#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """Convert a file to a list of hex characters The list of hex characters can then be included to a source file. Optionally, the output can be compressed. """ import argparse import codecs import gzip import io def parse_args(): global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, allow_abbrev=False) parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", required=True, help="Input file") parser.add_argument("-o", "--offset", type=lambda x: int(x, 0), default=0, help="Byte offset in the input file") parser.add_argument("-l", "--length", type=lambda x: int(x, 0), default=-1, help="""Length in bytes to read from the input file. Defaults to reading till the end of the input file.""") parser.add_argument("-g", "--gzip", action="store_true", help="Compress the file using gzip before output") parser.add_argument("-t", "--gzip-mtime", type=int, default=0, nargs='?', const=None, help="""mtime seconds in the gzip header. Defaults to zero to keep builds deterministic. For current date and time (= "now") use this option without any value.""") args = parser.parse_args() def get_nice_string(list_or_iterator): return ", ".join("0x" + str(x) for x in list_or_iterator) def make_hex(chunk): hexdata = codecs.encode(chunk, 'hex').decode("utf-8") hexlist = map(''.join, zip(*[iter(hexdata)] * 2)) print(get_nice_string(hexlist) + ',') def main(): parse_args() if args.gzip: with io.BytesIO() as content: with open(args.file, 'rb') as fg: fg.seek(args.offset) with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=content, mode='w', mtime=args.gzip_mtime, compresslevel=9) as gz_obj: gz_obj.write(fg.read(args.length)) content.seek(0) for chunk in iter(lambda: content.read(8), b''): make_hex(chunk) else: with open(args.file, "rb") as fp: fp.seek(args.offset) if args.length < 0: for chunk in iter(lambda: fp.read(8), b''): make_hex(chunk) else: remainder = args.length for chunk in iter(lambda: fp.read(min(8, remainder)), b''): make_hex(chunk) remainder = remainder - len(chunk) if __name__ == "__main__": main()