Compare commits


10 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Hope
9aa40ec69c m5paper: render a basic display with time and sensors 2024-04-17 19:43:06 +02:00
Michael Hope
5efc4d9922 bm8563: fix the timeout scale factor 2024-04-17 19:43:00 +02:00
Fix esp-idf framework build 2024-03-10 20:55:59 +01:00
add external_components 2024-03-10 01:23:40 +01:00
Fix GT911 not starting + some improvements 2024-03-09 18:27:20 +01:00
Use standard ADC component 2024-03-08 23:03:32 +01:00
Fix rotation 2024-01-19 16:00:51 +01:00
Add model option for it8951e + some simplifications arround rotation 2024-01-17 18:42:17 +01:00
Fix rotation at startup 2024-01-12 18:09:35 +01:00
Small updates and cleanup 2024-01-11 22:58:35 +01:00
21 changed files with 948 additions and 349 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
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.clang-tidy Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: '_'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: '_'
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value: 'lower_case'
- key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassMemberCase
value: 'lower_case'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: '_'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: 'lower_case'
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value: ''
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value: 0

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -8,3 +8,5 @@
living_room_screen.yaml living_room_screen.yaml
fonts fonts
__pycache__ __pycache__

View file

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ esphome:
name: ${device_id} name: ${device_id}
name_add_mac_suffix: true name_add_mac_suffix: true
on_boot: on_boot:
- priority: 750.0 - priority: 220.0
then: then:
- IT8951E.clear - it8951e.clear
- delay: 100ms - delay: 100ms
- component.update: m5paper_display - component.update: m5paper_display
- priority: -100.0 - priority: -100.0
@ -13,13 +13,16 @@ esphome:
- component.update: m5paper_display - component.update: m5paper_display
esp32: esp32:
board: esp32dev board: m5stack-grey
framework: framework:
type: arduino type: arduino
- source: github://Passific/m5paper_esphome
# Enable logging # Enable logging
logger: logger:
level: VERBOSE level: DEBUG
# Enable psram # Enable psram
psram: psram:
@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ globals:
{"mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline", "󰲯"}, {"mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline", "󰲯"},
{"mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline", "󰲳"}, {"mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline", "󰲳"},
} }
font: font:
- file: 'gfonts://Roboto' - file: 'gfonts://Roboto'
id: normal_font id: normal_font
@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ font:
] ]
- file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf" - file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf"
id: weather_font id: weather_font
size: 256 size: 256
glyphs: [ glyphs: [
'󰖔', #mdi-weather-night '󰖔', #mdi-weather-night
'󰖐', #mdi-weather-cloudy '󰖐', #mdi-weather-cloudy
@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ font:
'󱊢', #mdi-battery-medium '󱊢', #mdi-battery-medium
'󱊡', #mdi-battery-low '󱊡', #mdi-battery-low
'󱃍', #mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline '󱃍', #mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline
'󱊦', #mdi-battery-charging-high '󱊦', #mdi-battery-charging-high
'󰂑', #mdi-battery-unknown '󰂑', #mdi-battery-unknown
] ]
- file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf" - file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf"
@ -162,7 +165,7 @@ font:
'󰲯', #mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline '󰲯', #mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline
'󰲳', #mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline '󰲳', #mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline
] ]
spi: spi:
clk_pin: GPIO14 clk_pin: GPIO14
mosi_pin: GPIO12 mosi_pin: GPIO12
@ -175,8 +178,9 @@ i2c:
display: display:
- platform: it8951e - platform: it8951e
id: m5paper_display id: m5paper_display
display_cs_pin: GPIO15 cs_pin: GPIO15
reset_pin: GPIO23 reset_pin: GPIO23
reset_duration: 100ms
busy_pin: GPIO27 busy_pin: GPIO27
rotation: 0 rotation: 0
reversed: False reversed: False
@ -344,7 +348,7 @@ display:
float battery_level = id(m5paper_battery_level).state; float battery_level = id(m5paper_battery_level).state;
if (NOT_NAN(battery_level)) if (NOT_NAN(battery_level))
{ {
if (battery_level < 10) if (battery_level < 10)
battery_icon = id(material_icons_map)["mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline"]; battery_icon = id(material_icons_map)["mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline"];
else if (battery_level < 40) else if (battery_level < 40)
@ -492,8 +496,9 @@ switch:
time: time:
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
id: ha_time id: homeassistant_time
on_time_sync: timezone: Europe/Paris
- bm8563.write_time - bm8563.write_time
- platform: bm8563 - platform: bm8563
id: rtc_time id: rtc_time
@ -506,14 +511,17 @@ time:
m5paper: m5paper:
battery_power_pin: GPIO5 battery_power_pin: GPIO5
main_power_pin: GPIO2 main_power_pin: GPIO2
update_interval: 10s
name: ${device_name} battery voltage
id: m5paper_battery_voltage
device_class: "voltage"
state_class: "measurement"
sensor: sensor:
- platform: adc
disabled_by_default: true
pin: GPIO35
name: ${device_name} battery voltage
id: m5paper_battery_voltage
update_interval: 10s
attenuation: 11db
- multiply: 2 #1,27272727
- platform: sht3xd - platform: sht3xd
temperature: temperature:
name: ${device_name} temperature name: ${device_name} temperature
@ -539,20 +547,19 @@ sensor:
update_interval: 20s update_interval: 20s
lambda: |- lambda: |-
constexpr float min_level = 3.52; constexpr float min_level = 3.52;
constexpr float max_level = 4.1; constexpr float max_level = 4.15;
float level = ((id(m5paper_battery_voltage).state - min_level) / (max_level - min_level)) * 100.00; return ((id(m5paper_battery_voltage).state - min_level) / (max_level - min_level)) * 100.00;
if (level < 0) filters:
return 0; - clamp:
if (level > 100) min_value: 0
return 100; max_value: 100
return level;
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
name: Outdoor temperature name: Outdoor temperature
id: outdoor_temperature id: outdoor_temperature
entity_id: ${outdoor_temperature} entity_id: ${outdoor_temperature}
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
name: Outdoor humidity name: Outdoor humidity
id: outdoor_humidity id: outdoor_humidity
entity_id: ${outdoor_humidity} entity_id: ${outdoor_humidity}
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
name: Rainfall last hour name: Rainfall last hour
@ -563,7 +570,7 @@ sensor:
id: outdoor_wind_strength id: outdoor_wind_strength
entity_id: ${outdoor_wind_strength} entity_id: ${outdoor_wind_strength}
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
name: Indoor temprature name: Indoor temperature
id: indoor_temperature id: indoor_temperature
entity_id: ${indoor_temperature} entity_id: ${indoor_temperature}
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant
@ -612,21 +619,21 @@ binary_sensor:
name: ${device_name} right button name: ${device_name} right button
id: right_button id: right_button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
pin: pin:
number: GPIO37 number: GPIO37
inverted: true inverted: true
on_release: on_release:
- component.update: m5paper_display - component.update: m5paper_display
- platform: gpio - platform: gpio
name: ${device_name} BTN/PWR button name: ${device_name} BTN/PWR button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
pin: pin:
number: GPIO38 number: GPIO38
inverted: true inverted: true
- platform: gpio - platform: gpio
name: ${device_name} left button name: ${device_name} left button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
pin: pin:
number: GPIO39 number: GPIO39
inverted: true inverted: true
- platform: homeassistant - platform: homeassistant

