.. zephyr:code-sample:: spi-bitbang :name: SPI bitbang :relevant-api: spi_interface Use the bitbang SPI driver for communicating with a slave. Overview ******** This sample demonstrates using the bitbang SPI driver. The bitbang driver can be useful for devices which use a non multiple of 8 word size, for example some LCDs which have an extra cmd/data bit. This sample loops through some different spi transfer configurations. Building and Running ******************** The application will build only for a target that has a :ref:`devicetree ` entry with :dtcompatible:`zephyr,spi-bitbang` as a compatible. You can connect the MISO and MOSI pins with a wire to provide a basic loopback test for receive data. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/drivers/spi_bitbang :board: nrf52840dk/nrf52840 :goals: build flash :compact: Sample Output ============= .. code-block:: console *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.6.0-2939-g1882b95b42e2 *** basic_write_9bit_words; ret: 0 wrote 0101 00ff 00a5 0000 0102 9bit_loopback_partial; ret: 0 tx (i) : 0101 0102 tx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105 rx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105 basic_write_9bit_words; ret: 0 wrote 0101 00ff 00a5 0000 0102 9bit_loopback_partial; ret: 0 tx (i) : 0101 0102 tx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105 rx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105 basic_write_9bit_words; ret: 0 wrote 0101 00ff 00a5 0000 0102 9bit_loopback_partial; ret: 0 tx (i) : 0101 0102 tx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105 rx (ii) : 0003 0004 0105