test instance """ super().__init__(instance, type_str) self.fifo_fn = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "qemu-fifo") self.pid_fn = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "qemu.pid") @staticmethod def _get_cpu_time(pid): """get process CPU time. The guest virtual time in QEMU icount mode isn't host time and it's maintained by counting guest instructions, so we use QEMU process exection time to mostly simulate the time of guest OS. """ proc = psutil.Process(pid) cpu_time = proc.cpu_times() return cpu_time.user + cpu_time.system @staticmethod def _thread(handler, timeout, outdir, logfile, fifo_fn, pid_fn, results, harness): fifo_in = fifo_fn + ".in" fifo_out = fifo_fn + ".out" # These in/out nodes are named from QEMU's perspective, not ours if os.path.exists(fifo_in): os.unlink(fifo_in) os.mkfifo(fifo_in) if os.path.exists(fifo_out): os.unlink(fifo_out) os.mkfifo(fifo_out) # We don't do anything with out_fp but we need to open it for # writing so that QEMU doesn't block, due to the way pipes work out_fp = open(fifo_in, "wb") # Disable internal buffering, we don't # want read() or poll() to ever block if there is data in there in_fp = open(fifo_out, "rb", buffering=0) log_out_fp = open(logfile, "wt") start_time = time.time() timeout_time = start_time + timeout p = select.poll() p.register(in_fp, select.POLLIN) out_state = None line = "" timeout_extended = False pid = 0 if os.path.exists(pid_fn): pid = int(open(pid_fn).read()) while True: this_timeout = int((timeout_time - time.time()) * 1000) if this_timeout < 0 or not p.poll(this_timeout): if pid and this_timeout > 0: #there is possibility we polled nothing because #of host not scheduled QEMU process enough CPU #time during p.poll(this_timeout) cpu_time = QEMUHandler._get_cpu_time(pid) if cpu_time < timeout and not out_state: timeout_time = time.time() + (timeout - cpu_time) continue if not out_state: out_state = "timeout" break if pid == 0 and os.path.exists(pid_fn): pid = int(open(pid_fn).read()) try: c = in_fp.read(1).decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: # Test is writing something weird, fail out_state = "unexpected byte" break if c == "": # EOF, this shouldn't happen unless QEMU crashes out_state = "unexpected eof" break line = line + c if c != "\n": continue # line contains a full line of data output from QEMU log_out_fp.write(line) log_out_fp.flush() line = line.strip() logger.debug("QEMU: %s" % line) harness.handle(line) if harness.state: # if we have registered a fail make sure the state is not # overridden by a false success message coming from the # testsuite if out_state not in ['failed', 'unexpected eof', 'unexpected byte']: out_state = harness.state # if we get some state, that means test is doing well, we reset # the timeout and wait for 2 more seconds to catch anything # printed late. We wait much longer if code # coverage is enabled since dumping this information can # take some time. if not timeout_extended or harness.capture_coverage: timeout_extended = True if harness.capture_coverage: timeout_time = time.time() + 30 else: timeout_time = time.time() + 2 line = "" handler.record(harness) handler_time = time.time() - start_time logger.debug("QEMU complete (%s) after %f seconds" % (out_state, handler_time)) if out_state == "timeout": handler.instance.reason = "Timeout" handler.set_state("failed", handler_time) elif out_state == "failed": handler.instance.reason = "Failed" handler.set_state("failed", handler_time) elif out_state in ['unexpected eof', 'unexpected byte']: handler.instance.reason = out_state handler.set_state("failed", handler_time) else: handler.set_state(out_state, handler_time) log_out_fp.close() out_fp.close() in_fp.close() if pid: try: if pid: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: # Oh well, as long as it's dead! User probably sent Ctrl-C pass os.unlink(fifo_in) os.unlink(fifo_out) def handle(self): self.results = {} self.run = True # We pass this to QEMU which looks for fifos with .in and .out # suffixes. self.fifo_fn = os.path.join(self.instance.build_dir, "qemu-fifo") self.pid_fn = os.path.join(self.instance.build_dir, "qemu.pid") if os.path.exists(self.pid_fn): os.unlink(self.pid_fn) self.log_fn = self.log harness_import = HarnessImporter(self.instance.testcase.harness.capitalize()) harness = harness_import.instance harness.configure(self.instance) self.thread = threading.Thread(name=self.name, target=QEMUHandler._thread, args=(self, self.timeout, self.build_dir, self.log_fn, self.fifo_fn, self.pid_fn, self.results, harness)) self.instance.results = harness.tests self.thread.daemon = True logger.debug("Spawning QEMUHandler Thread for %s" % self.name) self.thread.start() subprocess.call(["stty", "sane"]) logger.debug("Running %s (%s)" % (self.name, self.type_str)) command = [self.generator_cmd] command += ["-C", self.build_dir, "run"] with subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.build_dir) as proc: logger.debug("Spawning QEMUHandler Thread for %s" % self.name) try: proc.wait(self.timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: #sometimes QEMU can't handle SIGTERM signal correctly #in that case kill -9 QEMU process directly and leave #sanitycheck judge testing result by console output if os.path.exists(self.pid_fn): qemu_pid = int(open(self.pid_fn).read()) try: os.kill(qemu_pid, signal.SIGKILL) except ProcessLookupError: pass proc.wait() if harness.state == "passed": self.returncode = 0 else: self.returncode = proc.returncode else: proc.terminate() proc.kill() self.returncode = proc.returncode else: logger.debug(f"No timeout, return code from qemu: {self.returncode}") self.returncode = proc.returncode if os.path.exists(self.pid_fn): os.unlink(self.pid_fn) logger.debug(f"return code from qemu: {self.returncode}") if self.returncode != 0 or not harness.state: self.set_state("failed", 0) self.instance.reason = "Exited with {}".format(self.returncode) def get_fifo(self): return self.fifo_fn class SizeCalculator: alloc_sections = [ "bss", "noinit", "app_bss", "app_noinit", "ccm_bss", "ccm_noinit" ] rw_sections = [ "datas", "initlevel", "exceptions", "initshell", "_static_thread_data_area", "k_timer_area", "k_mem_slab_area", "k_mem_pool_area", "sw_isr_table", "k_sem_area", "k_mutex_area", "app_shmem_regions", "_k_fifo_area", "_k_lifo_area", "k_stack_area", "k_msgq_area", "k_mbox_area", "k_pipe_area", "net_if", "net_if_dev", "net_l2_data", "k_queue_area", "_net_buf_pool_area", "app_datas", "kobject_data", "mmu_tables", "app_pad", "priv_stacks", "ccm_data", "usb_descriptor", "usb_data", "usb_bos_desc", "uart_mux", 'log_backends_sections', 'log_dynamic_sections', 'log_const_sections', "app_smem", 'shell_root_cmds_sections', 'log_const_sections', "font_entry_sections", "priv_stacks_noinit", "_GCOV_BSS_SECTION_NAME", "gcov", "nocache" ] # These get copied into RAM only on non-XIP ro_sections = [ "rom_start", "text", "ctors", "init_array", "reset", "z_object_assignment_area", "rodata", "devconfig", "net_l2", "vector", "sw_isr_table", "settings_handler_static_area", "bt_l2cap_fixed_chan", "bt_l2cap_br_fixec_chan", "bt_gatt_service_static", "vectors", "net_socket_register_area", "net_ppp_proto", "shell_area", "tracing_backend_area", ] def __init__(self, filename, extra_sections): """Constructor @param filename Path to the output binary The is parsed by objdump to determine section sizes """ # Make sure this is an ELF binary with open(filename, "rb") as f: magic = f.read(4) try: if magic != b'\x7fELF': raise SanityRuntimeError("%s is not an ELF binary" % filename) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(2) # Search for CONFIG_XIP in the ELF's list of symbols using NM and AWK. # GREP can not be used as it returns an error if the symbol is not # found. is_xip_command = "nm " + filename + \ " | awk '/CONFIG_XIP/ { print $3 }'" is_xip_output = subprocess.check_output( is_xip_command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode( "utf-8").strip() try: if is_xip_output.endswith("no symbols"): raise SanityRuntimeError("%s has no symbol information" % filename) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(2) self.is_xip = (len(is_xip_output) != 0) self.filename = filename self.sections = [] self.rom_size = 0 self.ram_size = 0 self.extra_sections = extra_sections self._calculate_sizes() def get_ram_size(self): """Get the amount of RAM the application will use up on the device @return amount of RAM, in bytes """ return self.ram_size def get_rom_size(self): """Get the size of the data that this application uses on device's flash @return amount of ROM, in bytes """ return self.rom_size def unrecognized_sections(self): """Get a list of sections inside the binary that weren't recognized @return list of unrecognized section names """ slist = [] for v in self.sections: if not v["recognized"]: slist.append(v["name"]) return slist def _calculate_sizes(self): """ Calculate RAM and ROM usage by section """ objdump_command = "objdump -h " + self.filename objdump_output = subprocess.check_output( objdump_command, shell=True).decode("utf-8").splitlines() for line in objdump_output: words = line.split() if not words: # Skip lines that are too short continue index = words[0] if not index[0].isdigit(): # Skip lines that do not start continue # with a digit name = words[1] # Skip lines with section names if name[0] == '.': # starting with '.' continue # TODO this doesn't actually reflect the size in flash or RAM as # it doesn't include linker-imposed padding between sections. # It is close though. size = int(words[2], 16) if size == 0: continue load_addr = int(words[4], 16) virt_addr = int(words[3], 16) # Add section to memory use totals (for both non-XIP and XIP scenarios) # Unrecognized section names are not included in the calculations. recognized = True if name in SizeCalculator.alloc_sections: self.ram_size += size stype = "alloc" elif name in