+++ date = 2013-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 title = "Builder" tags = ["devtools"] +++ I'd like to set up clean auto builds of my personal projects and some upstream projects like crosstool-ng, gcc, and binutils. ## Clean install I'd like the build to run in a clean setup so the base system can be used for general development without affecting the build results. Some technologies are: - docker (LXC containers) - schroot (Debian specific chroot helper) debootstrap or Ubuntu Core can be used for the base system. Use polipo as a cache for the packages. Aside: what does the debootstrap buildd variant include? - /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ include the selectors - Adds build-essential (quite reasonable) - Or all tagged as Build-Essential ## schroot schroot is nice: - normal users can enter the chroot - you can spawn a session chroot off a seed - the startup scripts copy various files from the host across