#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Script to parse CTF data and print to the screen in a custom and colorful format. Generate trace using samples/subsys/tracing for example: west build -b qemu_x86 samples/subsys/tracing -t run \ -- -DCONF_FILE=prj_uart_ctf.conf mkdir ctf cp build/channel0_0 ctf/ cp subsys/tracing/ctf/tsdl/metadata ctf/ ./scripts/tracing/parse_ctf.py -t ctf """ import sys import datetime import colorama from colorama import Fore import argparse try: import bt2 except ImportError: sys.exit("Missing dependency: You need to install python bindings of babeltrace.") def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False) parser.add_argument("-t", "--trace", required=True, help="tracing data (directory with metadata and trace file)") args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): colorama.init() args = parse_args() msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(args.trace) last_event_ns_from_origin = None timeline = [] def get_thread(name): for t in timeline: if t.get('name', None) == name and t.get('in', 0 ) != 0 and not t.get('out', None): return t return {} for msg in msg_it: if not isinstance(msg, bt2._EventMessageConst): continue ns_from_origin = msg.default_clock_snapshot.ns_from_origin event = msg.event # Compute the time difference since the last event message. diff_s = 0 if last_event_ns_from_origin is not None: diff_s = (ns_from_origin - last_event_ns_from_origin) / 1e9 dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ns_from_origin / 1e9) if event.name in [ 'thread_switched_out', 'thread_switched_in', 'thread_pending', 'thread_ready', 'thread_resume', 'thread_suspend', 'thread_create', 'thread_abort' ]: cpu = event.payload_field.get("cpu", None) thread_id = event.payload_field.get("thread_id", None) thread_name = event.payload_field.get("name", None) th = {} if event.name in ['thread_switched_out', 'thread_switched_in'] and cpu is not None: cpu_string = f"(cpu: {cpu})" else: cpu_string = "" if thread_name: print(f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name}: {thread_name} {cpu_string}") elif thread_id: print(f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name}: {thread_id} {cpu_string}") else: print(f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name}") if event.name in ['thread_switched_out', 'thread_switched_in']: if thread_name: th = get_thread(thread_name) if not th: th['name'] = thread_name else: th = get_thread(thread_id) if not th: th['name'] = thread_id if event.name in ['thread_switched_out']: th['out'] = ns_from_origin tin = th.get('in', None) tout = th.get('out', None) if tout is not None and tin is not None: diff = tout - tin th['runtime'] = diff elif event.name in ['thread_switched_in']: th['in'] = ns_from_origin timeline.append(th) elif event.name in ['thread_info']: stack_size = event.payload_field['stack_size'] print(f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name} (Stack size: {stack_size})") elif event.name in ['start_call', 'end_call']: if event.payload_field['id'] == 39: c = Fore.GREEN elif event.payload_field['id'] in [37, 38]: c = Fore.CYAN else: c = Fore.YELLOW print(c + f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name} {event.payload_field['id']}" + Fore.RESET) elif event.name in ['semaphore_init', 'semaphore_take', 'semaphore_give']: c = Fore.CYAN print(c + f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name} ({event.payload_field['id']})" + Fore.RESET) elif event.name in ['mutex_init', 'mutex_take', 'mutex_give']: c = Fore.MAGENTA print(c + f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name} ({event.payload_field['id']})" + Fore.RESET) else: print(f"{dt} (+{diff_s:.6f} s): {event.name}") last_event_ns_from_origin = ns_from_origin if __name__=="__main__": main()