/* * Copyright (c) 2022 The Chromium OS Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #define DT_DRV_COMPAT usb_c_connector #include #include #include #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(usbc_stack, CONFIG_USBC_STACK_LOG_LEVEL); #include "usbc_stack.h" #include "usbc_pe_common_internal.h" #include "usbc_tc_common_internal.h" static int usbc_subsys_init(const struct device *dev); static ALWAYS_INLINE void usbc_handler(void *port_dev) { const struct device *dev = (const struct device *)port_dev; struct usbc_port_data *port = dev->data; struct request_value *req; int32_t request; req = k_fifo_get(&port->request_fifo, K_NO_WAIT); request = (req != NULL) ? req->val : REQUEST_NOP; pe_run(dev, request); prl_run(dev); tc_run(dev, request); if (request == PRIV_PORT_REQUEST_SUSPEND) { k_thread_suspend(port->port_thread); } /* Check if there wasn't any request to do a one more iteration of USB-C state machines */ if (!port->bypass_next_sleep) { k_msleep(CONFIG_USBC_STATE_MACHINE_CYCLE_TIME); } else { port->bypass_next_sleep = false; } } #define USBC_SUBSYS_INIT(inst) \ K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(my_stack_area_##inst, CONFIG_USBC_STACK_SIZE); \ \ static struct tc_sm_t tc_##inst; \ static struct policy_engine pe_##inst; \ static struct protocol_layer_rx_t prl_rx_##inst; \ static struct protocol_layer_tx_t prl_tx_##inst; \ static struct protocol_hard_reset_t prl_hr_##inst; \ \ static void run_usbc_##inst(void *port_dev, void *unused1, void *unused2) \ { \ while (1) { \ usbc_handler(port_dev); \ } \ } \ \ static void create_thread_##inst(const struct device *dev) \ { \ struct usbc_port_data *port = dev->data; \ \ port->port_thread = k_thread_create( \ &port->thread_data, my_stack_area_##inst, \ K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(my_stack_area_##inst), run_usbc_##inst, (void *)dev, \ 0, 0, CONFIG_USBC_THREAD_PRIORITY, K_ESSENTIAL, K_NO_WAIT); \ k_thread_suspend(port->port_thread); \ } \ \ static struct usbc_port_data usbc_port_data_##inst = { \ .tc = &tc_##inst, \ .pe = &pe_##inst, \ .prl_rx = &prl_rx_##inst, \ .prl_tx = &prl_tx_##inst, \ .prl_hr = &prl_hr_##inst, \ .tcpc = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST_PROP(inst, tcpc)), \ .vbus = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST_PROP(inst, vbus)), \ .ppc = COND_CODE_1(DT_INST_NODE_HAS_PROP(inst, ppc), \ (DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_INST_PROP(inst, ppc))), (NULL)), \ }; \ \ static const struct usbc_port_config usbc_port_config_##inst = { \ .create_thread = create_thread_##inst, \ }; \ \ DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, &usbc_subsys_init, NULL, &usbc_port_data_##inst, \ &usbc_port_config_##inst, POST_KERNEL, \ CONFIG_USBC_STACK_INIT_PRIORITY, NULL); DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(USBC_SUBSYS_INIT) /** * @brief Called by the Device Policy Manager to start the USB-C Subsystem */ int usbc_start(const struct device *dev) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; /* Add private start request to fifo */ data->request.val = PRIV_PORT_REQUEST_START; k_fifo_put(&data->request_fifo, &data->request); /* Start the port thread */ k_thread_resume(data->port_thread); return 0; } /** * @brief Called by the Device Policy Manager to suspend the USB-C Subsystem */ int usbc_suspend(const struct device *dev) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; /* Add private suspend request to fifo */ data->request.val = PRIV_PORT_REQUEST_SUSPEND; k_fifo_put(&data->request_fifo, &data->request); return 0; } /** * @brief Called by the Device Policy Manager to make a request of the * USB-C Subsystem */ int usbc_request(const struct device *dev, const enum usbc_policy_request_t req) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; /* Add public request to fifo */ data->request.val = req; k_fifo_put(&data->request_fifo, &data->request); return 0; } void usbc_bypass_next_sleep(const struct device *dev) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->bypass_next_sleep = true; } /** * @brief Sets the Device Policy Manager's data */ void usbc_set_dpm_data(const struct device *dev, void *dpm_data) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->dpm_data = dpm_data; } /** * @brief Gets the Device Policy Manager's data */ void *usbc_get_dpm_data(const struct device *dev) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; return data->dpm_data; } #ifdef CONFIG_USBC_CSM_SINK_ONLY /** * @brief Set the callback that gets the Sink Capabilities from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_get_snk_cap(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_get_snk_cap_t policy_cb_get_snk_cap) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_get_snk_cap = policy_cb_get_snk_cap; } /** * @brief Set the callback that sends the received Source Capabilities to the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_set_src_cap(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_set_src_cap_t policy_cb_set_src_cap) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_set_src_cap = policy_cb_set_src_cap; } /** * @brief Set the callback for requesting the data object (RDO) */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_get_rdo(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_get_rdo_t