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# Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import doxmlparser
from docutils import nodes
from doxmlparser.compound import DoxCompoundKind
from pathlib import Path
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from typing import Any, Dict
class ApiOverview(SphinxDirective):
This is a Zephyr directive to generate a table containing an overview
of all APIs. This table will show the API name, version and since which
version it is present - all information extracted from Doxygen XML output.
It is exclusively used by the doc/develop/api/overview.rst page.
Configuration options:
api_overview_doxygen_xml_dir: Doxygen xml output directory
api_overview_doxygen_base_url: Doxygen base html directory
def run(self):
return [self.env.api_overview_table]
def get_group(innergroup, all_groups):
return [
for g in all_groups
if g.get_compounddef()[0].get_id() == innergroup.get_refid()
except IndexError as e:
raise Exception(f"Unexpected group {innergroup.get_refid()}") from e
def visit_group(app, group, all_groups, rows, indent=0):
version = since = ""
github_uri = "https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/releases/tag/"
cdef = group.get_compounddef()[0]
ssects = [
s for p in cdef.get_detaileddescription().get_para() for s in p.get_simplesect()
for sect in ssects:
if sect.get_kind() == "since":
since = sect.get_para()[0].get_valueOf_()
elif sect.get_kind() == "version":
version = sect.get_para()[0].get_valueOf_()
if since:
since_url = nodes.inline()
reference = nodes.reference(text=f"v{since.strip()}.0", refuri=f"{github_uri}/v{since.strip()}.0")
reference.attributes["internal"] = True
since_url += reference
since_url = nodes.Text("")
url_base = Path(app.config.api_overview_doxygen_base_url)
url = url_base / f"{cdef.get_id()}.html"
title = cdef.get_title()
row_node = nodes.row()
# Next entry will contain the spacer and the link with API name
entry = nodes.entry()
span = nodes.Text("".join(["\U000000A0"] * indent))
entry += span
# API name with link
inline = nodes.inline()
reference = nodes.reference(text=title, refuri=str(url))
reference.attributes["internal"] = True
inline += reference
entry += inline
row_node += entry
version_node = nodes.Text(version)
# Finally, add version and since
for cell in [version_node, since_url]:
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += cell
row_node += entry
for innergroup in cdef.get_innergroup():
app, get_group(innergroup, all_groups), all_groups, rows, indent + 6
def parse_xml_dir(dir_name):
groups = []
root = doxmlparser.index.parse(Path(dir_name) / "index.xml", True)
for compound in root.get_compound():
if compound.get_kind() == DoxCompoundKind.GROUP:
file_name = Path(dir_name) / f"{compound.get_refid()}.xml"
groups.append(doxmlparser.compound.parse(file_name, True))
return groups
def generate_table(app, toplevel, groups):
table = nodes.table()
tgroup = nodes.tgroup()
thead = nodes.thead()
thead_row = nodes.row()
for header_name in ["API", "Version", "Available in Zephyr Since"]:
colspec = nodes.colspec()
tgroup += colspec
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.Text(header_name)
thead_row += entry
thead += thead_row
tgroup += thead
rows = []
tbody = nodes.tbody()
for t in toplevel:
visit_group(app, t, groups, rows)
tgroup += tbody
table += tgroup
return table
def sync_contents(app: Sphinx) -> None:
if app.config.doxyrunner_outdir:
doxygen_out_dir = Path(app.config.doxyrunner_outdir)
doxygen_out_dir = Path(app.outdir) / "_doxygen"
if not app.env.doxygen_input_changed:
doxygen_xml_dir = doxygen_out_dir / "xml"
groups = parse_xml_dir(doxygen_xml_dir)
toplevel = [
for g in groups
if g.get_compounddef()[0].get_id()
not in [
for h in [j.get_compounddef()[0].get_innergroup() for j in groups]
for i in h
app.builder.env.api_overview_table = generate_table(app, toplevel, groups)
def setup(app) -> Dict[str, Any]:
app.add_config_value("api_overview_doxygen_xml_dir", "html/doxygen/xml", "env")
app.add_config_value("api_overview_doxygen_base_url", "../../doxygen/html", "env")
app.add_directive("api-overview-table", ApiOverview)
app.connect("builder-inited", sync_contents)
return {
"version": "0.1",
"parallel_read_safe": True,
"parallel_write_safe": True,