SizeCalculator.rw_sections: self.ram_size += size self.rom_size += size stype = "rw" elif name in SizeCalculator.ro_sections: self.rom_size += size if not self.is_xip: self.ram_size += size stype = "ro" else: stype = "unknown" if name not in self.extra_sections: recognized = False self.sections.append({"name": name, "load_addr": load_addr, "size": size, "virt_addr": virt_addr, "type": stype, "recognized": recognized}) class SanityConfigParser: """Class to read test case files with semantic checking """ def __init__(self, filename, schema): """Instantiate a new SanityConfigParser object @param filename Source .yaml file to read """ self.data = {} self.schema = schema self.filename = filename self.tests = {} self.common = {} def load(self): self.data = scl.yaml_load_verify(self.filename, self.schema) if 'tests' in self.data: self.tests = self.data['tests'] if 'common' in self.data: self.common = self.data['common'] def _cast_value(self, value, typestr): if isinstance(value, str): v = value.strip() if typestr == "str": return v elif typestr == "float": return float(value) elif typestr == "int": return int(value) elif typestr == "bool": return value elif typestr.startswith("list") and isinstance(value, list): return value elif typestr.startswith("list") and isinstance(value, str): vs = v.split() if len(typestr) > 4 and typestr[4] == ":": return [self._cast_value(vsi, typestr[5:]) for vsi in vs] else: return vs elif typestr.startswith("set"): vs = v.split() if len(typestr) > 3 and typestr[3] == ":": return {self._cast_value(vsi, typestr[4:]) for vsi in vs} else: return set(vs) elif typestr.startswith("map"): return value else: raise ConfigurationError( self.filename, "unknown type '%s'" % value) def get_test(self, name, valid_keys): """Get a dictionary representing the keys/values within a test @param name The test in the .yaml file to retrieve data from @param valid_keys A dictionary representing the intended semantics for this test. Each key in this dictionary is a key that could be specified, if a key is given in the .yaml file which isn't in here, it will generate an error. Each value in this dictionary is another dictionary containing metadata: "default" - Default value if not given "type" - Data type to convert the text value to. Simple types supported are "str", "float", "int", "bool" which will get converted to respective Python data types. "set" and "list" may also be specified which will split the value by whitespace (but keep the elements as strings). finally, "list:" and "set:" may be given which will perform a type conversion after splitting the value up. "required" - If true, raise an error if not defined. If false and "default" isn't specified, a type conversion will be done on an empty string @return A dictionary containing the test key-value pairs with type conversion and default values filled in per valid_keys """ d = {} for k, v in self.common.items(): d[k] = v for k, v in self.tests[name].items(): if k not in valid_keys: raise ConfigurationError( self.filename, "Unknown config key '%s' in definition for '%s'" % (k, name)) if k in d: if isinstance(d[k], str): # By default, we just concatenate string values of keys # which appear both in "common" and per-test sections, # but some keys are handled in adhoc way based on their # semantics. if k == "filter": d[k] = "(%s) and (%s)" % (d[k], v) else: d[k] += " " + v else: d[k] = v for k, kinfo in valid_keys.items(): if k not in d: if "required" in kinfo: required = kinfo["required"] else: required = False if required: raise ConfigurationError( self.filename, "missing required value for '%s' in test '%s'" % (k, name)) else: if "default" in kinfo: default = kinfo["default"] else: default = self._cast_value("", kinfo["type"]) d[k] = default else: try: d[k] = self._cast_value(d[k], kinfo["type"]) except ValueError: raise ConfigurationError( self.filename, "bad %s value '%s' for key '%s' in name '%s'" % (kinfo["type"], d[k], k, name)) return d class Platform: """Class representing metadata for a particular platform Maps directly to BOARD when building""" platform_schema = scl.yaml_load(os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "sanity_chk", "platform-schema.yaml")) def __init__(self): """Constructor. """ self.name = "" self.sanitycheck = True # if no RAM size is specified by the board, take a default of 128K self.ram = 128 self.ignore_tags = [] self.only_tags = [] self.default = False # if no flash size is specified by the board, take a default of 512K self.flash = 512 self.supported = set() self.arch = "" self.type = "na" self.simulation = "na" self.supported_toolchains = [] self.env = [] self.env_satisfied = True self.filter_data = dict() def load(self, platform_file): scp = SanityConfigParser(platform_file, self.platform_schema) scp.load() data = scp.data self.name = data['identifier'] self.sanitycheck = data.get("sanitycheck", True) # if no RAM size is specified by the board, take a default of 128K self.ram = data.get("ram", 128) testing = data.get("testing", {}) self.ignore_tags = testing.get("ignore_tags", []) self.only_tags = testing.get("only_tags", []) self.default = testing.get("default", False) # if no flash size is specified by the board, take a default of 512K self.flash = data.get("flash", 512) self.supported = set() for supp_feature in data.get("supported", []): for item in supp_feature.split(":"): self.supported.add(item) self.arch = data['arch'] self.type = data.get('type', "na") self.simulation = data.get('simulation', "na") self.supported_toolchains = data.get("toolchain", []) self.env = data.get("env", []) self.env_satisfied = True for env in self.env: if not os.environ.get(env, None): self.env_satisfied = False def __repr__(self): return "<%s on %s>" % (self.name, self.arch) class DisablePyTestCollectionMixin(object): __test__ = False class TestCase(DisablePyTestCollectionMixin): """Class representing a test application """ def __init__(self, testcase_root, workdir, name): """TestCase constructor. This gets called by TestSuite as it finds and reads test yaml files. Multiple TestCase instances may be generated from a single testcase.yaml, each one corresponds to an entry within that file. We need to have a unique name for every single test case. Since a testcase.yaml can define multiple tests, the canonical name for the test case is /. @param testcase_root os.path.abspath() of one of the --testcase-root @param workdir Sub-directory of testcase_root where the .yaml test configuration file was found @param name Name of this test case, corresponding to the entry name in the test case configuration file. For many test cases that just define one test, can be anything and is usually "test". This is really only used to distinguish between different cases when the testcase.yaml defines multiple tests """ self.source_dir = "" self.yamlfile = "" self.cases = [] self.name = self.get_unique(testcase_root, workdir, name) self.id = name self.type = None self.tags = set() self.extra_args = None self.extra_configs = None self.arch_whitelist = None self.arch_exclude = None self.skip = False self.platform_exclude = None self.platform_whitelist = None self.toolchain_exclude = None self.toolchain_whitelist = None self.tc_filter = None self.timeout = 60 self.harness = "" self.harness_config = {} self.build_only = True self.build_on_all = False self.slow = False self.min_ram = -1 self.depends_on = None self.min_flash = -1 self.extra_sections = None @staticmethod def get_unique(testcase_root, workdir, name): canonical_testcase_root = os.path.realpath(testcase_root) if Path(canonical_zephyr_base) in Path(canonical_testcase_root).parents: # This is in ZEPHYR_BASE, so include path in name for uniqueness # FIXME: We should not depend on path of test for unique names. relative_tc_root = os.path.relpath(canonical_testcase_root, start=canonical_zephyr_base) else: relative_tc_root = "" # workdir can be "." unique = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relative_tc_root, workdir, name)) check = name.split(".") if len(check) < 2: raise SanityCheckException(f"""bad test name '{name}' in {testcase_root}/{workdir}. \ Tests should reference the category and subsystem with a dot as a separator. """ ) return unique @staticmethod def scan_file(inf_name): suite_regex = re.compile( # do not match until end-of-line, otherwise we won't allow # stc_regex below to catch the ones that are declared in the same # line--as we only search starting the end of this match br"^\s*ztest_test_suite\(\s*(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*,", re.MULTILINE) stc_regex = re.compile( br"^\s*" # empy space at the beginning is ok # catch the case where it is declared in the same sentence, e.g: # # ztest_test_suite(mutex_complex, ztest_user_unit_test(TESTNAME)); br"(?:ztest_test_suite\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+,\s*)?" # Catch ztest[_user]_unit_test-[_setup_teardown](TESTNAME) br"ztest_(?:1cpu_)?