/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include LOG_MODULE_DECLARE(net_shell); #include #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) #include #include "ethernet/gptp/gptp_messages.h" #include "ethernet/gptp/gptp_md.h" #include "ethernet/gptp/gptp_state.h" #include "ethernet/gptp/gptp_data_set.h" #include "ethernet/gptp/gptp_private.h" #endif #include "net_shell_private.h" #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) static const char *selected_role_str(int port); static void gptp_port_cb(int port, struct net_if *iface, void *user_data) { struct net_shell_user_data *data = user_data; const struct shell *sh = data->sh; int *count = data->user_data; if (*count == 0) { PR("Port Interface \tRole\n"); } (*count)++; PR("%2d %p [%d] \t%s\n", port, iface, net_if_get_by_iface(iface), selected_role_str(port)); } static const char *pdelay_req2str(enum gptp_pdelay_req_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_NOT_ENABLED: return "REQ_NOT_ENABLED"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_INITIAL_SEND_REQ: return "INITIAL_SEND_REQ"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_RESET: return "REQ_RESET"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_SEND_REQ: return "SEND_REQ"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_WAIT_RESP: return "WAIT_RESP"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_WAIT_FOLLOW_UP: return "WAIT_FOLLOW_UP"; case GPTP_PDELAY_REQ_WAIT_ITV_TIMER: return "WAIT_ITV_TIMER"; } return ""; }; static const char *pdelay_resp2str(enum gptp_pdelay_resp_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PDELAY_RESP_NOT_ENABLED: return "RESP_NOT_ENABLED"; case GPTP_PDELAY_RESP_INITIAL_WAIT_REQ: return "INITIAL_WAIT_REQ"; case GPTP_PDELAY_RESP_WAIT_REQ: return "WAIT_REQ"; case GPTP_PDELAY_RESP_WAIT_TSTAMP: return "WAIT_TSTAMP"; } return ""; } static const char *sync_rcv2str(enum gptp_sync_rcv_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_SYNC_RCV_DISCARD: return "DISCARD"; case GPTP_SYNC_RCV_WAIT_SYNC: return "WAIT_SYNC"; case GPTP_SYNC_RCV_WAIT_FOLLOW_UP: return "WAIT_FOLLOW_UP"; } return ""; } static const char *sync_send2str(enum gptp_sync_send_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_SYNC_SEND_INITIALIZING: return "INITIALIZING"; case GPTP_SYNC_SEND_SEND_SYNC: return "SEND_SYNC"; case GPTP_SYNC_SEND_SEND_FUP: return "SEND_FUP"; } return ""; } static const char *pss_rcv2str(enum gptp_pss_rcv_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PSS_RCV_DISCARD: return "DISCARD"; case GPTP_PSS_RCV_RECEIVED_SYNC: return "RECEIVED_SYNC"; } return ""; } static const char *pss_send2str(enum gptp_pss_send_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PSS_SEND_TRANSMIT_INIT: return "TRANSMIT_INIT"; case GPTP_PSS_SEND_SYNC_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT: return "SYNC_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT"; case GPTP_PSS_SEND_SEND_MD_SYNC: return "SEND_MD_SYNC"; case GPTP_PSS_SEND_SET_SYNC_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT: return "SET_SYNC_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT"; } return ""; } static const char *pa_rcv2str(enum gptp_pa_rcv_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PA_RCV_DISCARD: return "DISCARD"; case GPTP_PA_RCV_RECEIVE: return "RECEIVE"; } return ""; }; static const char *pa_info2str(enum gptp_pa_info_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PA_INFO_DISABLED: return "DISABLED"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_POST_DISABLED: return "POST_DISABLED"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_AGED: return "AGED"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_UPDATE: return "UPDATE"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_CURRENT: return "CURRENT"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_RECEIVE: return "RECEIVE"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_SUPERIOR_MASTER_PORT: return "SUPERIOR_MASTER_PORT"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_REPEATED_MASTER_PORT: return "REPEATED_MASTER_PORT"; case GPTP_PA_INFO_INFERIOR_MASTER_OR_OTHER_PORT: return "INFERIOR_MASTER_OR_OTHER_PORT"; } return ""; }; static const char *pa_transmit2str(enum gptp_pa_transmit_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PA_TRANSMIT_INIT: return "INIT"; case GPTP_PA_TRANSMIT_PERIODIC: return "PERIODIC"; case GPTP_PA_TRANSMIT_IDLE: return "IDLE"; case GPTP_PA_TRANSMIT_POST_IDLE: return "POST_IDLE"; } return ""; }; static const char *site_sync2str(enum gptp_site_sync_sync_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_SSS_INITIALIZING: return "INITIALIZING"; case GPTP_SSS_RECEIVING_SYNC: return "RECEIVING_SYNC"; } return ""; } static const char *clk_slave2str(enum gptp_clk_slave_sync_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_CLK_SLAVE_SYNC_INITIALIZING: return "INITIALIZING"; case GPTP_CLK_SLAVE_SYNC_SEND_SYNC_IND: return "SEND_SYNC_IND"; } return ""; }; static const char *pr_selection2str(enum gptp_pr_selection_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_PR_SELECTION_INIT_BRIDGE: return "INIT_BRIDGE"; case GPTP_PR_SELECTION_ROLE_SELECTION: return "ROLE_SELECTION"; } return ""; }; static const char *cms_rcv2str(enum gptp_cms_rcv_states state) { switch (state) { case GPTP_CMS_RCV_INITIALIZING: return "INITIALIZING"; case GPTP_CMS_RCV_WAITING: return "WAITING"; case GPTP_CMS_RCV_SOURCE_TIME: return "SOURCE_TIME"; } return ""; }; #if !defined(USCALED_NS_TO_NS) #define USCALED_NS_TO_NS(val) (val >> 16) #endif static const char *selected_role_str(int port) { switch (GPTP_GLOBAL_DS()->selected_role[port]) { case GPTP_PORT_INITIALIZING: return "INITIALIZING"; case GPTP_PORT_FAULTY: return "FAULTY"; case GPTP_PORT_DISABLED: return "DISABLED"; case GPTP_PORT_LISTENING: return "LISTENING"; case GPTP_PORT_PRE_MASTER: return "PRE-MASTER"; case GPTP_PORT_MASTER: return "MASTER"; case GPTP_PORT_PASSIVE: return "PASSIVE"; case GPTP_PORT_UNCALIBRATED: return "UNCALIBRATED"; case GPTP_PORT_SLAVE: return "SLAVE"; } return ""; } static void gptp_print_port_info(const struct shell *sh, int port) { struct gptp_port_bmca_data *port_bmca_data; struct gptp_port_param_ds *port_param_ds; struct gptp_port_states *port_state; struct gptp_domain *domain; struct gptp_port_ds *port_ds; struct net_if *iface; int ret, i; domain = gptp_get_domain(); ret = gptp_get_port_data(domain, port, &port_ds, &port_param_ds, &port_state, &port_bmca_data, &iface); if (ret < 0) { PR_WARNING("Cannot get gPTP information for port %d (%d)\n", port, ret); return; } NET_ASSERT(port == port_ds->port_id.port_number, "Port number mismatch! (%d vs %d)", port, port_ds->port_id.port_number); PR("Port id : %d (%s)\n", port_ds->port_id.port_number, selected_role_str(port_ds->port_id.port_number)); PR("Interface : %p [%d]\n", iface, net_if_get_by_iface(iface)); PR("Clock id : "); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(port_ds->port_id.clk_id); i++) { PR("%02x", port_ds->port_id.clk_id[i]); if (i != (sizeof(port_ds->port_id.clk_id) - 1)) { PR(":"); } } PR("\n"); PR("Version : %d\n", port_ds->version); PR("AS capable : %s\n", port_ds->as_capable ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\nConfiguration:\n"); PR("Time synchronization and Best Master Selection enabled " ": %s\n", port_ds->ptt_port_enabled ? "yes" : "no"); PR("The port is measuring the path delay " ": %s\n", port_ds->is_measuring_delay ? "yes" : "no"); PR("One way propagation time on %s : %u ns\n", "the link attached to this port", (uint32_t)port_ds->neighbor_prop_delay); PR("Propagation time threshold for %s : %u ns\n", "the link attached to this port", (uint32_t)port_ds->neighbor_prop_delay_thresh); PR("Estimate of the ratio of the frequency with the peer " ": %u\n", (uint32_t)port_ds->neighbor_rate_ratio); PR("Asymmetry on the link relative to the grand master time base " ": %" PRId64 "\n", port_ds->delay_asymmetry); PR("Maximum interval between sync %s " ": %" PRIu64 "\n", "messages", port_ds->sync_receipt_timeout_time_itv); PR("Maximum number of Path Delay Requests without a response " ": %d\n", port_ds->allowed_lost_responses); PR("Current Sync %s : %d\n", "sequence id for this port", port_ds->sync_seq_id); PR("Current Path Delay Request %s : %d\n", "sequence id for this port", port_ds->pdelay_req_seq_id); PR("Current Announce %s : %d\n", "sequence id for this port", port_ds->announce_seq_id); PR("Current Signaling %s : %d\n", "sequence id for this port", port_ds->signaling_seq_id); PR("Whether neighborRateRatio %s : %s\n", "needs to be computed for this port", port_ds->compute_neighbor_rate_ratio ? "yes" : "no"); PR("Whether neighborPropDelay %s : %s\n", "needs to be computed for this port", port_ds->compute_neighbor_prop_delay ? "yes" : "no"); PR("Initial Announce Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->ini_log_announce_itv); PR("Current Announce Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->cur_log_announce_itv); PR("Initial Sync Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->ini_log_half_sync_itv); PR("Current Sync Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->cur_log_half_sync_itv); PR("Initial Path Delay Request Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->ini_log_pdelay_req_itv); PR("Current Path Delay Request Interval %s : %d\n", "as a Logarithm to base 2", port_ds->cur_log_pdelay_req_itv); PR("Time without receiving announce %s %s : %d ms (%d)\n", "messages", "before running BMCA", gptp_uscaled_ns_to_timer_ms( &port_bmca_data->ann_rcpt_timeout_time_interval), port_ds->announce_receipt_timeout); PR("Time without receiving sync %s %s : %" PRIu64 " ms (%d)\n", "messages", "before running BMCA", (port_ds->sync_receipt_timeout_time_itv >> 16) / (NSEC_PER_SEC / MSEC_PER_SEC), port_ds->sync_receipt_timeout); PR("Sync event %s : %" PRIu64 " ms\n", "transmission interval for the port", USCALED_NS_TO_NS(port_ds->half_sync_itv.low) / (NSEC_PER_USEC * USEC_PER_MSEC)); PR("Path Delay Request %s : %" PRIu64 " ms\n", "transmission interval for the port", USCALED_NS_TO_NS(port_ds->pdelay_req_itv.low) / (NSEC_PER_USEC * USEC_PER_MSEC)); PR("BMCA %s %s%d%s: %d\n", "default", "priority", 1, " ", domain->default_ds.priority1); PR("BMCA %s %s%d%s: %d\n", "default", "priority", 2, " ", domain->default_ds.priority2); PR("\nRuntime status:\n"); PR("Current global port state " " : %s\n", selected_role_str(port)); PR("Path Delay Request state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pdelay_req2str(port_state->pdelay_req.state)); PR("\tInitial Path Delay Response Peer Timestamp " ": %" PRIu64 "\n", port_state->pdelay_req.ini_resp_evt_tstamp); PR("\tInitial Path Delay Response Ingress Timestamp " ": %" PRIu64 "\n", port_state->pdelay_req.ini_resp_ingress_tstamp); PR("\tPath Delay Response %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_state->pdelay_req.rcvd_pdelay_resp); PR("\tPath Delay Follow Up %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_state->pdelay_req.rcvd_pdelay_follow_up); PR("\tNumber of lost Path Delay Responses " ": %u\n", port_state->pdelay_req.lost_responses); PR("\tTimer expired send a new Path Delay Request " ": %u\n", port_state->pdelay_req.pdelay_timer_expired); PR("\tNeighborRateRatio has been computed successfully " ": %u\n", port_state->pdelay_req.neighbor_rate_ratio_valid); PR("\tPath Delay has already been computed after init " ": %u\n", port_state->pdelay_req.init_pdelay_compute); PR("\tCount consecutive reqs with multiple responses " ": %u\n", port_state->pdelay_req.multiple_resp_count); PR("Path Delay Response state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pdelay_resp2str(port_state->pdelay_resp.state)); PR("SyncReceive state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", sync_rcv2str(port_state->sync_rcv.state)); PR("\tA Sync %s %s : %s\n", "Message", "has been received", port_state->sync_rcv.rcvd_sync ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tA