/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * This file is a template for cmake and is not meant to be used directly! */ static void i2c_config_@NUM@(struct device *port); static const struct i2c_dw_rom_config i2c_config_dw_@NUM@ = { .config_func = i2c_config_@NUM@, .bitrate = DT_INST_PROP(@NUM@, clock_frequency), #if DT_INST_PROP(@NUM@, pcie) .pcie = true, .pcie_bdf = DT_INST_REG_ADDR(@NUM@), .pcie_id = DT_INST_REG_SIZE(@NUM@), #endif }; static struct i2c_dw_dev_config i2c_@NUM@_runtime = { .regs = (struct i2c_dw_registers *) DT_INST_REG_ADDR(@NUM@) }; DEVICE_AND_API_INIT(i2c_@NUM@, DT_INST_LABEL(@NUM@), &i2c_dw_initialize, &i2c_@NUM@_runtime, &i2c_config_dw_@NUM@, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_I2C_INIT_PRIORITY, &funcs); #if DT_INST_IRQ_HAS_CELL(@NUM@, sense) #define INST_@NUM@_IRQ_FLAGS DT_INST_IRQ(@NUM@, sense) #else #define INST_@NUM@_IRQ_FLAGS 0 #endif static void i2c_config_@NUM@(struct device *port) { ARG_UNUSED(port); #if DT_INST_PROP(@NUM@, pcie) #if DT_INST_IRQN(@NUM@) == PCIE_IRQ_DETECT /* PCI(e) with auto IRQ detection */ BUILD_ASSERT(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DYNAMIC_INTERRUPTS), "DW I2C PCI auto-IRQ needs CONFIG_DYNAMIC_INTERRUPTS"); unsigned int irq; irq = pcie_wired_irq(DT_INST_REG_ADDR(@NUM@)); if (irq == PCIE_CONF_INTR_IRQ_NONE) { return; } irq_connect_dynamic(irq, DT_INST_IRQ(@NUM@, priority), i2c_dw_isr, DEVICE_GET(i2c_@NUM@), INST_@NUM@_IRQ_FLAGS); pcie_irq_enable(DT_INST_REG_ADDR(@NUM@), irq); #else /* PCI(e) with fixed or MSI IRQ */ IRQ_CONNECT(DT_INST_IRQN(@NUM@), DT_INST_IRQ(@NUM@, priority), i2c_dw_isr, DEVICE_GET(i2c_@NUM@), INST_@NUM@_IRQ_FLAGS); pcie_irq_enable(DT_INST_REG_ADDR(@NUM@), DT_INST_IRQN(@NUM@)); #endif #else /* not PCI(e) */ IRQ_CONNECT(DT_INST_IRQN(@NUM@), DT_INST_IRQ(@NUM@, priority), i2c_dw_isr, DEVICE_GET(i2c_@NUM@), INST_@NUM@_IRQ_FLAGS); irq_enable(DT_INST_IRQN(@NUM@)); #endif }