(?:user_)?unit_test(?:_setup_teardown)?" # Consume the argument that becomes the extra testcse br"\(\s*" br"(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)" # _setup_teardown() variant has two extra arguments that we ignore br"(?:\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?" br"\s*\)", # We don't check how it finishes; we don't care re.MULTILINE) suite_run_regex = re.compile( br"^\s*ztest_run_test_suite\((?P[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)", re.MULTILINE) achtung_regex = re.compile( br"(#ifdef|#endif)", re.MULTILINE) warnings = None with open(inf_name) as inf: if os.name == 'nt': mmap_args = {'fileno': inf.fileno(), 'length': 0, 'access': mmap.ACCESS_READ} else: mmap_args = {'fileno': inf.fileno(), 'length': 0, 'flags': mmap.MAP_PRIVATE, 'prot': mmap.PROT_READ, 'offset': 0} with contextlib.closing(mmap.mmap(**mmap_args)) as main_c: suite_regex_match = suite_regex.search(main_c) if not suite_regex_match: # can't find ztest_test_suite, maybe a client, because # it includes ztest.h return None, None suite_run_match = suite_run_regex.search(main_c) if not suite_run_match: raise ValueError("can't find ztest_run_test_suite") achtung_matches = re.findall( achtung_regex, main_c[suite_regex_match.end():suite_run_match.start()]) if achtung_matches: warnings = "found invalid %s in ztest_test_suite()" \ % ", ".join(sorted({match.decode() for match in achtung_matches},reverse = True)) _matches = re.findall( stc_regex, main_c[suite_regex_match.end():suite_run_match.start()]) for match in _matches: if not match.decode().startswith("test_"): warnings = "Found a test that does not start with test_" matches = [match.decode().replace("test_", "") for match in _matches] return matches, warnings def scan_path(self, path): subcases = [] for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "src", "*.c*")): try: _subcases, warnings = self.scan_file(filename) if warnings: logger.error("%s: %s" % (filename, warnings)) raise SanityRuntimeError("%s: %s" % (filename, warnings)) if _subcases: subcases += _subcases except ValueError as e: logger.error("%s: can't find: %s" % (filename, e)) for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.c")): try: _subcases, warnings = self.scan_file(filename) if warnings: logger.error("%s: %s" % (filename, warnings)) if _subcases: subcases += _subcases except ValueError as e: logger.error("%s: can't find: %s" % (filename, e)) return subcases def parse_subcases(self, test_path): results = self.scan_path(test_path) for sub in results: name = "{}.{}".format(self.id, sub) self.cases.append(name) if not results: self.cases.append(self.id) def __str__(self): return self.name class TestInstance(DisablePyTestCollectionMixin): """Class representing the execution of a particular TestCase on a platform @param test The TestCase object we want to build/execute @param platform Platform object that we want to build and run against @param base_outdir Base directory for all test results. The actual out directory used is // """ def __init__(self, testcase, platform, outdir): self.testcase = testcase self.platform = platform self.status = None self.reason = "Unknown" self.metrics = dict() self.handler = None self.outdir = outdir self.name = os.path.join(platform.name, testcase.name) self.build_dir = os.path.join(outdir, platform.name, testcase.name) self.build_only = True self.run = False self.results = {} def __lt__(self, other): return self.name < other.name # Global testsuite parameters def check_build_or_run(self, build_only=False, enable_slow=False, device_testing=False, fixtures=[]): # right now we only support building on windows. running is still work # in progress. if os.name == 'nt': self.build_only = True self.run = False return _build_only = True # we asked for build-only on the command line if build_only or self.testcase.build_only: self.build_only = True self.run = False return # Do not run slow tests: skip_slow = self.testcase.slow and not enable_slow if skip_slow: self.build_only = True self.run = False return runnable = bool(self.testcase.type == "unit" or \ self.platform.type == "native" or \ self.platform.simulation in ["nsim", "renode", "qemu"] or \ device_testing) if self.platform.simulation == "nsim": if not find_executable("nsimdrv"): runnable = False if self.platform.simulation == "renode": if not find_executable("renode"): runnable = False # console harness allows us to run the test and capture data. if self.testcase.harness in [ 'console', 'ztest']: # if we have a fixture that is also being supplied on the # command-line, then we need to run the test, not just build it. fixture = self.testcase.harness_config.get('fixture') if fixture: if fixture in fixtures: _build_only = False else: _build_only = True else: _build_only = False elif self.testcase.harness: _build_only = True else: _build_only = False self.build_only = not (not _build_only and runnable) self.run = not self.build_only return def create_overlay(self, platform, enable_asan=False, enable_ubsan=False, enable_coverage=False, coverage_platform=[]): # Create this in a "sanitycheck/" subdirectory otherwise this # will pass this overlay to kconfig.py *twice* and kconfig.cmake # will silently give that second time precedence over any # --extra-args=CONFIG_* subdir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "sanitycheck") os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) file = os.path.join(subdir, "testcase_extra.conf") with open(file, "w") as f: content = "" if self.testcase.extra_configs: content = "\n".join(self.testcase.extra_configs) if enable_coverage: if platform.name in coverage_platform: content = content + "\nCONFIG_COVERAGE=y" content = content + "\nCONFIG_COVERAGE_DUMP=y" if enable_asan: if platform.type == "native": content = content + "\nCONFIG_ASAN=y" if enable_ubsan: if platform.type == "native": content = content + "\nCONFIG_UBSAN=y" f.write(content) return content def calculate_sizes(self): """Get the RAM/ROM sizes of a test case. This can only be run after the instance has been executed by MakeGenerator, otherwise there won't be any binaries to measure. @return A SizeCalculator object """ fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "zephyr", "*.elf")) fns.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.build_dir, "zephyr", "*.exe"))) fns = [x for x in fns if not x.endswith('_prebuilt.elf')] if len(fns) != 1: raise BuildError("Missing/multiple output ELF binary") return SizeCalculator(fns[0], self.testcase.extra_sections) def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.testcase.name, self.platform.name) class CMake(): config_re = re.compile('(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)[=]\"?([^\"]*)\"?$') dt_re = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[=]\"?([^\"]*)\"?$') def __init__(self, testcase, platform, source_dir, build_dir): self.cwd = None self.capture_output = True self.defconfig = {} self.cmake_cache = {} self.instance = None self.testcase = testcase self.platform = platform self.source_dir = source_dir self.build_dir = build_dir self.log = "build.log" self.generator = None self.generator_cmd = None def parse_generated(self): self.defconfig = {} return {} def run_build(self, args=[]): logger.debug("Building %s for %s" % (self.source_dir, self.platform.name)) cmake_args = [] cmake_args.extend(args) cmake = shutil.which('cmake') cmd = [cmake] + cmake_args kwargs = dict() if self.capture_output: kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE # CMake sends the output of message() to stderr unless it's STATUS kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT if self.cwd: kwargs['cwd'] = self.cwd p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) out, _ = p.communicate() results = {} if p.returncode == 0: msg = "Finished building %s for %s" % (self.source_dir, self.platform.name) self.instance.status = "passed" results = {'msg': msg, "returncode": p.returncode, "instance": self.instance} if out: log_msg = out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) with open(os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.log), "a") as log: log.write(log_msg) else: return None else: # A real error occurred, raise an exception if out: log_msg = out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) with open(os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.log), "a") as log: log.write(log_msg) if log_msg: res = re.findall("region `(FLASH|RAM|SRAM)' overflowed by", log_msg) if res: logger.debug("Test skipped due to {} Overflow".format(res[0])) self.instance.status = "skipped" self.instance.reason = "{} overflow".format(res[0]) else: self.instance.status = "error" self.instance.reason = "Build failure" results = { "returncode": p.returncode, "instance": self.instance, } return results def run_cmake(self, args=[]): if self.warnings_as_errors: ldflags = "-Wl,--fatal-warnings" cflags = "-Werror" aflags = "-Wa,--fatal-warnings" else: ldflags = cflags = aflags = "" logger.debug("Running cmake on %s for %s" % (self.source_dir, self.platform.name)) cmake_args = [ f'-B{self.build_dir}', f'-S{self.source_dir}', f'-DEXTRA_CFLAGS="{cflags}"', f'-DEXTRA_AFLAGS="{aflags}', f'-DEXTRA_LDFLAGS="{ldflags}"', f'-G{self.generator}' ] if self.cmake_only: cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1") args = ["-D{}".format(a.replace('"', '')) for a in args] cmake_args.extend(args) cmake_opts = ['-DBOARD={}'.format(self.platform.name)] cmake_args.extend(cmake_opts) logger.debug("Calling cmake with arguments: {}".format(cmake_args)) cmake = shutil.which('cmake') cmd = [cmake] + cmake_args kwargs = dict() if self.capture_output: kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE # CMake sends the output of message() to stderr unless it's STATUS kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.STDOUT if self.cwd: kwargs['cwd'] = self.cwd p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs) out, _ = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 0: filter_results = self.parse_generated() msg = "Finished building %s for %s" % (self.source_dir, self.platform.name) logger.debug(msg) results = {'msg': msg, 'filter': filter_results} else: self.instance.status = "error" self.instance.reason = "Cmake build failure" logger.error("Cmake build failure: %s for %s" % (self.source_dir, self.platform.name)) results = {"returncode": p.returncode} if out: with open(os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.log), "a") as log: log_msg = out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) log.write(log_msg) return results class FilterBuilder(CMake): def __init__(self, testcase, platform, source_dir, build_dir): super().