Follow Up %s %s : %s\n", "Message", "has been received", port_state->sync_rcv.rcvd_follow_up ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tA Follow Up %s %s : %s\n", "Message", "timeout", port_state->sync_rcv.follow_up_timeout_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tTime at which a Sync %s without Follow Up\n" "\t will be discarded " ": %" PRIu64 "\n", "Message", port_state->sync_rcv.follow_up_receipt_timeout); PR("SyncSend state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", sync_send2str(port_state->sync_send.state)); PR("\tA MDSyncSend structure %s : %s\n", "has been received", port_state->sync_send.rcvd_md_sync ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tThe timestamp for the sync msg %s : %s\n", "has been received", port_state->sync_send.md_sync_timestamp_avail ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortSyncSyncReceive state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pss_rcv2str(port_state->pss_rcv.state)); PR("\tGrand Master / Local Clock frequency ratio " ": %f\n", port_state->pss_rcv.rate_ratio); PR("\tA MDSyncReceive struct is ready to be processed " ": %s\n", port_state->pss_rcv.rcvd_md_sync ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tExpiry of SyncReceiptTimeoutTimer : %s\n", port_state->pss_rcv.rcv_sync_receipt_timeout_timer_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortSyncSyncSend state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pss_send2str(port_state->pss_send.state)); PR("\tFollow Up Correction Field of last recv PSS " ": %" PRId64 "\n", port_state->pss_send.last_follow_up_correction_field); PR("\tUpstream Tx Time of the last recv PortSyncSync " ": %" PRIu64 "\n", port_state->pss_send.last_upstream_tx_time); PR("\tRate Ratio of the last received PortSyncSync " ": %f\n", port_state->pss_send.last_rate_ratio); PR("\tGM Freq Change of the last received PortSyncSync " ": %f\n", port_state->pss_send.last_gm_freq_change); PR("\tGM Time Base Indicator of last recv PortSyncSync " ": %d\n", port_state->pss_send.last_gm_time_base_indicator); PR("\tReceived Port Number of last recv PortSyncSync " ": %d\n", port_state->pss_send.last_rcvd_port_num); PR("\tPortSyncSync structure is ready to be processed " ": %s\n", port_state->pss_send.rcvd_pss_sync ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tFlag when the %s has expired : %s\n", "half_sync_itv_timer", port_state->pss_send.half_sync_itv_timer_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tHas %s expired twice : %s\n", "half_sync_itv_timer", port_state->pss_send.sync_itv_timer_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tHas syncReceiptTimeoutTime expired " ": %s\n", port_state->pss_send.send_sync_receipt_timeout_timer_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortAnnounceReceive state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pa_rcv2str(port_state->pa_rcv.state)); PR("\tAn announce message is ready to be processed " ": %s\n", port_state->pa_rcv.rcvd_announce ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortAnnounceInformation state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pa_info2str(port_state->pa_info.state)); PR("\tExpired announce information " ": %s\n", port_state->pa_info.ann_expired ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortAnnounceTransmit state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state " ": %s\n", pa_transmit2str(port_state->pa_transmit.state)); PR("\tTrigger announce information " ": %s\n", port_state->pa_transmit.ann_trigger ? "yes" : "no"); #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP_STATISTICS) PR("\nStatistics:\n"); PR("Sync %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_sync_count); PR("Follow Up %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_fup_count); PR("Path Delay Request %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_pdelay_req_count); PR("Path Delay Response %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_pdelay_resp_count); PR("Path