# vedirect - export Victron metrics This tool parses the Victron [VE.Direct][ved] TEXT protocol and exports the metrics over [Prometheus][prom] and [MQTT][mqtt]. This can be used to monitor your solar installation and view statistics in tools like [Grafana](https://grafana.com/) or [Home Assistant][hass]. ## Usage ``` python3 setup.py install vedirect --port=/dev/ttyAMA4 \ --prometheus_port=7099 \ --mqtt_host=localhost ``` This will connect to the Victron module on ttyAMA4, export the metrics at http://localhost:7099/metrics, and push the metrics to the MQTT server at `localhost:1889`. ## Compatibility This tool has been tested with a Victron BlueSolar 75/15 running firmware 1.56 with protocol v3.29. See `vedirect/defs.py` to enable new types. ## Prometheus Each field appears as a separate Prometheus metric. For example: ``` wget -nv -O - http://localhost:7099/metrics ``` gives ``` victron_fw_info{fw="1.53",product_id="0xA042",serial_number="HQ1123I8XGA"} 1.0 victron_v_volt{product_id="0xA042",serial_number="HQ1123I8XGA"} 12.235 victron_i_ampere{product_id="0xA042",serial_number="HQ1123I8XGA"} -0.401 victron_cs{product_id="0xA042",serial_number="HQ1123I8XGA",victron_cs="off"} 1.0 victron_cs{product_id="0xA042",serial_number="HQ1123I8XGA",victron_cs="low_power"} 0.0 ``` Gauges are put through a first order filter before exporting. This increases the apparent resolution of low resolution signals like the load current. ## MQTT Each field appears as a separate, single valued MQTT topic. For example: ``` tele/victron_HQ1123I8XGA/pid 0xA042 tele/victron_HQ1123I8XGA/fw 1.53 tele/victron_HQ1123I8XGA/v 12.24 tele/victron_HQ1123I8XGA/i -0.4 ``` This tool exports MQTT discovery records and should be automatically detected by Home Assistant. ## Note This is not an official Google product. \-- Michael Hope [hass]: https://www.home-assistant.io/ [mqtt]: https://mqtt.org/ [prom]: https://prometheus.io/ [ved]: https://www.victronenergy.com/live/vedirect_protocol:faq