Title: Context and IRQ APIs Description: This test verifies that the kernel CPU and context APIs operate as expected. APIs tested in this test set ============================ k_thread_create - start a helper thread to help with k_yield() tests - start a thread to test thread related functionality k_yield - Called by a higher priority thread when there is another thread - Called by an equal priority thread when there is another thread - Called by a lower priority thread when there is another thread k_current_get - Called from an ISR (interrupted a task) - Called from an ISR (interrupted a thread) - Called from a task - Called from a thread k_is_in_isr - Called from an ISR that interrupted a task - Called from an ISR that interrupted a thread - Called from a task - Called from a thread k_cpu_idle - Tickless Kernel: CPU to be woken up by a kernel timer (k_timer) - Non-tickless kernel: CPU to be woken up by tick timer. Thus, after each call, the tick count should have advanced by one tick. irq_lock - 1. Count the number of calls to _tick_get_32() before a tick expires. - 2. Once determined, call _tick_get_32() many more times than that with interrupts locked. Check that the tick count remains unchanged. irq_unlock - Continuation irq_lock: unlock interrupts, loop and verify the tick count changes. irq_offload - Used when triggering an ISR to perform ISR context work. irq_enable irq_disable - Use these routines to disable and enable timer interrupts so that they can be tested in the same way as irq_lock() and irq_unlock(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building and Running Project: This project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed on QEMU as follows: make run --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting: Problems caused by out-dated project information can be addressed by issuing one of the following commands then rebuilding the project: make clean # discard results of previous builds # but keep existing configuration info or make pristine # discard results of previous builds # and restore pre-defined configuration info --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Output: tc_start() - Test kernel CPU and thread routines Initializing kernel objects Testing k_cpu_idle() Testing interrupt locking and unlocking Testing irq_disable() and irq_enable() Testing some kernel context routines Testing k_current_get() from an ISR and task Testing k_is_in_isr() from an ISR Testing k_is_in_isr() from a preemptible thread Spawning a thread from a task Thread to test k_current_get() and k_is_in_isr() Thread to test k_yield() Testing k_busy_wait() Thread busy waiting for 20000 usecs Thread busy waiting completed Testing k_sleep() thread sleeping for 50 milliseconds thread back from sleep Testing k_thread_create() without cancellation thread (q order: 2, t/o: 500) is running got thread (q order: 2, t/o: 500) as expected thread (q order: 3, t/o: 750) is running got thread (q order: 3, t/o: 750) as expected thread (q order: 0, t/o: 1000) is running got thread (q order: 0, t/o: 1000) as expected thread (q order: 6, t/o: 1250) is running got thread (q order: 6, t/o: 1250) as expected thread (q order: 1, t/o: 1500) is running got thread (q order: 1, t/o: 1500) as expected thread (q order: 4, t/o: 1750) is running got thread (q order: 4, t/o: 1750) as expected thread (q order: 5, t/o: 2000) is running got thread (q order: 5, t/o: 2000) as expected Testing k_thread_create() with cancellations cancelling [q order: 0, t/o: 1000, t/o order: 0] thread (q order: 3, t/o: 750) is running got (q order: 3, t/o: 750, t/o order 1) as expected thread (q order: 0, t/o: 1000) is running got (q order: 0, t/o: 1000, t/o order 2) as expected cancelling [q order: 3, t/o: 750, t/o order: 3] cancelling [q order: 4, t/o: 1750, t/o order: 4] thread (q order: 4, t/o: 1750) is running got (q order: 4, t/o: 1750, t/o order 5) as expected cancelling [q order: 6, t/o: 1250, t/o order: 6] PASS - main. =================================================================== PROJECT EXECUTION SUCCESSFUL