11 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Power
PS_ON / GPIO2 enables the battery
Wake up on:
- KEY_PUSH / GPIO38 - rocker pushed in

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# m5paper_esphome # m5paper_esphome
Based on Based on
Himself based on
![Screen example](./img/screen_demo.jpg) ![Screen example](./img/screen_demo.jpg)
@ -8,7 +10,6 @@ Work in progress
All components are functional, but likely have bugs. All components are functional, but likely have bugs.
Please, download font from and put in font folder Please, download font from and put in 'fonts' folder
GT911 work based on:
BM8563 work based on: BM8563 work based on:

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@echo off
if [%1] == [] goto err
powershell -command "esphome compile %1 2>&1 | ? {$_.ToString().trim().Length -ne \"\" } | tee -filepath buildlog.txt"
echo Please use with esphome configuration as parameter
echo Example: build.cmd haier.yaml

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@echo off
if [%1] == [] goto err
wsl --cd "%cd%" /bin/sh -c "esphome compile %1 2>&1 | tee buildlog.txt"
echo Please use with esphome configuration as parameter
echo Example: build.cmd haier.yaml

View file

@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "esphome/components/i2c/i2c_bus.h"
#include "bm8563.h" #include "bm8563.h"
#include "esphome/components/i2c/i2c_bus.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
namespace esphome { namespace esphome {
namespace bm8563 { namespace bm8563 {
static const char *TAG = "bm8563.sensor"; static const char* TAG = "bm8563.sensor";
void BM8563::setup(){ void BM8563::setup() {
this->write_byte_16(0,0); this->write_byte_16(0, 0);
this->setupComplete = true; this->setupComplete = true;
} }
void BM8563::update(){ void BM8563::update() {
if(!this->setupComplete){ if (!this->setupComplete) {
return; return;
} }
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "update");
this->read_time(); this->read_time();
} }
void BM8563::dump_config(){ void BM8563::dump_config() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: 0x%02X", this->address_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: 0x%02X", this->address_);
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " setupComplete: %s", this->setupComplete ? "true" : "false"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " setupComplete: %s",
this->setupComplete ? "true" : "false");
if (this->sleep_duration_.has_value()) { if (this->sleep_duration_.has_value()) {
uint32_t duration = *this->sleep_duration_; uint32_t duration = *this->sleep_duration_;
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Sleep Duration: %u ms", duration); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Sleep Duration: %u ms", duration);
@ -49,16 +52,16 @@ void BM8563::write_time() {
} }
BM8563_TimeTypeDef BM8563_TimeStruct = { BM8563_TimeTypeDef BM8563_TimeStruct = {
hours: int8_t(now.hour), hours : int8_t(now.hour),
minutes: int8_t(now.minute), minutes : int8_t(now.minute),
seconds: int8_t(now.second), seconds : int8_t(now.second),
}; };
BM8563_DateTypeDef BM8563_DateStruct = { BM8563_DateTypeDef BM8563_DateStruct = {
day: int8_t(now.day_of_month), day : int8_t(now.day_of_month),
week: int8_t(now.day_of_week), week : int8_t(now.day_of_week),
month: int8_t(now.month), month : int8_t(now.month),
year: int16_t(now.year) year : int16_t(now.year)
}; };
this->setTime(&BM8563_TimeStruct); this->setTime(&BM8563_TimeStruct);
@ -66,37 +69,36 @@ void BM8563::write_time() {
} }
void BM8563::read_time() { void BM8563::read_time() {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Status2: %x %d", ReadReg(0x01), ReadReg(0x0F));
BM8563_TimeTypeDef BM8563_TimeStruct; BM8563_TimeTypeDef BM8563_TimeStruct;
BM8563_DateTypeDef BM8563_DateStruct; BM8563_DateTypeDef BM8563_DateStruct;
getTime(&BM8563_TimeStruct); getTime(&BM8563_TimeStruct);
getDate(&BM8563_DateStruct); getDate(&BM8563_DateStruct);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "BM8563: %i-%i-%i %i, %i:%i:%i", ESP_LOGD(TAG, "BM8563: %i-%i-%i %i, %i:%i:%i", BM8563_DateStruct.year,
BM8563_DateStruct.year, BM8563_DateStruct.month,,
BM8563_DateStruct.month, BM8563_DateStruct.week, BM8563_TimeStruct.hours,, BM8563_TimeStruct.minutes, BM8563_TimeStruct.seconds);
ESPTime rtc_time{.second = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.seconds), ESPTime rtc_time{
.minute = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.minutes), .second = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.seconds),
.hour = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.hours), .minute = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.minutes),
.day_of_week = uint8_t(BM8563_DateStruct.week), .hour = uint8_t(BM8563_TimeStruct.hours),
.day_of_month = uint8_t(, .day_of_week = uint8_t(BM8563_DateStruct.week),
.day_of_year = 1, // ignored by recalc_timestamp_utc(false) .day_of_month = uint8_t(,
.month = uint8_t(BM8563_DateStruct.month), .day_of_year = 1, // ignored by recalc_timestamp_utc(false)
.year = uint16_t(BM8563_DateStruct.year) .month = uint8_t(BM8563_DateStruct.month),
}; .year = uint16_t(BM8563_DateStruct.year),
.is_dst = false, // ignored by recalc_timestamp_utc()
.timestamp = 0 // result
rtc_time.recalc_timestamp_utc(false); rtc_time.recalc_timestamp_utc(false);
time::RealTimeClock::synchronize_epoch_(rtc_time.timestamp); time::RealTimeClock::synchronize_epoch_(rtc_time.timestamp);
} }
bool BM8563::getVoltLow() { bool BM8563::getVoltLow() {
uint8_t data = ReadReg(0x02); uint8_t data = ReadReg(0x02);
return data & 0x80; // RTCC_VLSEC_MASK return data & 0x80; // RTCC_VLSEC_MASK
} }
uint8_t BM8563::bcd2ToByte(uint8_t value) { uint8_t BM8563::bcd2ToByte(uint8_t value) {
@ -123,18 +125,16 @@ void BM8563::getTime(BM8563_TimeTypeDef* BM8563_TimeStruct) {
BM8563_TimeStruct->seconds = bcd2ToByte(buf[0] & 0x7f); BM8563_TimeStruct->seconds = bcd2ToByte(buf[0] & 0x7f);
BM8563_TimeStruct->minutes = bcd2ToByte(buf[1] & 0x7f); BM8563_TimeStruct->minutes = bcd2ToByte(buf[1] & 0x7f);
BM8563_TimeStruct->hours = bcd2ToByte(buf[2] & 0x3f); BM8563_TimeStruct->hours = bcd2ToByte(buf[2] & 0x3f);
} }
void BM8563::setTime(BM8563_TimeTypeDef* BM8563_TimeStruct) { void BM8563::setTime(BM8563_TimeTypeDef* BM8563_TimeStruct) {
if (BM8563_TimeStruct == NULL) { if (BM8563_TimeStruct == NULL) {
return; return;
} }
uint8_t buf[3] = { uint8_t buf[3] = {byteToBcd2(BM8563_TimeStruct->seconds),
byteToBcd2(BM8563_TimeStruct->seconds), byteToBcd2(BM8563_TimeStruct->minutes),
byteToBcd2(BM8563_TimeStruct->minutes), byteToBcd2(BM8563_TimeStruct->hours)};
this->write_register(0x02, buf, 3); this->write_register(0x02, buf, 3);
} }
@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ void BM8563::getDate(BM8563_DateTypeDef* BM8563_DateStruct) {
uint8_t buf[4] = {0}; uint8_t buf[4] = {0};
this->read_register(0x05, buf, 5); this->read_register(0x05, buf, 5);
BM8563_DateStruct->day = bcd2ToByte(buf[0] & 0x3f); BM8563_DateStruct->day = bcd2ToByte(buf[0] & 0x3f);
BM8563_DateStruct->week = bcd2ToByte(buf[1] & 0x07); BM8563_DateStruct->week = bcd2ToByte(buf[1] & 0x07);
BM8563_DateStruct->month = bcd2ToByte(buf[2] & 0x1f); BM8563_DateStruct->month = bcd2ToByte(buf[2] & 0x1f);
uint8_t year_byte = bcd2ToByte(buf[3] & 0xff); uint8_t year_byte = bcd2ToByte(buf[3] & 0xff);
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Year byte is %i", year_byte); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Year byte is %i", year_byte);
@ -161,20 +161,19 @@ void BM8563::setDate(BM8563_DateTypeDef* BM8563_DateStruct) {
return; return;
} }
uint8_t buf[4] = { uint8_t buf[4] = {
byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->day), byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->day),
byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->week), byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->week),
byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month), byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month),
byteToBcd2((uint8_t)(BM8563_DateStruct->year % 100)), byteToBcd2((uint8_t)(BM8563_DateStruct->year % 100)),
}; };
if (BM8563_DateStruct->year < 2000) { if (BM8563_DateStruct->year < 2000) {
buf[2] = byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month) | 0x80; buf[2] = byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month) | 0x80;
} else { } else {
buf[2] = byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month) | 0x00; buf[2] = byteToBcd2(BM8563_DateStruct->month) | 0x00;
} }
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "WRiting year is %i", buf[3]); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Writing year is %i", buf[3]);
this->write_register(0x05, buf, 4); this->write_register(0x05, buf, 4);
} }
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ uint8_t BM8563::ReadReg(uint8_t reg) {
return data; return data;
} }
int BM8563::SetAlarmIRQ(int afterSeconds) { void BM8563::SetAlarmIRQ(int afterSeconds) {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sleep Duration: %u ms", afterSeconds); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sleep Duration: %u ms", afterSeconds);
uint8_t reg_value = 0; uint8_t reg_value = 0;
reg_value = ReadReg(0x01); reg_value = ReadReg(0x01);
@ -198,26 +197,28 @@ int BM8563::SetAlarmIRQ(int afterSeconds) {
WriteReg(0x01, reg_value); WriteReg(0x01, reg_value);
reg_value = 0x03; reg_value = 0x03;
WriteReg(0x0E, reg_value); WriteReg(0x0E, reg_value);
return -1; return;
} }
uint8_t type_value = 2; uint8_t td;
uint8_t div = 1; if (afterSeconds <= (255 * 1000 / 64)) {
if (afterSeconds > 255) { td = 0x81;
div = 60; afterSeconds = afterSeconds * 64 / 1000;
type_value = 0x83; } else if (afterSeconds / 1000 <= 255) {
td = 0x82;
afterSeconds /= 1000;
} else { } else {
type_value = 0x82; td = 0x83;
afterSeconds /= 60000;
} }
afterSeconds = (afterSeconds / div) & 0xFF; WriteReg(0x0E, td);
WriteReg(0x0F, afterSeconds); WriteReg(0x0F, std::min(afterSeconds, 0xFF));
WriteReg(0x0E, type_value); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "%d %x", afterSeconds, td);
reg_value |= (1 << 0); reg_value |= (1 << 0);
reg_value &= ~(1 << 7); reg_value &= ~(1 << 7);
WriteReg(0x01, reg_value); WriteReg(0x01, reg_value);
return afterSeconds * div;
} }
void BM8563::clearIRQ() { void BM8563::clearIRQ() {
@ -232,4 +233,4 @@ void BM8563::disableIRQ() {
} }
} // namespace bm8563 } // namespace bm8563
} // namespace esphome } // namespace esphome