__init__(testcase, platform, source_dir, build_dir) self.log = "config-sanitycheck.log" def parse_generated(self): if self.platform.name == "unit_testing": return {} cmake_cache_path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "CMakeCache.txt") defconfig_path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "zephyr", ".config") with open(defconfig_path, "r") as fp: defconfig = {} for line in fp.readlines(): m = self.config_re.match(line) if not m: if line.strip() and not line.startswith("#"): sys.stderr.write("Unrecognized line %s\n" % line) continue defconfig[m.group(1)] = m.group(2).strip() self.defconfig = defconfig cmake_conf = {} try: cache = CMakeCache.from_file(cmake_cache_path) except FileNotFoundError: cache = {} for k in iter(cache): cmake_conf[k.name] = k.value self.cmake_cache = cmake_conf filter_data = { "ARCH": self.platform.arch, "PLATFORM": self.platform.name } filter_data.update(os.environ) filter_data.update(self.defconfig) filter_data.update(self.cmake_cache) edt_pickle = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "zephyr", "edt.pickle") if self.testcase and self.testcase.tc_filter: try: if os.path.exists(edt_pickle): with open(edt_pickle, 'rb') as f: edt = pickle.load(f) else: edt = None res = expr_parser.parse(self.testcase.tc_filter, filter_data, edt) except (ValueError, SyntaxError) as se: sys.stderr.write( "Failed processing %s\n" % self.testcase.yamlfile) raise se if not res: return {os.path.join(self.platform.name, self.testcase.name): True} else: return {os.path.join(self.platform.name, self.testcase.name): False} else: self.platform.filter_data = filter_data return filter_data class ProjectBuilder(FilterBuilder): def __init__(self, suite, instance, **kwargs): super().__init__(instance.testcase, instance.platform, instance.testcase.source_dir, instance.build_dir) self.log = "build.log" self.instance = instance self.suite = suite self.lsan = kwargs.get('lsan', False) self.asan = kwargs.get('asan', False) self.ubsan = kwargs.get('ubsan', False) self.valgrind = kwargs.get('valgrind', False) self.extra_args = kwargs.get('extra_args', []) self.device_testing = kwargs.get('device_testing', False) self.cmake_only = kwargs.get('cmake_only', False) self.cleanup = kwargs.get('cleanup', False) self.coverage = kwargs.get('coverage', False) self.inline_logs = kwargs.get('inline_logs', False) self.generator = kwargs.get('generator', None) self.generator_cmd = kwargs.get('generator_cmd', None) self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', None) self.warnings_as_errors = kwargs.get('warnings_as_errors', True) @staticmethod def log_info(filename, inline_logs): filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(filename)) if inline_logs: logger.info("{:-^100}".format(filename)) try: with open(filename) as fp: data = fp.read() except Exception as e: data = "Unable to read log data (%s)\n" % (str(e)) logger.error(data) logger.info("{:-^100}".format(filename)) else: logger.error("see: " + Fore.YELLOW + filename + Fore.RESET) def log_info_file(self, inline_logs): build_dir = self.instance.build_dir h_log = "{}/handler.log".format(build_dir) b_log = "{}/build.log".format(build_dir) v_log = "{}/valgrind.log".format(build_dir) d_log = "{}/device.log".format(build_dir) if os.path.exists(v_log) and "Valgrind" in self.instance.reason: self.log_info("{}".format(v_log), inline_logs) elif os.path.exists(h_log) and os.path.getsize(h_log) > 0: self.log_info("{}".format(h_log), inline_logs) elif os.path.exists(d_log) and os.path.getsize(d_log) > 0: self.log_info("{}".format(d_log), inline_logs) else: self.log_info("{}".format(b_log), inline_logs) def setup_handler(self): instance = self.instance args = [] # FIXME: Needs simplification if instance.platform.simulation == "qemu": instance.handler = QEMUHandler(instance, "qemu") args.append("QEMU_PIPE=%s" % instance.handler.get_fifo()) instance.handler.call_make_run = True elif instance.testcase.type == "unit": instance.handler = BinaryHandler(instance, "unit") instance.handler.binary = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "testbinary") if self.coverage: args.append("COVERAGE=1") elif instance.platform.type == "native": handler = BinaryHandler(instance, "native") handler.asan = self.asan handler.valgrind = self.valgrind handler.lsan = self.lsan handler.ubsan = self.ubsan handler.coverage = self.coverage handler.binary = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "zephyr", "zephyr.exe") instance.handler = handler elif instance.platform.simulation == "nsim": if find_executable("nsimdrv"): instance.handler = BinaryHandler(instance, "nsim") instance.handler.call_make_run = True elif instance.platform.simulation == "renode": if find_executable("renode"): instance.handler = BinaryHandler(instance, "renode") instance.handler.pid_fn = os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "renode.pid") instance.handler.call_make_run = True elif self.device_testing: instance.handler = DeviceHandler(instance, "device") if instance.handler: instance.handler.args = args instance.handler.generator_cmd = self.generator_cmd instance.handler.generator = self.generator def process(self, message): op = message.get('op') if not self.instance.handler: self.setup_handler() # The build process, call cmake and build with configured generator if op == "cmake": results = self.cmake() if self.instance.status in ["failed", "error"]: pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) elif self.cmake_only: pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) else: if self.instance.name in results['filter'] and results['filter'][self.instance.name]: logger.debug("filtering %s" % self.instance.name) self.instance.status = "skipped" self.instance.reason = "filter" for case in self.instance.testcase.cases: self.instance.results.update({case: 'SKIP'}) pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) else: pipeline.put({"op": "build", "test": self.instance}) elif op == "build": logger.debug("build test: %s" % self.instance.name) results = self.build() if not results: self.instance.status = "error" self.instance.reason = "Build Failure" pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) else: if results.get('returncode', 1) > 0: pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) else: if self.instance.run: pipeline.put({"op": "run", "test": self.instance}) else: pipeline.put({"op": "report", "test": self.instance}) # Run the generated binary using one of the supported handlers elif op == "run": logger.debug("run test: %s" % self.instance.name) self.run() self.instance.status, _ = self.instance.handler.get_state() logger.debug(f"run status: {self.instance.status}") pipeline.put({ "op": "report", "test": self.instance, "state": "executed", "status": self.instance.status, "reason": self.instance.reason} ) # Report results and output progress to screen elif op == "report": with report_lock: self.report_out() if self.cleanup and not self.coverage and self.instance.status == "passed": pipeline.put({ "op": "cleanup", "test": self.instance }) elif op == "cleanup": self.cleanup_artifacts() def cleanup_artifacts(self): logger.debug("Cleaning up {}".format(self.instance.build_dir)) whitelist = [ 'zephyr/.config', 'handler.log', 'build.log', 'device.log', 'recording.csv', ] whitelist = [os.path.join(self.instance.build_dir, file) for file in whitelist] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.instance.build_dir, topdown=False): for name in filenames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, name) if path not in whitelist: os.remove(path) # Remove empty directories and symbolic links to directories for dir in dirnames: path = os.path.join(dirpath, dir) if os.path.islink(path): os.remove(path) elif not os.listdir(path): os.rmdir(path) def report_out(self): total_tests_width = len(str(self.suite.total_tests)) self.suite.total_done += 1 instance = self.instance if instance.status in ["error", "failed", "timeout"]: if instance.status == "error": self.suite.total_errors += 1 self.suite.total_failed += 1 if self.verbose: status = Fore.RED + "FAILED " + Fore.RESET + instance.reason else: print("") logger.error( "{:<25} {:<50} {}FAILED{}: {}".format( instance.platform.name, instance.testcase.name, Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, instance.reason)) if not self.verbose: self.log_info_file(self.inline_logs) elif instance.status == "skipped": self.suite.total_skipped += 1 status = Fore.YELLOW + "SKIPPED" + Fore.RESET elif instance.status == "passed": self.suite.total_passed += 1 status = Fore.GREEN + "PASSED" + Fore.RESET else: logger.debug(f"Unknown status = {instance.status}") status = Fore.YELLOW + "UNKNOWN" + Fore.RESET if self.verbose: if self.cmake_only: more_info = "cmake" elif instance.status == "skipped": more_info = instance.reason else: if instance.handler and instance.run: more_info = instance.handler.type_str htime = instance.handler.duration if htime: more_info += " {:.3f}s".format(htime) else: more_info = "build" logger.info("{:>{}}/{} {:<25} {:<50} {} ({})".format( self.suite.total_done, total_tests_width, self.suite.total_tests, instance.platform.name, instance.testcase.name, status, more_info)) if instance.status in ["error", "failed", "timeout"]: self.log_info_file(self.inline_logs) else: sys.stdout.write("\rINFO - Total complete: %s%4d/%4d%s %2d%% skipped: %s%4d%s, failed: %s%4d%s" % ( Fore.GREEN, self.suite.total_done, self.suite.total_tests, Fore.RESET, int((float(self.suite.total_done) / self.suite.total_tests) * 100), Fore.YELLOW if self.suite.total_skipped > 0 else Fore.RESET, self.suite.total_skipped, Fore.RESET, Fore.RED if self.suite.total_failed > 0 else Fore.RESET, self.suite.total_failed, Fore.RESET ) ) sys.stdout.flush() def cmake(self): instance = self.instance args = self.testcase.extra_args[:] args += self.extra_args if instance.handler: args += instance.handler.args # merge overlay files into one variable def extract_overlays(args): re_overlay = re.compile('OVERLAY_CONFIG=(.