common: tags: - trusted-firmware-m - mcuboot platform_allow: - mps2/an521/cpu0/ns - nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp/ns - nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns - nrf9161dk/nrf9161/ns - v2m_musca_s1/musca_s1/ns modules: - psa-arch-tests - tf-m-tests integration_platforms: - mps2/an521/cpu0/ns harness: console harness_config: type: multi_line regex: - "\\*\\*\\*\\*\\* PSA Architecture Test Suite - Version .* \\*\\*\\*\\*\\*" - "TOTAL FAILED *: 0" sample: name: "TFM PSA Test" tests: sample.tfm.psa_test_protected_storage: extra_args: "CONFIG_TFM_PSA_TEST_PROTECTED_STORAGE=y" timeout: 120 sample.tfm.psa_test_internal_trusted_storage: extra_args: "CONFIG_TFM_PSA_TEST_INTERNAL_TRUSTED_STORAGE=y" sample.tfm.psa_test_storage: extra_args: "CONFIG_TFM_PSA_TEST_STORAGE=y" timeout: 130 sample.tfm.psa_test_crypto: timeout: 120 extra_args: "CONFIG_TFM_PSA_TEST_CRYPTO=y" # The test suite below has been disabled due to licensing issues with the QCBOR # library used by t_cose. This test will be re-enabled once the licensing # issues have been sorted out upstream. # # sample.tfm.psa_test_initial_attestation: # extra_args: "CONFIG_TFM_PSA_TEST_INITIAL_ATTESTATION=y"