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class BM8563 : public time::RealTimeClock, public i2c::I2CDevice {
void setup() override; void setup() override;
void update() override; void update() override;
void dump_config() override; void dump_config() override;
void set_sleep_duration(uint32_t time_ms); void set_sleep_duration(uint32_t time_ms);
void write_time(); void write_time();
void read_time(); void read_time();
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class BM8563 : public time::RealTimeClock, public i2c::I2CDevice {
void setTime(BM8563_TimeTypeDef* BM8563_TimeStruct); void setTime(BM8563_TimeTypeDef* BM8563_TimeStruct);
void setDate(BM8563_DateTypeDef* BM8563_DateStruct); void setDate(BM8563_DateTypeDef* BM8563_DateStruct);
int SetAlarmIRQ(int afterSeconds); void SetAlarmIRQ(int afterSeconds);
int SetAlarmIRQ(const BM8563_TimeTypeDef &BM8563_TimeStruct); int SetAlarmIRQ(const BM8563_TimeTypeDef &BM8563_TimeStruct);
int SetAlarmIRQ(const BM8563_DateTypeDef &BM8563_DateStruct, const BM8563_TimeTypeDef &BM8563_TimeStruct); int SetAlarmIRQ(const BM8563_DateTypeDef &BM8563_DateStruct, const BM8563_TimeTypeDef &BM8563_TimeStruct);

View file

@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
```yaml ```yaml
# example configuration: # example configuration:
- platform: empty_spi_sensor
name: Empty SPI sensor
cs_pin: D8
spi: spi:
clk_pin: D5 clk_pin: GPIO14
miso_pin: D6 mosi_pin: GPIO12
miso_pin: GPIO13
- platform: it8951e
id: m5paper_display
cs_pin: GPIO15
reset_pin: GPIO23
reset_duration: 100ms
busy_pin: GPIO27
rotation: 0
reversed: False
update_interval: never
``` ```