*)') other_args = [] overlays = [] for arg in args: match = re_overlay.search(arg) if match: overlays.append(match.group(1).strip('\'"')) else: other_args.append(arg) args[:] = other_args return overlays overlays = extract_overlays(args) if (self.testcase.extra_configs or self.coverage or self.asan or self.ubsan): overlays.append(os.path.join(instance.build_dir, "sanitycheck", "testcase_extra.conf")) if overlays: args.append("OVERLAY_CONFIG=\"%s\"" % (" ".join(overlays))) results = self.run_cmake(args) return results def build(self): results = self.run_build(['--build', self.build_dir]) return results def run(self): instance = self.instance if instance.handler.type_str == "device": instance.handler.suite = self.suite instance.handler.handle() sys.stdout.flush() class BoundedExecutor(concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor): """BoundedExecutor behaves as a ThreadPoolExecutor which will block on calls to submit() once the limit given as "bound" work items are queued for execution. :param bound: Integer - the maximum number of items in the work queue :param max_workers: Integer - the size of the thread pool """ def __init__(self, bound, max_workers, **kwargs): super().__init__(max_workers) # self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) self.semaphore = BoundedSemaphore(bound + max_workers) def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): self.semaphore.acquire() try: future = super().submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: self.semaphore.release() raise else: future.add_done_callback(lambda x: self.semaphore.release()) return future class TestSuite(DisablePyTestCollectionMixin): config_re = re.compile('(CONFIG_[A-Za-z0-9_]+)[=]\"?([^\"]*)\"?$') dt_re = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[=]\"?([^\"]*)\"?$') tc_schema = scl.yaml_load( os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "sanity_chk", "testcase-schema.yaml")) testcase_valid_keys = {"tags": {"type": "set", "required": False}, "type": {"type": "str", "default": "integration"}, "extra_args": {"type": "list"}, "extra_configs": {"type": "list"}, "build_only": {"type": "bool", "default": False}, "build_on_all": {"type": "bool", "default": False}, "skip": {"type": "bool", "default": False}, "slow": {"type": "bool", "default": False}, "timeout": {"type": "int", "default": 60}, "min_ram": {"type": "int", "default": 8}, "depends_on": {"type": "set"}, "min_flash": {"type": "int", "default": 32}, "arch_whitelist": {"type": "set"}, "arch_exclude": {"type": "set"}, "extra_sections": {"type": "list", "default": []}, "platform_exclude": {"type": "set"}, "platform_whitelist": {"type": "set"}, "toolchain_exclude": {"type": "set"}, "toolchain_whitelist": {"type": "set"}, "filter": {"type": "str"}, "harness": {"type": "str"}, "harness_config": {"type": "map", "default": {}} } RELEASE_DATA = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "sanity_chk", "sanity_last_release.csv") SAMPLE_FILENAME = 'sample.yaml' TESTCASE_FILENAME = 'testcase.yaml' def __init__(self, board_root_list=[], testcase_roots=[], outdir=None): self.roots = testcase_roots if not isinstance(board_root_list, list): self.board_roots = [board_root_list] else: self.board_roots = board_root_list # Testsuite Options self.coverage_platform = [] self.build_only = False self.cmake_only = False self.cleanup = False self.enable_slow = False self.device_testing = False self.fixtures = [] self.enable_coverage = False self.enable_ubsan = False self.enable_lsan = False self.enable_asan = False self.enable_valgrind = False self.extra_args = [] self.inline_logs = False self.enable_sizes_report = False self.west_flash = None self.west_runner = None self.generator = None self.generator_cmd = None self.warnings_as_errors = True # Keep track of which test cases we've filtered out and why self.testcases = {} self.platforms = [] self.selected_platforms = [] self.default_platforms = [] self.outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir) self.discards = {} self.load_errors = 0 self.instances = dict() self.total_tests = 0 # number of test instances self.total_cases = 0 # number of test cases self.total_done = 0 # tests completed self.total_failed = 0 self.total_skipped = 0 self.total_passed = 0 self.total_errors = 0 self.total_platforms = 0 self.start_time = 0 self.duration = 0 self.warnings = 0 self.cv = threading.Condition() # hardcoded for now self.connected_hardware = [] def get_platform_instances(self, platform): filtered_dict = {k:v for k,v in self.instances.items() if k.startswith(platform + "/")} return filtered_dict def config(self): logger.info("coverage platform: {}".format(self.coverage_platform)) # Debug Functions @staticmethod def info(what): sys.stdout.write(what + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() def update(self): self.total_tests = len(self.instances) self.total_cases = len(self.testcases) def compare_metrics(self, filename): # name, datatype, lower results better interesting_metrics = [("ram_size", int, True), ("rom_size", int, True)] if not os.path.exists(filename): logger.info("Cannot compare metrics, %s not found" % filename) return [] results = [] saved_metrics = {} with open(filename) as fp: cr = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in cr: d = {} for m, _, _ in interesting_metrics: d[m] = row[m] saved_metrics[(row["test"], row["platform"])] = d for instance in self.instances.values(): mkey = (instance.testcase.name, instance.platform.name) if mkey not in saved_metrics: continue sm = saved_metrics[mkey] for metric, mtype, lower_better in interesting_metrics: if metric not in instance.metrics: continue if sm[metric] == "": continue delta = instance.metrics.get(metric, 0) - mtype(sm[metric]) if delta == 0: continue results.append((instance, metric, instance.metrics.get(metric, 0), delta, lower_better)) return results def misc_reports(self, report, show_footprint, all_deltas, footprint_threshold, last_metrics): if not report: return deltas = self.compare_metrics(report) warnings = 0 if deltas and show_footprint: for i, metric, value, delta, lower_better in deltas: if not all_deltas and ((delta < 0 and lower_better) or (delta > 0 and not lower_better)): continue percentage = (float(delta) / float(value - delta)) if not all_deltas and (percentage < (footprint_threshold / 100.0)): continue logger.info("{:<25} {:<60} {}{}{}: {} {:<+4}, is now {:6} {:+.2%}".format( i.platform.name, i.testcase.name, Fore.YELLOW, "INFO" if all_deltas else "WARNING", Fore.RESET, metric, delta, value, percentage)) warnings += 1 if warnings: logger.warning("Deltas based on metrics from last %s" % ("release" if not last_metrics else "run")) def summary(self, unrecognized_sections): failed = 0 run = 0 for instance in self.instances.values(): if instance.status == "failed": failed += 1 elif instance.metrics.get("unrecognized") and not unrecognized_sections: logger.error("%sFAILED%s: %s has unrecognized binary sections: %s" % (Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, instance.name, str(instance.metrics.get("unrecognized", [])))) failed += 1 if instance.metrics['handler_time']: run += 1 if self.total_tests and self.total_tests != self.total_skipped: pass_rate = (float(self.total_passed) / float( self.total_tests - self.total_skipped)) else: pass_rate = 0 logger.info( "{}{} of {}{} tests passed ({:.2%}), {}{}{} failed, {} skipped with {}{}{} warnings in {:.2f} seconds".format( Fore.RED if failed else Fore.GREEN, self.total_passed, self.total_tests - self.total_skipped, Fore.RESET, pass_rate, Fore.RED if self.total_failed else Fore.RESET, self.total_failed, Fore.RESET, self.total_skipped, Fore.YELLOW if self.warnings else Fore.RESET, self.warnings, Fore.RESET, self.duration)) self.total_platforms = len(self.platforms) if self.platforms: logger.info("In total {} test cases were executed on {} out of total {} platforms ({:02.2f}%)".format( self.total_cases, len(self.selected_platforms), self.total_platforms, (100 * len(self.selected_platforms) / len(self.platforms)) )) logger.info(f"{Fore.GREEN}{run}{Fore.RESET} tests executed on platforms, \ {Fore.RED}{self.total_tests - run}{Fore.RESET} tests were only built.") def save_reports(self, name, suffix, report_dir, no_update, release, only_failed): if not self.instances: return if name: report_name = name else: report_name = "sanitycheck" if report_dir: os.makedirs(report_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(report_dir, report_name) outdir = report_dir else: filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, report_name) outdir = self.outdir if suffix: filename = "{}_{}".format(filename, suffix) if not no_update: self.xunit_report(filename + ".xml", full_report=False, append=only_failed) self.xunit_report(filename + "_report.xml", full_report=True, append=only_failed) self.csv_report(filename + ".csv") self.target_report(outdir, suffix, append=only_failed) if self.discards: self.discard_report(filename + "_discard.csv") if release: self.csv_report(self.RELEASE_DATA) def add_configurations(self): for board_root in self.board_roots: board_root = os.path.abspath(board_root) logger.debug("Reading platform configuration files under %s..." % board_root) for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(board_root, "*", "*", "*.yaml")): logger.debug("Found platform configuration " + file) try: platform = Platform() platform.load(file) if platform.sanitycheck: self.platforms.append(platform) if platform.default: self.default_platforms.append(platform.name) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("E: %s: can't load: %s" % (file, e)) self.load_errors += 1 def get_all_tests(self): tests = [] for _, tc in self.testcases.items(): for case in tc.cases: tests.append(case) return tests @staticmethod def get_toolchain(): toolchain = os.environ.get("ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT", None) or \ os.environ.get("ZEPHYR_GCC_VARIANT", None) if toolchain == "gccarmemb": # Remove this translation when gccarmemb is no longer