# SITE SETUP # Documentation: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/ ############################ ## Theme ############################ # Choose a theme. # Latest themes (may require updating): https://sourcethemes.com/academic/themes/ # Browse built-in themes in `themes/academic/data/themes/` # Browse user installed themes in `data/themes/` theme = "minimal" # Enable users to switch between day and night mode? day_night = false # Override the theme's font set (optional). # Latest font sets (may require updating): https://sourcethemes.com/academic/themes/ # Browse built-in font sets in `themes/academic/data/fonts/` # Browse user installed font sets in `data/fonts/` font = "minimal" # Choose a font size. # Sizes: XS (extra small), S (small), M (medium), L (large - DEFAULT), XL (extra large) font_size = "M" ############################ ## Basic Info ############################ # Website type # Improve how search engines understand your site. # For personal sites, choose "Person". # For organizations and projects, choose from https://schema.org/Organization#subtypes # E.g. Person, Organization, LocalBusiness, Project, EducationalOrganization site_type = "Person" # Local business type (optional) # If you entered "LocalBusiness" above, choose the type of business from https://schema.org/LocalBusiness#subtypes local_business_type = "" # Organization name (optional) # Enter an organization or project name. Defaults to the site title from `config.toml`. org_name = "" # Description for social sharing and search engines. If undefined, superuser role is used in place. description = "" ############################ ## Site Features ############################ # Enable source code highlighting? true/false # Documentation: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/writing-markdown-latex/#highlighting-options highlight = true # Enable LaTeX math rendering? true/false # If false, you can enable math on a per page basis as needed. math = false # Enable diagram rendering? true/false # If false, you can enable diagrams on a per page basis as needed. diagram = false # Privacy pack # Show a cookie consent message to visitors # Anonymize IP in Google Analytics (if enabled) privacy_pack = false email = "michaelh@juju.nz" # Address # For country_code, use the 2-letter ISO code (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ) address = {city = "Zürich", country = "Switzerland", country_code = "CH"} date_format = "Jan 2, 2006" time_format = "15:04" address_format = "en-us" # Main menu alignment (l = left, c = center, r = right) and logo options. main_menu = {align = "l", show_logo = true} reading_time = false sharing = false link_authors = true abstract_length = 135 netlify_cms = false [avatar] gravatar = false shape = "circle" [projects] # Views for associated content. # 1: List # 2: Compact # 3: Card # 4: Citation (publications only) post_view = 2 publication_view = 2 talk_view = 2 [comments] engine = 0 commentable = {page = true, post = true, docs = true, project = true, publication = true, talk = true} [search] engine = 1 [address_formats] en-us = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode'], delimiters = [', ', ', ', ' ', '']}