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from esphome.const import (
) )
@ -23,6 +24,12 @@ IT8951ESensor = it8951e_ns.class_(
) )
ClearAction = it8951e_ns.class_("ClearAction", automation.Action) ClearAction = it8951e_ns.class_("ClearAction", automation.Action)
it8951eModel = it8951e_ns.enum("it8951eModel")
"M5EPD": it8951eModel.M5EPD
display.FULL_DISPLAY_SCHEMA.extend( display.FULL_DISPLAY_SCHEMA.extend(
{ {
@ -35,6 +42,9 @@ CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(
cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds, cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds,
cv.Range(max=core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=500)), cv.Range(max=core.TimePeriod(milliseconds=500)),
), ),
cv.Optional(CONF_MODEL, default="M5EPD"): cv.enum(
MODELS, upper=True, space="_"
} }
) )
.extend(cv.polling_component_schema("1s")) .extend(cv.polling_component_schema("1s"))
@ -43,7 +53,7 @@ CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(
) )
@automation.register_action( @automation.register_action(
"IT8951E.clear", "it8951e.clear",
ClearAction, ClearAction,
automation.maybe_simple_id( automation.maybe_simple_id(
{ {
@ -51,7 +61,7 @@ CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(
} }
), ),
) )
async def bm8563_read_time_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): async def it8951e_clear_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args):
var = cg.new_Pvariable(action_id, template_arg) var = cg.new_Pvariable(action_id, template_arg)
await cg.register_parented(var, config[CONF_ID]) await cg.register_parented(var, config[CONF_ID])
return var return var
@ -63,6 +73,8 @@ async def to_code(config):
await display.register_display(var, config) await display.register_display(var, config)
await spi.register_spi_device(var, config) await spi.register_spi_device(var, config)
if CONF_MODEL in config:
if CONF_LAMBDA in config: if CONF_LAMBDA in config:
lambda_ = await cg.process_lambda( lambda_ = await cg.process_lambda(
config[CONF_LAMBDA], [(display.DisplayRef, "it")], return_type=cg.void config[CONF_LAMBDA], [(display.DisplayRef, "it")], return_type=cg.void

View file

@ -30,17 +30,6 @@ IT8951 Command defines
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
IT8951 Mode defines IT8951 Mode defines
------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Rotate mode
#define IT8951_ROTATE_0 0
#define IT8951_ROTATE_90 1
#define IT8951_ROTATE_180 2
#define IT8951_ROTATE_270 3
// Direction mode
//Pixel mode (Bit per Pixel) //Pixel mode (Bit per Pixel)
#define IT8951_2BPP 0 #define IT8951_2BPP 0
#define IT8951_3BPP 1 #define IT8951_3BPP 1