supported. toolchain = "gnuarmemb" try: if not toolchain: raise SanityRuntimeError("E: Variable ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT is not defined") except Exception as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(2) return toolchain def add_testcases(self, testcase_filter=[]): for root in self.roots: root = os.path.abspath(root) logger.debug("Reading test case configuration files under %s..." % root) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root, topdown=True): logger.debug("scanning %s" % dirpath) if self.SAMPLE_FILENAME in filenames: filename = self.SAMPLE_FILENAME elif self.TESTCASE_FILENAME in filenames: filename = self.TESTCASE_FILENAME else: continue logger.debug("Found possible test case in " + dirpath) dirnames[:] = [] tc_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) try: parsed_data = SanityConfigParser(tc_path, self.tc_schema) parsed_data.load() tc_path = os.path.dirname(tc_path) workdir = os.path.relpath(tc_path, root) for name in parsed_data.tests.keys(): tc = TestCase(root, workdir, name) tc_dict = parsed_data.get_test(name, self.testcase_valid_keys) tc.source_dir = tc_path tc.yamlfile = tc_path tc.type = tc_dict["type"] tc.tags = tc_dict["tags"] tc.extra_args = tc_dict["extra_args"] tc.extra_configs = tc_dict["extra_configs"] tc.arch_whitelist = tc_dict["arch_whitelist"] tc.arch_exclude = tc_dict["arch_exclude"] tc.skip = tc_dict["skip"] tc.platform_exclude = tc_dict["platform_exclude"] tc.platform_whitelist = tc_dict["platform_whitelist"] tc.toolchain_exclude = tc_dict["toolchain_exclude"] tc.toolchain_whitelist = tc_dict["toolchain_whitelist"] tc.tc_filter = tc_dict["filter"] tc.timeout = tc_dict["timeout"] tc.harness = tc_dict["harness"] tc.harness_config = tc_dict["harness_config"] if tc.harness == 'console' and not tc.harness_config: raise Exception('Harness config error: console harness defined without a configuration.') tc.build_only = tc_dict["build_only"] tc.build_on_all = tc_dict["build_on_all"] tc.slow = tc_dict["slow"] tc.min_ram = tc_dict["min_ram"] tc.depends_on = tc_dict["depends_on"] tc.min_flash = tc_dict["min_flash"] tc.extra_sections = tc_dict["extra_sections"] tc.parse_subcases(tc_path) if testcase_filter: if tc.name and tc.name in testcase_filter: self.testcases[tc.name] = tc else: self.testcases[tc.name] = tc except Exception as e: logger.error("%s: can't load (skipping): %s" % (tc_path, e)) self.load_errors += 1 def get_platform(self, name): selected_platform = None for platform in self.platforms: if platform.name == name: selected_platform = platform break return selected_platform def load_from_file(self, file, filter_status=[]): try: with open(file, "r") as fp: cr = csv.DictReader(fp) instance_list = [] for row in cr: if row["status"] in filter_status: continue test = row["test"] platform = self.get_platform(row["platform"]) instance = TestInstance(self.testcases[test], platform, self.outdir) instance.check_build_or_run( self.build_only, self.enable_slow, self.device_testing, self.fixtures ) instance.create_overlay(platform, self.enable_asan, self.enable_ubsan, self.enable_coverage, self.coverage_platform) instance_list.append(instance) self.add_instances(instance_list) except KeyError as e: logger.error("Key error while parsing tests file.({})".format(str(e))) sys.exit(2) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error("Couldn't find input file with list of tests. ({})".format(e)) sys.exit(2) def apply_filters(self, **kwargs): toolchain = self.get_toolchain() discards = {} platform_filter = kwargs.get('platform') exclude_platform = kwargs.get('exclude_platform', []) testcase_filter = kwargs.get('run_individual_tests', []) arch_filter = kwargs.get('arch') tag_filter = kwargs.get('tag') exclude_tag = kwargs.get('exclude_tag') all_filter = kwargs.get('all') device_testing_filter = kwargs.get('device_testing') force_toolchain = kwargs.get('force_toolchain') force_platform = kwargs.get('force_platform') logger.debug("platform filter: " + str(platform_filter)) logger.debug(" arch_filter: " + str(arch_filter)) logger.debug(" tag_filter: " + str(tag_filter)) logger.debug(" exclude_tag: " + str(exclude_tag)) default_platforms = False if platform_filter: platforms = list(filter(lambda p: p.name in platform_filter, self.platforms)) else: platforms = self.platforms if all_filter: logger.info("Selecting all possible platforms per test case") # When --all used, any --platform arguments ignored platform_filter = [] elif not platform_filter: logger.info("Selecting default platforms per test case") default_platforms = True logger.info("Building initial testcase list...") for tc_name, tc in self.testcases.items(): # list of instances per testcase, aka configurations. instance_list = [] for plat in platforms: instance = TestInstance(tc, plat, self.outdir) instance.check_build_or_run( self.build_only, self.enable_slow, self.device_testing, self.fixtures ) for t in tc.cases: instance.results[t] = None if device_testing_filter: for h in self.connected_hardware: if h['platform'] == plat.name: if tc.harness_config.get('fixture') in h.get('fixtures', []): instance.build_only = False instance.run = True if not force_platform and plat.name in exclude_platform: discards[instance] = "Platform is excluded on command line." continue if (plat.arch == "unit") != (tc.type == "unit"): # Discard silently continue if device_testing_filter and instance.build_only: discards[instance] = "Not runnable on device" continue if tc.skip: discards[instance] = "Skip filter" continue if tc.build_on_all and not platform_filter: platform_filter = [] if tag_filter and not tc.tags.intersection(tag_filter): discards[instance] = "Command line testcase tag filter" continue if exclude_tag and tc.tags.intersection(exclude_tag): discards[instance] = "Command line testcase exclude filter" continue if testcase_filter and tc_name not in testcase_filter: discards[instance] = "Testcase name filter" continue if arch_filter and plat.arch not in arch_filter: discards[instance] = "Command line testcase arch filter" continue if not force_platform: if tc.arch_whitelist and plat.arch not in tc.arch_whitelist: discards[instance] = "Not in test case arch whitelist" continue if tc.arch_exclude and plat.arch in tc.arch_exclude: discards[instance] = "In test case arch exclude" continue if tc.platform_exclude and plat.name in tc.platform_exclude: discards[instance] = "In test case platform exclude" continue if tc.toolchain_exclude and toolchain in tc.toolchain_exclude: discards[instance] = "In test case toolchain exclude" continue if platform_filter and plat.name not in platform_filter: discards[instance] = "Command line platform filter" continue if tc.platform_whitelist and plat.name not in tc.platform_whitelist: discards[instance] = "Not in testcase platform whitelist" continue if tc.toolchain_whitelist and toolchain not in tc.toolchain_whitelist: discards[instance] = "Not in testcase toolchain whitelist" continue if not plat.env_satisfied: discards[instance] = "Environment ({}) not satisfied".format(", ".join(plat.env)) continue if not force_toolchain \ and toolchain and (toolchain not in plat.supported_toolchains) \ and tc.type != 'unit': discards[instance] = "Not supported by the toolchain" continue if plat.ram < tc.min_ram: discards[instance] = "Not enough RAM" continue if tc.depends_on: dep_intersection = tc.depends_on.intersection(set(plat.supported)) if dep_intersection != set(tc.depends_on): discards[instance] = "No hardware support" continue if plat.flash < tc.min_flash: discards[instance] = "Not enough FLASH" continue if set(plat.ignore_tags) & tc.tags: discards[instance] = "Excluded tags per platform (exclude_tags)" continue if not tc.tags or (plat.only_tags and tc.tags - set(plat.only_tags)): discards[instance] = "Excluded tags per platform (only_tags)" continue # if nothing stopped us until now, it means this configuration # needs to be added. instance_list.append(instance) # no configurations, so jump to next testcase if not instance_list: continue # if sanitycheck was launched with no platform options at all, we # take all default platforms if default_platforms and not tc.build_on_all: if tc.platform_whitelist: a = set(self.default_platforms) b = set(tc.platform_whitelist) c = a.intersection(b) if c: aa = list(filter(lambda tc: tc.platform.name in c, instance_list)) self.add_instances(aa) else: self.add_instances(instance_list[:1]) else: instances = list(filter(lambda tc: tc.platform.default, instance_list)) self.add_instances(instances) for instance in list(filter(lambda inst: not inst.platform.default, instance_list)): discards[instance] = "Not a default test platform" else: self.add_instances(instance_list) for _, case in self.instances.items(): case.create_overlay(case.platform, self.enable_asan, self.enable_ubsan, self.enable_coverage, self.coverage_platform) self.discards = discards self.selected_platforms = set(p.platform.name for p in self.instances.values()) return discards def add_instances(self, instance_list): for instance in instance_list: self.instances[instance.name] = instance def add_tasks_to_queue(self, test_only=False): for instance in self.instances.values(): if test_only: if instance.run: pipeline.put({"op": "run", "test": instance, "status": "built"}) else: if instance.status not in ['passed', 'skipped', 'error']: instance.status = None pipeline.put({"op": "cmake", "test": instance}) return "DONE FEEDING" def execute(self): def calc_one_elf_size(instance): if instance.status not in ["error", "failed", "skipped"]: if instance.platform.type != "native": size_calc = instance.calculate_sizes() instance.metrics["ram_size"] = size_calc.get_ram_size() instance.metrics["rom_size"] = size_calc.get_rom_size() instance.metrics["unrecognized"] = size_calc.unrecognized_sections() else: instance.metrics["ram_size"] = 0 instance.metrics["rom_size"] = 0 