policy_cb_get_rdo) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_get_rdo = policy_cb_get_rdo; } /** * @brief Set the callback for checking if Sink Power Supply is at * default level */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_is_snk_at_default(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_is_snk_at_default_t policy_cb_is_snk_at_default) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_is_snk_at_default = policy_cb_is_snk_at_default; } #else /* CONFIG_USBC_CSM_SOURCE_ONLY */ /** * @brief Set the callback for sending the Sink Caps to the DPM */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_set_port_partner_snk_cap(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_set_port_partner_snk_cap_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_set_port_partner_snk_cap = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback that gets the Source Capabilities from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_get_src_caps(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_get_src_caps_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_get_src_caps = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback that gets the Source Rp value from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_get_src_rp(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_get_src_rp_t policy_cb_get_src_rp) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_get_src_rp = policy_cb_get_src_rp; } /** * @brief Set the callback that controls the sourcing of VBUS from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_src_en(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_src_en_t policy_cb_src_en) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_src_en = policy_cb_src_en; } /** * @brief Set the callback for checking if a Sink Request is valid */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_check_sink_request(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_check_sink_request_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_check_sink_request = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback for checking if the Source Power Supply is ready */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_is_ps_ready(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_is_ps_ready_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_is_ps_ready = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback for checking if the Present Contract is still valid */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_present_contract_is_valid(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_present_contract_is_valid_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_present_contract_is_valid = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback that requests the use of a new set of Sources Caps if * they're available */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_change_src_caps(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_change_src_caps_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_change_src_caps = cb; } /** * @brief Set the callback that controls the sourcing of VCONN from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_vconn_control_cb(const struct device *dev, const tcpc_vconn_control_cb_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; const struct device *tcpc = data->tcpc; tcpc_set_vconn_cb(tcpc, cb); } /** * @brief Set the callback that discharges VCONN from the * Device Policy Manager */ void usbc_set_vconn_discharge(const struct device *dev, const tcpc_vconn_discharge_cb_t cb) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; const struct device *tcpc = data->tcpc; tcpc_set_vconn_discharge_cb(tcpc, cb); } #endif /* CONFIG_USBC_CSM_SINK_ONLY */ /** * @brief Set the callback for the Device Policy Manager policy check */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_check(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_check_t policy_cb_check) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_check = policy_cb_check; } /** * @brief Set the callback for the Device Policy Manager policy change notify */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_notify(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_notify_t policy_cb_notify) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_notify = policy_cb_notify; } /** * @brief Set the callback for the Device Policy Manager policy change notify */ void usbc_set_policy_cb_wait_notify(const struct device *dev, const policy_cb_wait_notify_t policy_cb_wait_notify) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; data->policy_cb_wait_notify = policy_cb_wait_notify; } /** * @brief Initialize the USB-C Subsystem */ static int usbc_subsys_init(const struct device *dev) { struct usbc_port_data *data = dev->data; const struct usbc_port_config *const config = dev->config; const struct device *tcpc = data->tcpc; /* Make sure TCPC is ready */ if (!device_is_ready(tcpc)) { LOG_ERR("TCPC NOT READY"); return -ENODEV; } /* Initialize the state machines */ tc_subsys_init(dev); pe_subsys_init(dev); prl_subsys_init(dev); /* Initialize the request fifo */ k_fifo_init(&data->request_fifo); /* Create the thread for this port */ config->create_thread(dev); return 0; }