View file

@ -7,12 +7,6 @@
namespace esphome { namespace esphome {
namespace it8951e { namespace it8951e {
//TODO: create model M5EPD
#define M5EPD_PANEL_W 960
#define M5EPD_PANEL_H 540
#define M5EPD_PANEL_ADDRL 0x36E0
#define M5EPD_PANEL_ADDRH 0x0012
static const char *TAG = "it8951e.display"; static const char *TAG = "it8951e.display";
void IT8951ESensor::write_two_byte16(uint16_t type, uint16_t cmd) { void IT8951ESensor::write_two_byte16(uint16_t type, uint16_t cmd) {
@ -21,7 +15,7 @@ void IT8951ESensor::write_two_byte16(uint16_t type, uint16_t cmd) {
this->write_byte16(type); this->write_byte16(type);
this->wait_busy(); this->wait_busy();
this->write_byte16(cmd); this->write_byte16(cmd);
this->disable(); this->disable();
} }
@ -94,12 +88,9 @@ void IT8951ESensor::write_reg(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data) {
this->disable(); this->disable();
} }
void IT8951ESensor::set_target_memory_addr(uint32_t tar_addr) { void IT8951ESensor::set_target_memory_addr(uint16_t tar_addrL, uint16_t tar_addrH) {
uint16_t h = (uint16_t)((tar_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); this->write_reg(IT8951_LISAR + 2, tar_addrH);
uint16_t l = (uint16_t)(tar_addr & 0x0000FFFF); this->write_reg(IT8951_LISAR, tar_addrL);
this->write_reg(IT8951_LISAR + 2, h);
this->write_reg(IT8951_LISAR, l);
} }
void IT8951ESensor::write_args(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t *args, uint16_t length) { void IT8951ESensor::write_args(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t *args, uint16_t length) {
@ -109,34 +100,11 @@ void IT8951ESensor::write_args(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t *args, uint16_t length) {
} }
} }
void IT8951ESensor::set_rotation(uint16_t rotate) {
if (rotate < 4) {
this->m_rotate = rotate;
} else if (rotate < 90) {
this->m_rotate = IT8951_ROTATE_0;
} else if (rotate < 180) {
this->m_rotate = IT8951_ROTATE_90;
} else if (rotate < 270) {
this->m_rotate = IT8951_ROTATE_180;
} else {
this->m_rotate = IT8951_ROTATE_270;
if (this->m_rotate == IT8951_ROTATE_0 || this->m_rotate == IT8951_ROTATE_180) {
this->m_direction = IT8951_DIRECTION_PORTRAIT;
this->device_info_.usPanelW = M5EPD_PANEL_W;
this->device_info_.usPanelH = M5EPD_PANEL_H;
} else {
this->m_direction = IT8951_DIRECTION_LANDSCAPE;
this->device_info_.usPanelW = M5EPD_PANEL_H;
this->device_info_.usPanelH = M5EPD_PANEL_W;
void IT8951ESensor::set_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, void IT8951ESensor::set_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
uint16_t h) { uint16_t h) {
uint16_t args[5]; uint16_t args[5];
args[0] = (this->m_endian_type << 8 | this->m_pix_bpp << 4 | this->m_rotate);
args[0] = (this->m_endian_type << 8 | this->m_pix_bpp << 4);
args[1] = x; args[1] = x;
args[2] = y; args[2] = y;
args[3] = w; args[3] = w;
@ -177,8 +145,8 @@ void IT8951ESensor::check_busy(uint32_t timeout) {
} }
void IT8951ESensor::update_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, void IT8951ESensor::update_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
uint16_t h, m5epd_update_mode_t mode) { uint16_t h, update_mode_e mode) {
if (mode == UPDATE_MODE_NONE) { if (mode == update_mode_e::UPDATE_MODE_NONE) {
return; return;
} }
@ -195,35 +163,14 @@ void IT8951ESensor::update_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
h = this->get_height_internal() - y; h = this->get_height_internal() - y;
} }
uint16_t tmp_x = x;
uint16_t tmp_y = y;
switch (this->m_rotate) {
case IT8951_ROTATE_0:
tmp_x = x;
tmp_y = y;
case IT8951_ROTATE_90:
tmp_x = y;
tmp_y = M5EPD_PANEL_H - w - x;
case IT8951_ROTATE_180:
tmp_x = M5EPD_PANEL_W - w - x;
tmp_y = M5EPD_PANEL_H - h - y;
case IT8951_ROTATE_270:
tmp_x = M5EPD_PANEL_W - h - y;
tmp_y = x;
uint16_t args[7]; uint16_t args[7];
args[0] = tmp_x; args[0] = x;
args[1] = tmp_y; args[1] = y;
args[2] = w; args[2] = w;
args[3] = h; args[3] = h;
args[4] = mode; args[4] = mode;
args[5] = this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL; args[5] = this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrL;
args[6] = this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH; args[6] = this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrH;
this->write_args(IT8951_I80_CMD_DPY_BUF_AREA, args, 7); this->write_args(IT8951_I80_CMD_DPY_BUF_AREA, args, 7);
} }
@ -238,9 +185,9 @@ void IT8951ESensor::reset(void) {
uint32_t IT8951ESensor::get_buffer_length_() { return this->get_width_internal() * this->get_height_internal(); } uint32_t IT8951ESensor::get_buffer_length_() { return this->get_width_internal() * this->get_height_internal(); }
void IT8951ESensor::get_device_info(IT8951DevInfo *info) { void IT8951ESensor::get_device_info(struct IT8951DevInfo_s *info) {
this->write_command(IT8951_I80_CMD_GET_DEV_INFO); this->write_command(IT8951_I80_CMD_GET_DEV_INFO);
this->read_words(info, sizeof(IT8951DevInfo)/2);//Polling HRDY for each words(2-bytes) if possible this->read_words(info, sizeof(struct IT8951DevInfo_s)/2); // Polling HRDY for each words(2-bytes) if possible
} }
uint16_t IT8951ESensor::get_vcom() { uint16_t IT8951ESensor::get_vcom() {
@ -268,17 +215,8 @@ void IT8951ESensor::setup() {
this->busy_pin_->pin_mode(gpio::FLAG_INPUT); this->busy_pin_->pin_mode(gpio::FLAG_INPUT);
this->get_device_info(&(this->device_info_)); // this->get_device_info(&(this->device_info_));
this->dump_config(); this->dump_config();
if (!this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH || !this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL) {
// Sometime it fails to read the device info
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "FAILED to read panel image buffer address, try hard...");
this->device_info_.usPanelW = M5EPD_PANEL_W;
this->device_info_.usPanelH = M5EPD_PANEL_H;
this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL = M5EPD_PANEL_ADDRL;
this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH = M5EPD_PANEL_ADDRH;
this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SYS_RUN); this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SYS_RUN);
@ -309,19 +247,18 @@ void IT8951ESensor::setup() {
* @param y Update Y coordinate * @param y Update Y coordinate
* @param w width of gram, >>> Must be a multiple of 4 <<< * @param w width of gram, >>> Must be a multiple of 4 <<<
* @param h height of gram * @param h height of gram
* @param gram 4bpp garm data * @param gram 4bpp gram data
* @retval m5epd_err_t
*/ */
void IT8951ESensor::write_buffer_to_display(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, void IT8951ESensor::write_buffer_to_display(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
uint16_t h, const uint8_t *gram) { uint16_t h, const uint8_t *gram) {
this->m_endian_type = IT8951_LDIMG_B_ENDIAN; this->m_endian_type = IT8951_LDIMG_B_ENDIAN;
this->m_pix_bpp = IT8951_4BPP; this->m_pix_bpp = IT8951_4BPP;
if (x > this->get_width_internal() || y > this->get_height_internal()) { if (x > this->get_width() || y > this->get_height()) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Pos (%d, %d) out of bounds.", x, y); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Pos (%d, %d) out of bounds.", x, y);
return; return;
} }
this->set_target_memory_addr(this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL | (this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH << 16)); this->set_target_memory_addr(this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrL, this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrH);
this->set_area(x, y, w, h); this->set_area(x, y, w, h);
uint32_t pos = 0; uint32_t pos = 0;
@ -344,27 +281,24 @@ void IT8951ESensor::write_buffer_to_display(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
} }
void IT8951ESensor::write_display() { void IT8951ESensor::write_display() {
//this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SYS_RUN); this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SYS_RUN);
this->write_buffer_to_display(0, 0, this->max_x, this->max_y, this->buffer_); this->write_buffer_to_display(0, 0, this->max_x, this->max_y, this->buffer_);
this->update_area(0, 0, this->max_x, this->max_y, UPDATE_MODE_GC16); this->update_area(0, 0, this->max_x, this->max_y, update_mode_e::UPDATE_MODE_GC16);
//this->update_area(0, 0, this->max_x, this->max_y, UPDATE_MODE_DU4);
this->max_x = 0; this->max_x = 0;
this->max_y = 0; this->max_y = 0;
//this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SLEEP); this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_SLEEP);
} }
/** @brief Clear graphics buffer /** @brief Clear graphics buffer
* @param init Screen initialization, If is 0, clear the buffer without * @param init Screen initialization, If is 0, clear the buffer without initializing
* initializing
* @retval m5epd_err_t
*/ */
void IT8951ESensor::clear(bool init) { void IT8951ESensor::clear(bool init) {
this->m_endian_type = IT8951_LDIMG_L_ENDIAN; this->m_endian_type = IT8951_LDIMG_L_ENDIAN;
this->m_pix_bpp = IT8951_4BPP; this->m_pix_bpp = IT8951_4BPP;
this->set_target_memory_addr(this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL | (this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH << 16)); this->set_target_memory_addr(this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrL, this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrH);
this->set_area(0, 0, this->get_width_internal(), this->get_height_internal()); this->set_area(0, 0, this->get_width_internal(), this->get_height_internal());
uint32_t looping = (this->get_width_internal() * this->get_height_internal()) >> 2; uint32_t looping = (this->get_width_internal() * this->get_height_internal()) >> 2;
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < looping; x++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < looping; x++) {
@ -377,18 +311,20 @@ void IT8951ESensor::clear(bool init) {
this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_LD_IMG_END); this->write_command(IT8951_TCON_LD_IMG_END);
if (init) { if (init) {
this->update_area(0, 0, this->get_width_internal(), this->get_height_internal(), UPDATE_MODE_INIT); this->update_area(0, 0, this->get_width_internal(), this->get_height_internal(), update_mode_e::UPDATE_MODE_INIT);
} }
} }
void IT8951ESensor::update() { void IT8951ESensor::update() {
this->do_update_(); if (this->is_ready()) {
this->write_display(); this->do_update_();
} }
void HOT IT8951ESensor::draw_absolute_pixel_internal(int x, int y, Color color) { void HOT IT8951ESensor::draw_absolute_pixel_internal(int x, int y, Color color) {
if (x >= this->get_width_internal() || y >= this->get_height_internal() || x < 0 || y < 0) { if (x >= this->get_width_internal() || y >= this->get_height_internal() || x < 0 || y < 0) {
// Removed to avoid too much logging // Removed to avoid too much logging
// ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Drawing outside the screen size!"); // ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Drawing outside the screen size!");
return; return;
} }
@ -419,20 +355,27 @@ void HOT IT8951ESensor::draw_absolute_pixel_internal(int x, int y, Color color)
} }
int IT8951ESensor::get_width_internal() { int IT8951ESensor::get_width_internal() {
return this->device_info_.usPanelW; return this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usPanelW;
} }
int IT8951ESensor::get_height_internal() { int IT8951ESensor::get_height_internal() {
return this->device_info_.usPanelH; return this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usPanelH;
} }
void IT8951ESensor::dump_config() { void IT8951ESensor::dump_config() {
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Height:%d Width:%d LUT: %s, FW: %s, Mem:%x", LOG_DISPLAY("", "IT8951E", this);
this->device_info_.usPanelH, switch (this->model_) {
this->device_info_.usPanelW, case it8951eModel::M5EPD:
this->device_info_.usLUTVersion, ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Model: M5EPD");
this->device_info_.usFWVersion, break;
this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrL | (this->device_info_.usImgBufAddrH << 16) default:
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Model: unkown");
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "LUT: %s, FW: %s, Mem:%x",
this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrL | (this->IT8951DevAll[this->model_].devInfo.usImgBufAddrH << 16)
); );
} }