instance.metrics["unrecognized"] = [] instance.metrics["handler_time"] = instance.handler.duration if instance.handler else 0 logger.info("Adding tasks to the queue...") # We can use a with statement to ensure threads are cleaned up promptly with BoundedExecutor(bound=self.jobs, max_workers=self.jobs) as executor: # start a future for a thread which sends work in through the queue future_to_test = { executor.submit(self.add_tasks_to_queue, self.test_only): 'FEEDER DONE'} while future_to_test: # check for status of the futures which are currently working done, pending = concurrent.futures.wait(future_to_test, timeout=1, return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED) # if there is incoming work, start a new future while not pipeline.empty(): # fetch a url from the queue message = pipeline.get() test = message['test'] pb = ProjectBuilder(self, test, lsan=self.enable_lsan, asan=self.enable_asan, ubsan=self.enable_ubsan, coverage=self.enable_coverage, extra_args=self.extra_args, device_testing=self.device_testing, cmake_only=self.cmake_only, cleanup=self.cleanup, valgrind=self.enable_valgrind, inline_logs=self.inline_logs, generator=self.generator, generator_cmd=self.generator_cmd, verbose=self.verbose, warnings_as_errors=self.warnings_as_errors ) future_to_test[executor.submit(pb.process, message)] = test.name # process any completed futures for future in done: test = future_to_test[future] try: data = future.result() except Exception as exc: logger.error('%r generated an exception:' % (test,)) for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): logger.error(line) sys.exit('%r generated an exception: %s' % (test, exc)) else: if data: logger.debug(data) # remove the now completed future del future_to_test[future] for future in pending: test = future_to_test[future] try: future.result(timeout=180) except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: logger.warning("{} stuck?".format(test)) if self.enable_size_report and not self.cmake_only: # Parallelize size calculation executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(self.jobs) futures = [executor.submit(calc_one_elf_size, instance) for instance in self.instances.values()] concurrent.futures.wait(futures) else: for instance in self.instances.values(): instance.metrics["ram_size"] = 0 instance.metrics["rom_size"] = 0 instance.metrics["handler_time"] = instance.handler.duration if instance.handler else 0 instance.metrics["unrecognized"] = [] def discard_report(self, filename): try: if not self.discards: raise SanityRuntimeError("apply_filters() hasn't been run!") except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(2) with open(filename, "wt") as csvfile: fieldnames = ["test", "arch", "platform", "reason"] cw = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames, lineterminator=os.linesep) cw.writeheader() for instance, reason in sorted(self.discards.items()): rowdict = {"test": instance.testcase.name, "arch": instance.platform.arch, "platform": instance.platform.name, "reason": reason} cw.writerow(rowdict) def target_report(self, outdir, suffix, append=False): platforms = {inst.platform.name for _, inst in self.instances.items()} for platform in platforms: if suffix: filename = os.path.join(outdir,"{}_{}.xml".format(platform, suffix)) else: filename = os.path.join(outdir,"{}.xml".format(platform)) self.xunit_report(filename, platform, full_report=True, append=append) @staticmethod def process_log(log_file): filtered_string = "" if os.path.exists(log_file): with open(log_file, "rb") as f: log = f.read().decode("utf-8") filtered_string = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, log)) return filtered_string def xunit_report(self, filename, platform=None, full_report=False, append=False): total = 0 if platform: selected = [platform] else: selected = self.selected_platforms if os.path.exists(filename) and append: tree = ET.parse(filename) eleTestsuites = tree.getroot() else: eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites') for p in selected: inst = self.get_platform_instances(p) fails = 0 passes = 0 errors = 0 skips = 0 duration = 0 for _, instance in inst.items(): handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0) duration += handler_time if full_report: for k in instance.results.keys(): if instance.results[k] == 'PASS': passes += 1 elif instance.results[k] == 'BLOCK': errors += 1 elif instance.results[k] == 'SKIP': skips += 1 else: fails += 1 else: if instance.status in ["error", "failed", "timeout"]: if instance.reason in ['build_error', 'handler_crash']: errors += 1 else: fails += 1 elif instance.status == 'skipped': skips += 1 else: passes += 1 total = (errors + passes + fails + skips) # do not produce a report if no tests were actually run (only built) if total == 0: continue run = p eleTestsuite = None # When we re-run the tests, we re-use the results and update only with # the newly run tests. if os.path.exists(filename) and append: ts = eleTestsuites.findall(f'testsuite/[@name="{p}"]') if ts: eleTestsuite = ts[0] eleTestsuite.attrib['failures'] = "%d" % fails eleTestsuite.attrib['errors'] = "%d" % errors eleTestsuite.attrib['skip'] = "%d" % skips else: logger.info(f"Did not find any existing results for {p}") eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite', name=run, time="%f" % duration, tests="%d" % (total), failures="%d" % fails, errors="%d" % (errors), skip="%s" % (skips)) else: eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite', name=run, time="%f" % duration, tests="%d" % (total), failures="%d" % fails, errors="%d" % (errors), skip="%s" % (skips)) for _, instance in inst.items(): if full_report: tname = os.path.basename(instance.testcase.name) else: tname = instance.testcase.id handler_time = instance.metrics.get('handler_time', 0) if full_report: for k in instance.results.keys(): # remove testcases that are being re-run from exiting reports for tc in eleTestsuite.findall(f'testcase/[@name="{k}"]'): eleTestsuite.remove(tc) classname = ".".join(tname.split(".")[:2]) eleTestcase = ET.SubElement( eleTestsuite, 'testcase', classname=classname, name="%s" % (k), time="%f" % handler_time) if instance.results[k] in ['FAIL', 'BLOCK']: if instance.results[k] == 'FAIL': el = ET.SubElement( eleTestcase, 'failure', type="failure", message="failed") else: el = ET.SubElement( eleTestcase, 'error', type="failure", message="failed") p = os.path.join(self.outdir, instance.platform.name, instance.testcase.name) log_file = os.path.join(p, "handler.log") el.text = self.process_log(log_file) elif instance.results[k] == 'PASS': pass elif instance.results[k] == 'SKIP': el = ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, 'skipped', type="skipped", message="Skipped") else: el = ET.SubElement( eleTestcase, 'error', type="error", message=f"{instance.reason}") else: if platform: classname = ".".join(instance.testcase.name.split(".")[:2]) else: classname = p + ":" + ".".join(instance.testcase.name.split(".")[:2]) # remove testcases that are being re-run from exiting reports for tc in eleTestsuite.findall(f'testcase/[@classname="{classname}"]'): eleTestsuite.remove(tc) eleTestcase = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'testcase', classname=classname, name="%s" % (instance.testcase.name), time="%f" % handler_time) if instance.status in ["error", "failed", "timeout"]: failure = ET.SubElement( eleTestcase, 'failure', type="failure", message=instance.reason) p = ("%s/%s/%s" % (self.outdir, instance.platform.name, instance.testcase.name)) bl = os.path.join(p, "build.log") hl = os.path.join(p, "handler.log") log_file = bl if instance.reason != 'Build error': if os.path.exists(hl): log_file = hl else: log_file = bl failure.text = self.process_log(log_file) elif instance.status == "skipped": ET.SubElement(eleTestcase, 'skipped', type="skipped", message="Skipped") result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites) with open(filename, 'wb') as report: report.write(result) def csv_report(self, filename): with open(filename, "wt") as csvfile: fieldnames = ["test", "arch", "platform", "status", "extra_args", "handler", "handler_time", "ram_size", "rom_size"] cw = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames, lineterminator=os.linesep) cw.writeheader() for instance in self.instances.values(): rowdict = {"test": instance.testcase.name, "arch": instance.platform.arch, "platform": instance.platform.name, "extra_args": " ".join(instance.testcase.extra_args), "handler": instance.platform.simulation} rowdict["status"] = instance.status if instance.status not in ["error", "failed", "timeout"]: if instance.handler: rowdict["handler_time"] = instance.metrics.get("handler_time", 0) ram_size = instance.metrics.get("ram_size", 0) rom_size = instance.metrics.get("rom_size", 0) rowdict["ram_size"] = ram_size rowdict["rom_size"] = rom_size cw.writerow(rowdict) def get_testcase(self, identifier): results = [] for _, tc in self.testcases.items(): for case in tc.cases: if case == identifier: results.append(tc) return results class CoverageTool: """ Base class for every supported coverage tool """ def __init__(self): self.gcov_tool = None self.base_dir = None @staticmethod def factory(tool): if tool == 'lcov': t = Lcov() elif tool == 'gcovr': t = Lcov() else: logger.error("Unsupported coverage tool specified: {}".format(tool)) return None return t @staticmethod def retrieve_gcov_data(intput_file): logger.debug("Working on %s" % intput_file) extracted_coverage_info = {} capture_data = False capture_complete = False with open(intput_file, 'r') as fp: for line in fp.readlines(): if re.search("GCOV_COVERAGE_DUMP_START", line): capture_data = True continue if re.search("GCOV_COVERAGE_DUMP_END", line): capture_complete = True break # Loop until the coverage data is found. if not capture_data: continue if line.startswith("*"): sp = line.split("<") if len(sp) > 1: # Remove the leading delimiter "*" file_name = sp[0][1:] # Remove the trailing new line char hex_dump = sp[1][:-1] else: continue else: continue extracted_coverage_info.update({file_name: hex_dump}) if not capture_data: capture_complete = True return {'complete': capture_complete, 'data': extracted_coverage_info} @staticmethod def create_gcda_files(extracted_coverage_info): logger.debug("Generating gcda files") for filename, hexdump_val in extracted_coverage_info.items(): # if kobject_hash is given for coverage gcovr fails # hence skipping it problem only in gcovr v4.1 if "kobject_hash" in filename: filename = (filename[:-4]) + "gcno" try: os.remove(filename) except Exception: pass continue with open(filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(bytes.fromhex(hexdump_val)) def generate(self, outdir): for filename in glob.glob("%s/**/handler.log" % outdir, recursive=True): gcov_data = self.