.. _max30101: MAX30101 Heart Rate Sensor ########################## Overview ******** A sensor application that demonstrates how to poll data from the max30101 heart rate sensor. Building and Running ******************** This project configures the max30101 sensor on the :ref:`hexiwear_k64` board to enable the green LED and measure the reflected light with a photodiode. The raw ADC data prints to the console. Further processing (not included in this sample) is required to extract a heart rate signal from the light measurement. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/sensors/max30101 :board: hexiwear_k64 :goals: build :compact: Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console GREEN=5731 GREEN=5750 GREEN=5748 GREEN=5741 GREEN=5735 GREEN=5737 GREEN=5736 GREEN=5748