View file

@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
namespace esphome { namespace esphome {
namespace it8951e { namespace it8951e {
enum it8951eModel
M5EPD = 0,
it8951eModelsEND // MUST be last
class IT8951ESensor : public display::DisplayBuffer, class IT8951ESensor : public display::DisplayBuffer,
#else #else
@ -18,7 +24,7 @@ class IT8951ESensor : public PollingComponent, public display::DisplayBuffer,
spi::DATA_RATE_10MHZ> { spi::DATA_RATE_10MHZ> {
public: public:
float get_loop_priority() const override { return 0.0f; }; float get_loop_priority() const override { return 0.0f; };
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::HARDWARE; }; float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::PROCESSOR; };
/* /*
---------------------------------------- Refresh mode description ---------------------------------------- Refresh mode description
@ -90,49 +96,47 @@ shown in Figure 1. The use of a white image in the transition from 4-bit to
*/ */
typedef struct struct IT8951DevInfo_s
{ {
uint16_t usPanelW; // these are incorrect uint16_t usPanelW;
uint16_t usPanelH; // on m5paper uint16_t usPanelH;
uint16_t usImgBufAddrL; uint16_t usImgBufAddrL;
uint16_t usImgBufAddrH; uint16_t usImgBufAddrH;
char usFWVersion[16]; // empty on m5paper char usFWVersion[16];
char usLUTVersion[16]; // empty on m5paper char usLUTVersion[16];
}IT8951DevInfo; };
typedef enum // Typical struct IT8951Dev_s
{ // Ghosting Update Time Usage {
UPDATE_MODE_INIT = 0, // * N/A 2000ms Display initialization, struct IT8951DevInfo_s devInfo;
UPDATE_MODE_DU = 1, // Low 260ms Monochrome menu, text display::DisplayType displayType;
// input, and touch screen input };
UPDATE_MODE_GC16 = 2, // * Very Low 450ms High quality images
UPDATE_MODE_GL16 = enum update_mode_e // Typical
3, // * Medium 450ms Text with white background { // Ghosting Update Time Usage
UPDATE_MODE_GLR16 = UPDATE_MODE_INIT = 0, // * N/A 2000ms Display initialization,
4, // Low 450ms Text with white background UPDATE_MODE_DU = 1, // Low 260ms Monochrome menu, text input, and touch screen input
UPDATE_MODE_GLD16 = UPDATE_MODE_GC16 = 2, // * Very Low 450ms High quality images
5, // Low 450ms Text and graphics with white background UPDATE_MODE_GL16 = 3, // * Medium 450ms Text with white background
UPDATE_MODE_DU4 = UPDATE_MODE_GLR16 = 4, // Low 450ms Text with white background
6, // * Medium 120ms Fast page flipping at reduced contrast UPDATE_MODE_GLD16 = 5, // Low 450ms Text and graphics with white background
UPDATE_MODE_A2 = 7, // Medium 290ms Anti-aliased text in menus UPDATE_MODE_DU4 = 6, // * Medium 120ms Fast page flipping at reduced contrast
// / touch and screen input UPDATE_MODE_A2 = 7, // Medium 290ms Anti-aliased text in menus / touch and screen input
} m5epd_update_mode_t; // The ones marked with * are more commonly used }; // The ones marked with * are more commonly used
void set_reset_pin(GPIOPin *reset) { this->reset_pin_ = reset; } void set_reset_pin(GPIOPin *reset) { this->reset_pin_ = reset; }
void set_busy_pin(GPIOPin *busy) { this->busy_pin_ = busy; } void set_busy_pin(GPIOPin *busy) { this->busy_pin_ = busy; }
void set_rotation(uint16_t rotate);
void set_reversed(bool reversed) { this->reversed_ = reversed; } void set_reversed(bool reversed) { this->reversed_ = reversed; }
void set_reset_duration(uint32_t reset_duration) { this->reset_duration_ = reset_duration; } void set_reset_duration(uint32_t reset_duration) { this->reset_duration_ = reset_duration; }
void set_model(it8951eModel model) { this->model_ = model; }
uint8_t get_rotate(void) { return m_rotate; };
uint8_t get_direction(void) { return m_direction; };
void setup() override; void setup() override;
void update() override; void update() override;
void dump_config() override; void dump_config() override;
display::DisplayType get_display_type() override { return display::DisplayType::DISPLAY_TYPE_BINARY; }
display::DisplayType get_display_type() override { return IT8951DevAll[this->model_].displayType; }
void clear(bool init); void clear(bool init);
@ -147,14 +151,22 @@ typedef enum // Typical
private: private:
IT8951DevInfo device_info_; struct IT8951Dev_s IT8951DevAll[it8951eModel::it8951eModelsEND]
{ // it8951eModel::M5EPD
960, // .devInfo.usPanelW
540, // .devInfo.usPanelH
0x36E0, // .devInfo.usImgBufAddrL
0x0012, // .devInfo.usImgBufAddrH
"", // .devInfo.usFWVersion
"", // .devInfo.usFWVersion
display::DisplayType::DISPLAY_TYPE_GRAYSCALE // .displayType (M5EPD supports 16 gray scale levels)
uint8_t *should_write_buffer_{nullptr}; uint8_t *should_write_buffer_{nullptr};
void get_device_info(IT8951DevInfo *info); void get_device_info(struct IT8951DevInfo_s *info);
uint32_t max_x = 0; uint32_t max_x = 0;
uint32_t max_y = 0; uint32_t max_y = 0;
uint8_t m_rotate = 0;
uint8_t m_direction = 1;
uint16_t m_endian_type, m_pix_bpp; uint16_t m_endian_type, m_pix_bpp;
@ -163,6 +175,7 @@ typedef enum // Typical
bool reversed_ = false; bool reversed_ = false;
uint32_t reset_duration_{100}; uint32_t reset_duration_{100};
enum it8951eModel model_{it8951eModel::M5EPD};
void reset(void); void reset(void);
@ -180,12 +193,12 @@ typedef enum // Typical
void write_command(uint16_t cmd); void write_command(uint16_t cmd);
void write_word(uint16_t cmd); void write_word(uint16_t cmd);
void write_reg(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data); void write_reg(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data);
void set_target_memory_addr(uint32_t tar_addr); void set_target_memory_addr(uint16_t tar_addrL, uint16_t tar_addrH);
void write_args(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t *args, uint16_t length); void write_args(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t *args, uint16_t length);
void set_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h); void set_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h);
void update_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, void update_area(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w,
uint16_t h, m5epd_update_mode_t mode); uint16_t h, update_mode_e mode);

View file

@ -2,18 +2,13 @@ import esphome.codegen as cg
from esphome import pins from esphome import pins
import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.config_validation as cv
from esphome import automation from esphome import automation
from esphome.components import sensor
from esphome.const import ( from esphome.const import (
) )
m5paper_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace('m5paper') m5paper_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace('m5paper')
M5PaperComponent = m5paper_ns.class_('M5PaperComponent', cg.PollingComponent) M5PaperComponent = m5paper_ns.class_('M5PaperComponent', cg.Component)
PowerAction = m5paper_ns.class_("PowerAction", automation.Action) PowerAction = m5paper_ns.class_("PowerAction", automation.Action)
CONF_MAIN_POWER_PIN = "main_power_pin" CONF_MAIN_POWER_PIN = "main_power_pin"
@ -22,14 +17,8 @@ CONF_BATTERY_POWER_PIN = "battery_power_pin"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({ CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({
cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(M5PaperComponent), cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(M5PaperComponent),
cv.Required(CONF_MAIN_POWER_PIN): pins.gpio_output_pin_schema, cv.Required(CONF_MAIN_POWER_PIN): pins.gpio_output_pin_schema,
cv.Required(CONF_BATTERY_POWER_PIN): pins.gpio_output_pin_schema, cv.Required(CONF_BATTERY_POWER_PIN): pins.gpio_output_pin_schema
cv.Optional(CONF_BATTERY_VOLTAGE): sensor.sensor_schema( })
@automation.register_action( @automation.register_action(
"m5paper.shutdown_main_power", "m5paper.shutdown_main_power",
@ -55,7 +44,4 @@ async def to_code(config):
cg.add(var.set_main_power_pin(power)) cg.add(var.set_main_power_pin(power))
power = await cg.gpio_pin_expression(config[CONF_BATTERY_POWER_PIN]) power = await cg.gpio_pin_expression(config[CONF_BATTERY_POWER_PIN])
cg.add(var.set_battery_power_pin(power)) cg.add(var.set_battery_power_pin(power))
sens = await sensor.new_sensor(config[CONF_BATTERY_VOLTAGE])