__class__.retrieve_gcov_data(filename) capture_complete = gcov_data['complete'] extracted_coverage_info = gcov_data['data'] if capture_complete: self.__class__.create_gcda_files(extracted_coverage_info) logger.debug("Gcov data captured: {}".format(filename)) else: logger.error("Gcov data capture incomplete: {}".format(filename)) with open(os.path.join(outdir, "coverage.log"), "a") as coveragelog: ret = self._generate(outdir, coveragelog) if ret == 0: logger.info("HTML report generated: {}".format( os.path.join(outdir, "coverage", "index.html"))) class Lcov(CoverageTool): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ignores = [] def add_ignore_file(self, pattern): self.ignores.append('*' + pattern + '*') def add_ignore_directory(self, pattern): self.ignores.append(pattern + '/*') def _generate(self, outdir, coveragelog): coveragefile = os.path.join(outdir, "coverage.info") ztestfile = os.path.join(outdir, "ztest.info") subprocess.call(["lcov", "--gcov-tool", self.gcov_tool, "--capture", "--directory", outdir, "--rc", "lcov_branch_coverage=1", "--output-file", coveragefile], stdout=coveragelog) # We want to remove tests/* and tests/ztest/test/* but save tests/ztest subprocess.call(["lcov", "--gcov-tool", self.gcov_tool, "--extract", coveragefile, os.path.join(self.base_dir, "tests", "ztest", "*"), "--output-file", ztestfile, "--rc", "lcov_branch_coverage=1"], stdout=coveragelog) if os.path.exists(ztestfile) and os.path.getsize(ztestfile) > 0: subprocess.call(["lcov", "--gcov-tool", self.gcov_tool, "--remove", ztestfile, os.path.join(self.base_dir, "tests/ztest/test/*"), "--output-file", ztestfile, "--rc", "lcov_branch_coverage=1"], stdout=coveragelog) files = [coveragefile, ztestfile] else: files = [coveragefile] for i in self.ignores: subprocess.call( ["lcov", "--gcov-tool", self.gcov_tool, "--remove", coveragefile, i, "--output-file", coveragefile, "--rc", "lcov_branch_coverage=1"], stdout=coveragelog) # The --ignore-errors source option is added to avoid it exiting due to # samples/application_development/external_lib/ return subprocess.call(["genhtml", "--legend", "--branch-coverage", "--ignore-errors", "source", "-output-directory", os.path.join(outdir, "coverage")] + files, stdout=coveragelog) class Gcovr(CoverageTool): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ignores = [] def add_ignore_file(self, pattern): self.ignores.append('.*' + pattern + '.*') def add_ignore_directory(self, pattern): self.ignores.append(pattern + '/.*') @staticmethod def _interleave_list(prefix, list): tuple_list = [(prefix, item) for item in list] return [item for sublist in tuple_list for item in sublist] def _generate(self, outdir, coveragelog): coveragefile = os.path.join(outdir, "coverage.json") ztestfile = os.path.join(outdir, "ztest.json") excludes = Gcovr._interleave_list("-e", self.ignores) # We want to remove tests/* and tests/ztest/test/* but save tests/ztest subprocess.call(["gcovr", "-r", self.base_dir, "--gcov-executable", self.gcov_tool, "-e", "tests/*"] + excludes + ["--json", "-o", coveragefile, outdir], stdout=coveragelog) subprocess.call(["gcovr", "-r", self.base_dir, "--gcov-executable", self.gcov_tool, "-f", "tests/ztest", "-e", "tests/ztest/test/*", "--json", "-o", ztestfile, outdir], stdout=coveragelog) if os.path.exists(ztestfile) and os.path.getsize(ztestfile) > 0: files = [coveragefile, ztestfile] else: files = [coveragefile] subdir = os.path.join(outdir, "coverage") os.makedirs(subdir, exist_ok=True) tracefiles = self._interleave_list("--add-tracefile", files) return subprocess.call(["gcovr", "-r", self.base_dir, "--html", "--html-details"] + tracefiles + ["-o", os.path.join(subdir, "index.html")], stdout=coveragelog) class HardwareMap: schema_path = os.path.join(ZEPHYR_BASE, "scripts", "sanity_chk", "hwmap-schema.yaml") manufacturer = [ 'ARM', 'SEGGER', 'MBED', 'STMicroelectronics', 'Atmel Corp.', 'Texas Instruments', 'Silicon Labs', 'NXP Semiconductors', 'Microchip Technology Inc.', 'FTDI', 'Digilent' ] runner_mapping = { 'pyocd': [ 'DAPLink CMSIS-DAP', 'MBED CMSIS-DAP' ], 'jlink': [ 'J-Link', 'J-Link OB' ], 'openocd': [ 'STM32 STLink', '^XDS110.*', 'STLINK-V3' ], 'dediprog': [ 'TTL232R-3V3', 'MCP2200 USB Serial Port Emulator' ] } def __init__(self): self.detected = [] self.connected_hardware = [] def load_device_from_cmdline(self, serial, platform, is_pty): device = { "serial": None, "platform": platform, "serial_pty": None, "counter": 0, "available": True, "connected": True } if is_pty: device['serial_pty'] = serial else: device['serial'] = serial self.connected_hardware.append(device) def load_hardware_map(self, map_file): hwm_schema = scl.yaml_load(self.schema_path) self.connected_hardware = scl.yaml_load_verify(map_file, hwm_schema) for i in self.connected_hardware: i['counter'] = 0 def scan_hw(self, persistent=False): from serial.tools import list_ports if persistent and platform.system() == 'Linux': # On Linux, /dev/serial/by-id provides symlinks to # '/dev/ttyACMx' nodes using names which are unique as # long as manufacturers fill out USB metadata nicely. # # This creates a map from '/dev/ttyACMx' device nodes # to '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-...' symlinks. The symlinks # go into the hardware map because they stay the same # even when the user unplugs / replugs the device. # # Some inexpensive USB/serial adapters don't result # in unique names here, though, so use of this feature # requires explicitly setting persistent=True. by_id = Path('/dev/serial/by-id') def readlink(link): return str((by_id / link).resolve()) persistent_map = {readlink(link): str(link) for link in by_id.iterdir()} else: persistent_map = {} serial_devices = list_ports.comports() logger.info("Scanning connected hardware...") for d in serial_devices: if d.manufacturer in self.manufacturer: # TI XDS110 can have multiple serial devices for a single board # assume endpoint 0 is the serial, skip all others if d.manufacturer == 'Texas Instruments' and not d.location.endswith('0'): continue s_dev = {} s_dev['platform'] = "unknown" s_dev['id'] = d.serial_number s_dev['serial'] = persistent_map.get(d.device, d.device) s_dev['product'] = d.product s_dev['runner'] = 'unknown' for runner, _ in self.runner_mapping.items(): products = self.runner_mapping.get(runner) if d.product in products: s_dev['runner'] = runner continue # Try regex matching for p in products: if re.match(p, d.product): s_dev['runner'] = runner s_dev['available'] = True s_dev['connected'] = True self.detected.append(s_dev) else: logger.warning("Unsupported device (%s): %s" % (d.manufacturer, d)) def write_map(self, hwm_file): # use existing map if os.path.exists(hwm_file): with open(hwm_file, 'r') as yaml_file: hwm = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=SafeLoader) hwm.sort(key=lambda x: x['serial'] or '') # disconnect everything for h in hwm: h['connected'] = False h['serial'] = None self.detected.sort(key=lambda x: x['serial'] or '') for d in self.detected: for h in hwm: if d['id'] == h['id'] and d['product'] == h['product'] and not h['connected'] and not d.get('match', False): h['connected'] = True h['serial'] = d['serial'] d['match'] = True new = list(filter(lambda n: not n.get('match', False), self.detected)) hwm = hwm + new logger.info("Registered devices:") self.dump(hwm) with open(hwm_file, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump(hwm, yaml_file, Dumper=Dumper, default_flow_style=False) else: # create new file with open(hwm_file, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump(self.detected, yaml_file, Dumper=Dumper, default_flow_style=False) logger.info("Detected devices:") self.dump(self.detected) @staticmethod def dump(hwmap=[], filtered=[], header=[], connected_only=False): print("") table = [] if not header: header = ["Platform", "ID", "Serial device"] for p in sorted(hwmap, key=lambda i: i['platform']): platform = p.get('platform') connected = p.get('connected', False) if filtered and platform not in filtered: continue if not connected_only or connected: table.append([platform, p.get('id', None), p.get('serial')]) print(tabulate(table, headers=header, tablefmt="github")) def size_report(sc): logger.info(sc.filename) logger.info("SECTION NAME VMA LMA SIZE HEX SZ TYPE") for i in range(len(sc.sections)): v = sc.sections[i] logger.info("%-17s 0x%08x 0x%08x %8d 0x%05x %-7s" % (v["name"], v["virt_addr"], v["load_addr"], v["size"], v["size"], v["type"])) logger.info("Totals: %d bytes (ROM), %d bytes (RAM)" % (sc.rom_size, sc.ram_size)) logger.info("") def export_tests(filename, tests): with open(filename, "wt") as csvfile: fieldnames = ['section', 'subsection', 'title', 'reference'] cw = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames, lineterminator=os.linesep) for test in tests: data = test.split(".") if len(data) > 1: subsec = " ".join(data[1].split("_")).title() rowdict = { "section": data[0].capitalize(), "subsection": subsec, "title": test, "reference": test } cw.writerow(rowdict) else: logger.info("{} can't be exported".format(test))