Delay %s threshold %s : %u\n", "messages", "exceeded", port_param_ds->neighbor_prop_delay_exceeded); PR("Path Delay Follow Up %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_pdelay_resp_fup_count); PR("Announce %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "received", port_param_ds->rx_announce_count); PR("ptp %s discarded : %u\n", "messages", port_param_ds->rx_ptp_packet_discard_count); PR("Sync %s %s : %u\n", "reception", "timeout", port_param_ds->sync_receipt_timeout_count); PR("Announce %s %s : %u\n", "reception", "timeout", port_param_ds->announce_receipt_timeout_count); PR("Path Delay Requests without a response " ": %u\n", port_param_ds->pdelay_allowed_lost_resp_exceed_count); PR("Sync %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_sync_count); PR("Follow Up %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_fup_count); PR("Path Delay Request %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_pdelay_req_count); PR("Path Delay Response %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_pdelay_resp_count); PR("Path Delay Response FUP %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_pdelay_resp_fup_count); PR("Announce %s %s : %u\n", "messages", "sent", port_param_ds->tx_announce_count); #endif /* CONFIG_NET_GPTP_STATISTICS */ } #endif /* CONFIG_NET_GPTP */ static int cmd_net_gptp_port(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[]) { #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) int arg = 1; char *endptr; int port; #endif #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) if (!argv[arg]) { PR_WARNING("Port number must be given.\n"); return -ENOEXEC; } port = strtol(argv[arg], &endptr, 10); if (*endptr == '\0') { gptp_print_port_info(sh, port); } else { PR_WARNING("Not a valid gPTP port number: %s\n", argv[arg]); } #else ARG_UNUSED(argc); ARG_UNUSED(argv); PR_INFO("Set %s to enable %s support.\n", "CONFIG_NET_GPTP", "gPTP"); #endif return 0; } static int cmd_net_gptp(const struct shell *sh, size_t argc, char *argv[]) { #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) /* gPTP status */ struct gptp_domain *domain = gptp_get_domain(); int count = 0; int arg = 1; #endif #if defined(CONFIG_NET_GPTP) if (argv[arg]) { cmd_net_gptp_port(sh, argc, argv); } else { struct net_shell_user_data user_data; user_data.sh = sh; user_data.user_data = &count; gptp_foreach_port(gptp_port_cb, &user_data); PR("\n"); PR("SiteSyncSync state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state : %s\n", site_sync2str(domain->state.site_ss.state)); PR("\tA PortSyncSync struct is ready : %s\n", domain->state.site_ss.rcvd_pss ? "yes" : "no"); PR("ClockSlaveSync state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state : %s\n", clk_slave2str(domain->state.clk_slave_sync.state)); PR("\tA PortSyncSync struct is ready : %s\n", domain->state.clk_slave_sync.rcvd_pss ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tThe local clock has expired : %s\n", domain->state.clk_slave_sync.rcvd_local_clk_tick ? "yes" : "no"); PR("PortRoleSelection state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state : %s\n", pr_selection2str(domain->state.pr_sel.state)); PR("ClockMasterSyncReceive state machine variables:\n"); PR("\tCurrent state : %s\n", cms_rcv2str(domain->state.clk_master_sync_receive.state)); PR("\tA ClockSourceTime : %s\n", domain->state.clk_master_sync_receive.rcvd_clock_source_req ? "yes" : "no"); PR("\tThe local clock has expired : %s\n", domain->state.clk_master_sync_receive.rcvd_local_clock_tick ? "yes" : "no"); } #else ARG_UNUSED(argc); ARG_UNUSED(argv); PR_INFO("Set %s to enable %s support.\n", "CONFIG_NET_GPTP", "gPTP"); #endif return 0; } SHELL_STATIC_SUBCMD_SET_CREATE(net_cmd_gptp, SHELL_CMD(port, NULL, "'net gptp []' prints detailed information about " "gPTP port.", cmd_net_gptp_port), SHELL_SUBCMD_SET_END ); SHELL_SUBCMD_ADD((net), gptp, &net_cmd_gptp, "Print information about gPTP support.", cmd_net_gptp, 1, 1);