View file

@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
#include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include "m5paper.h" #include "m5paper.h"
#include "soc/adc_channel.h" #include "driver/gpio.h"
namespace esphome { namespace esphome {
namespace m5paper { namespace m5paper {
#define BASE_VOLATAGE 3600
#define SCALE 0.5//0.78571429
// hack to hold power lines up in deep sleep mode // hack to hold power lines up in deep sleep mode
// battery life isn't great with deep sleep, recommend bm8563 sleep // battery life isn't great with deep sleep, recommend bm8563 sleep
@ -16,7 +12,7 @@ namespace m5paper {
static const char *TAG = "m5paper.component"; static const char *TAG = "m5paper.component";
void M5PaperComponent::setup() { void M5PaperComponent::setup() {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "m5paper starting up!"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "m5paper starting up!");
this->main_power_pin_->pin_mode(gpio::FLAG_OUTPUT); this->main_power_pin_->pin_mode(gpio::FLAG_OUTPUT);
this->main_power_pin_->digital_write(true); this->main_power_pin_->digital_write(true);
@ -27,19 +23,10 @@ void M5PaperComponent::setup() {
gpio_hold_en(GPIO_NUM_2); gpio_hold_en(GPIO_NUM_2);
gpio_hold_en(GPIO_NUM_5); gpio_hold_en(GPIO_NUM_5);
} }
adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_GPIO35_CHANNEL, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11);
this->_adc_chars = (esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t));
esp_adc_cal_characterize(ADC_UNIT_1, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11, ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12, BASE_VOLATAGE, this->_adc_chars);
} }
void M5PaperComponent::shutdown_main_power() { void M5PaperComponent::shutdown_main_power() {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Shutting Down Power"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Shutting Down Power");
gpio_hold_dis(GPIO_NUM_2); gpio_hold_dis(GPIO_NUM_2);
gpio_hold_dis(GPIO_NUM_5); gpio_hold_dis(GPIO_NUM_5);
@ -47,25 +34,8 @@ void M5PaperComponent::shutdown_main_power() {
this->main_power_pin_->digital_write(false); this->main_power_pin_->digital_write(false);
} }
void M5PaperComponent::update() {
uint32_t adc_raw_value = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < ADC_FILTER_SAMPLE; i++)
adc_raw_value += adc1_get_raw(ADC1_GPIO35_CHANNEL);
adc_raw_value = adc_raw_value / ADC_FILTER_SAMPLE;
uint32_t millivolts = (uint32_t)(esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage(adc_raw_value, _adc_chars) / SCALE);
float voltage = static_cast<float>(millivolts) * 0.001f;
if (this->battery_voltage_ != nullptr)
void M5PaperComponent::dump_config() { void M5PaperComponent::dump_config() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Empty custom sensor"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "M5Paper");
} }
} //namespace m5paper } //namespace m5paper

View file

@ -1,44 +1,33 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "esphome/core/component.h" #include "esphome/core/component.h"
#include "esphome/components/sensor/sensor.h"
#include "esphome/core/gpio.h" #include "esphome/core/gpio.h"
#include "esphome/core/automation.h" #include "esphome/core/automation.h"
#ifdef USE_ESP32
#include "driver/adc.h"
#include <esp_adc_cal.h>
namespace esphome { namespace esphome {
namespace m5paper { namespace m5paper {
class M5PaperComponent : public PollingComponent { class M5PaperComponent : public Component {
void setup() override; void setup() override;
void update() override;
void dump_config() override; void dump_config() override;
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::HARDWARE; }; /* Very early setup as takes care of powering other components */
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::BUS; };
public: public:
void set_battery_power_pin(GPIOPin *power) { this->battery_power_pin_ = power; } void set_battery_power_pin(GPIOPin *power) { this->battery_power_pin_ = power; }
void set_main_power_pin(GPIOPin *power) { this->main_power_pin_ = power; } void set_main_power_pin(GPIOPin *power) { this->main_power_pin_ = power; }
void set_battery_voltage(sensor::Sensor *battery_voltage) { battery_voltage_ = battery_voltage; } void shutdown_main_power();
void shutdown_main_power();
private: private:
GPIOPin *battery_power_pin_{nullptr}; GPIOPin *battery_power_pin_{nullptr};
GPIOPin *main_power_pin_{nullptr}; GPIOPin *main_power_pin_{nullptr};
sensor::Sensor *battery_voltage_{nullptr};
esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *_adc_chars;
}; };
template<typename... Ts> class PowerAction : public Action<Ts...>, public Parented<M5PaperComponent> { template<typename... Ts> class PowerAction : public Action<Ts...>, public Parented<M5PaperComponent> {
public: public:
void play(Ts... x) override { this->parent_->shutdown_main_power(); } void play(Ts... x) override { this->parent_->shutdown_main_power(); }
}; };
} //namespace m5paper } //namespace m5paper
} //namespace esphome } //namespace esphome

