/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Phytec Messtechnik GmbH * Copyright (c) 2017 Benedict Ohl (Benedict-Ohl@web.de) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "amg88xx.h" extern struct amg88xx_data amg88xx_driver; #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(AMG88XX, CONFIG_SENSOR_LOG_LEVEL); static inline void amg88xx_setup_int(struct amg88xx_data *drv_data, bool enable) { unsigned int flags = enable ? GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE : GPIO_INT_DISABLE; gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(drv_data->gpio, drv_data->gpio_pin, flags); } int amg88xx_attr_set(struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan, enum sensor_attribute attr, const struct sensor_value *val) { struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; const struct amg88xx_config *config = dev->config_info; s16_t int_level = (val->val1 * 1000000 + val->val2) / AMG88XX_TREG_LSB_SCALING; u8_t intl_reg; u8_t inth_reg; if (chan != SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP) { return -ENOTSUP; } LOG_DBG("set threshold to %d", int_level); if (attr == SENSOR_ATTR_UPPER_THRESH) { intl_reg = AMG88XX_INTHL; inth_reg = AMG88XX_INTHH; } else if (attr == SENSOR_ATTR_LOWER_THRESH) { intl_reg = AMG88XX_INTLL; inth_reg = AMG88XX_INTLH; } else { return -ENOTSUP; } if (i2c_reg_write_byte(drv_data->i2c, config->i2c_address, intl_reg, (u8_t)int_level)) { LOG_DBG("Failed to set INTxL attribute!"); return -EIO; } if (i2c_reg_write_byte(drv_data->i2c, config->i2c_address, inth_reg, (u8_t)(int_level >> 8))) { LOG_DBG("Failed to set INTxH attribute!"); return -EIO; } return 0; } static void amg88xx_gpio_callback(struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, u32_t pins) { struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = CONTAINER_OF(cb, struct amg88xx_data, gpio_cb); amg88xx_setup_int(drv_data, false); #if defined(CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD) k_sem_give(&drv_data->gpio_sem); #elif defined(CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD) k_work_submit(&drv_data->work); #endif } static void amg88xx_thread_cb(void *arg) { struct device *dev = arg; struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; const struct amg88xx_config *config = dev->config_info; u8_t status; if (i2c_reg_read_byte(drv_data->i2c, config->i2c_address, AMG88XX_STAT, &status) < 0) { return; } if (drv_data->drdy_handler != NULL) { drv_data->drdy_handler(dev, &drv_data->drdy_trigger); } if (drv_data->th_handler != NULL) { drv_data->th_handler(dev, &drv_data->th_trigger); } amg88xx_setup_int(drv_data, true); } #ifdef CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD static void amg88xx_thread(int dev_ptr, int unused) { struct device *dev = INT_TO_POINTER(dev_ptr); struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; ARG_UNUSED(unused); while (42) { k_sem_take(&drv_data->gpio_sem, K_FOREVER); amg88xx_thread_cb(dev); } } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD static void amg88xx_work_cb(struct k_work *work) { struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = CONTAINER_OF(work, struct amg88xx_data, work); amg88xx_thread_cb(drv_data->dev); } #endif int amg88xx_trigger_set(struct device *dev, const struct sensor_trigger *trig, sensor_trigger_handler_t handler) { struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; const struct amg88xx_config *config = dev->config_info; if (i2c_reg_write_byte(drv_data->i2c, config->i2c_address, AMG88XX_INTC, AMG88XX_INTC_DISABLED)) { return -EIO; } amg88xx_setup_int(drv_data, false); if (trig->type == SENSOR_TRIG_THRESHOLD) { drv_data->th_handler = handler; drv_data->th_trigger = *trig; } else { LOG_ERR("Unsupported sensor trigger"); return -ENOTSUP; } amg88xx_setup_int(drv_data, true); if (i2c_reg_write_byte(drv_data->i2c, config->i2c_address, AMG88XX_INTC, AMG88XX_INTC_ABS_MODE)) { return -EIO; } return 0; } int amg88xx_init_interrupt(struct device *dev) { struct amg88xx_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; const struct amg88xx_config *config = dev->config_info; /* setup gpio interrupt */ drv_data->gpio = device_get_binding(config->gpio_name); if (drv_data->gpio == NULL) { LOG_DBG("Failed to get pointer to %s device!", config->gpio_name); return -EINVAL; } drv_data->gpio_pin = config->gpio_pin; gpio_pin_configure(drv_data->gpio, config->gpio_pin, GPIO_INPUT | config->gpio_flags); gpio_init_callback(&drv_data->gpio_cb, amg88xx_gpio_callback, BIT(config->gpio_pin)); if (gpio_add_callback(drv_data->gpio, &drv_data->gpio_cb) < 0) { LOG_DBG("Failed to set gpio callback!"); return -EIO; } #if defined(CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_OWN_THREAD) k_sem_init(&drv_data->gpio_sem, 0, UINT_MAX); k_thread_create(&drv_data->thread, drv_data->thread_stack, CONFIG_AMG88XX_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, (k_thread_entry_t)amg88xx_thread, dev, 0, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_AMG88XX_THREAD_PRIORITY), 0, K_NO_WAIT); #elif defined(CONFIG_AMG88XX_TRIGGER_GLOBAL_THREAD) drv_data->work.handler = amg88xx_work_cb; drv_data->dev = dev; #endif amg88xx_setup_int(drv_data, true); return 0; }