m5paper.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
name: ${device_id}
name_add_mac_suffix: true
name: "${project_name}"
version: "${project_version}"
- render.h
# on_boot:
# - priority: -100.0
# then:
# - delay: ${default_update_interval}
# - component.update: m5paper_display
# - delay: 1s
# - bm8563.apply_sleep_duration
# - m5paper.shutdown_main_power
# - deep_sleep.enter:
# sleep_duration: 30s
board: m5stack-grey
type: arduino
- source:
type: local
path: components
level: DEBUG
baud_rate: 921600
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
power_save_mode: "HIGH"
fast_connect: true
- id: material_icons_map
type: std::map<std::string, std::string>
restore_value: no
initial_value: |
{"mdi-weather-night", "󰖔"},
{"mdi-weather-cloudy", "󰖐"},
{"mdi-weather-cloudy-alert", "󰼯"},
{"mdi-weather-fog", "󰖑"},
{"mdi-weather-hail", "󰖒"},
{"mdi-weather-lightning-rainy", "󰙾"},
{"mdi-weather-lightning", "󰖓"},
{"mdi-weather-partly-cloudy", "󰖕"},
{"mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy", "󰼱"},
{"mdi-weather-pouring", "󰖖"},
{"mdi-weather-rainy", "󰖗"},
{"mdi-weather-snowy-rainy", "󰙿"},
{"mdi-weather-snowy", "󰖘"},
{"mdi-weather-sunny", "󰖙"},
{"mdi-weather-windy-variant", "󰖞"},
{"mdi-weather-windy", "󰖝"},
{"mdi-cloud-question", "󰨹"},
{"mdi-thermometer", "󰔏"},
{"mdi-water-percent", "󰖎"},
{"mdi-molecule-co2", "󰟤"},
{"mdi-wind-power-outline", "󱪉"},
{"mdi-home-outline", "󰚡"},
{"mdi-tree-outline", "󰹩"},
{"mdi-gauge", "󰊚"},
{"mdi-battery-high", "󱊣"},
{"mdi-battery-medium", "󱊢"},
{"mdi-battery-low", "󱊡"},
{"mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline", "󱃍"},
{"mdi-battery-charging-high", "󱊦"},
{"mdi-battery-unknown", "󰂑"},
{"mdi-shield-outline", "󰒙"},
{"mdi-shield-home-outline", "󰳋"},
{"mdi-shield-lock-outline", "󰳌"},
{"mdi-shield-moon-outline", "󱠩"},
{"mdi-shield-alert-outline", "󰻍"},
{"mdi-molecule-co2", "󰟤"},
{"mdi-radioactive", "󰐼"},
{"mdi-numeric-0-circle-outline", "󰲟"},
{"mdi-numeric-1-circle-outline", "󰲡"},
{"mdi-numeric-2-circle-outline", "󰲣"},
{"mdi-numeric-3-circle-outline", "󰲥"},
{"mdi-numeric-4-circle-outline", "󰲧"},
{"mdi-numeric-5-circle-outline", "󰲩"},
{"mdi-numeric-6-circle-outline", "󰲫"},
{"mdi-numeric-7-circle-outline", "󰲭"},
{"mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline", "󰲯"},
{"mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline", "󰲳"},
- file: 'gfonts://Roboto'
id: normal_font
size: 120
- file: 'gfonts://Roboto'
id: small_font
size: 50
- file: 'gfonts://Roboto'
id: clock_font
size: 260
glyphs: "0123456789:"
- file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf"
id: battery_font
size: 40
glyphs: [
'󱊢', #mdi-battery-medium
'󱊡', #mdi-battery-low
'󱊣', # mdi-battery-high
'󱃍', #mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline
'󱊦', #mdi-battery-charging-high
'󰂑', #mdi-battery-unknown
clk_pin: GPIO14
mosi_pin: GPIO12
miso_pin: GPIO13
sda: GPIO21
scl: GPIO22
- platform: it8951e
id: m5paper_display
cs_pin: GPIO15
reset_pin: GPIO23
reset_duration: 5ms
busy_pin: GPIO27
rotation: 0
reversed: False
update_interval: never
lambda: |-
- platform: gt911
display: m5paper_display
id: gt911_touchscreen
interrupt_pin: GPIO36
- platform: restart
id: restart_switch
name: ${device_name} restart
- platform: gpio
pin: 32
name: "led"
inverted: true
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
- bm8563.write_time
- platform: bm8563
id: rtc_time
sleep_duration: 250s
# on_time:
# - seconds: /6
# then:
# - component.update: m5paper_display
- id: suspend
- component.update: m5paper_display
- delay: 2s
- bm8563.apply_sleep_duration
- m5paper.shutdown_main_power
- delay: 30s
- deep_sleep.enter:
sleep_duration: ${sleep_duration}
- interval: 1s
- if:
# - lambda: "return !std::isnan(id(m5paper_battery_level).state);"
- lambda: "return id(rtc_time).now().is_valid();"
- lambda: "return !std::isnan(id(outside_temperature).state);"
- lambda: "return !std::isnan(id(lounge_temperature).state);"
- script.execute: suspend
- interval: 3s
- delay: 30s
- script.execute: suspend
battery_power_pin: GPIO5
main_power_pin: GPIO2
- platform: adc
disabled_by_default: true
pin: GPIO35
name: ${device_name} battery voltage
id: m5paper_battery_voltage
update_interval: ${default_update_interval}
attenuation: 11db
- multiply: 2 #1,27272727
- platform: sht3xd
address: 0x44
name: ${device_name} temperature
id: m5paper_temperature
device_class: "temperature"
state_class: "measurement"
icon: mdi:thermometer
name: ${device_name} humidity
id: m5paper_humidity
device_class: "humidity"
state_class: "measurement"
icon: mdi:water-percent
update_interval: ${default_update_interval}
- platform: template
name: ${device_name} battery level
id: m5paper_battery_level
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: "battery"
state_class: "measurement"
icon: mdi:battery-high
update_interval: 20s
lambda: |-
constexpr float min_level = 3.52;
constexpr float max_level = 4.15;
return ((id(m5paper_battery_voltage).state - min_level) / (max_level - min_level)) * 100.00;
- clamp:
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
- platform: homeassistant
name: Outside temperature
id: outside_temperature
entity_id: sensor.ruuvitag_1a2d_temperature
- platform: homeassistant
name: Lounge temperature
id: lounge_temperature
entity_id: sensor.ruuvitag_963b_temperature
- platform: homeassistant
name: solar power
id: solar_power
entity_id: sensor.solax_pv1_power
- platform: uptime
id: uptime_sensor
name: Uptime
update_interval: 3s
- platform: gpio
name: ${device_name} right button
id: right_button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
number: GPIO37
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: ${device_name} left button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
number: GPIO39
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: ${device_name} BTN/PWR button
icon: mdi:gesture-tap-button
number: GPIO38
inverted: true
run_duration: 120s
sleep_duration: ${sleep_duration}

pipish.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
device_name: Pipish
device_id: pipish
project_name: juju.pipish
project_version: "0.1"
default_update_interval: "10s"
sleep_duration: 10s
<<: !include m5paper.yaml

render.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
inline int measure_width(const char* text, esphome::display::BaseFont& font) {
int width;
int x_offset;
int baseline;
int height;
font.measure(text, &width, &x_offset, &baseline, &height);
return width;
inline int measure_height(const char* text, esphome::display::BaseFont& font) {
int width;
int x_offset;
int baseline;
int height;
font.measure(text, &width, &x_offset, &baseline, &height);
return height;
inline void render_sensor(esphome::display::Display& it, int x, int y,
float value, std::string unit,
const std::string& label) {
int normal_height = measure_height("X", id(normal_font));
char formatted[20];
if (std::isnan(value)) {
it.print(x, y, &id(normal_font), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "--");
} else {
char value_text[20];
if (std::abs(value) >= 1000) {
unit = "k" + unit;
value /= 1000;
if (std::abs(value) < 10) {
sprintf(value_text, "%.1f", value);
} else {
sprintf(value_text, "%.0f", value);
int value_width = measure_width(value_text, id(normal_font));
int unit_width = measure_width(unit.c_str(), id(small_font));
int width = value_width + unit_width + 3;
it.print(x - width / 2, y + normal_height, &id(normal_font),
TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, value_text);
it.print(x + width / 2 - unit_width, y + normal_height, &id(small_font),
TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, unit.c_str());
it.print(x, y + normal_height + 3, &id(small_font), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER,
inline void render(esphome::display::Display& it) {
constexpr int kHeight = 540;
constexpr int kWidth = 960;
// Clock
it.strftime(25, 25, &id(clock_font), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%H:%M",
int right_width = measure_width("123||", id(normal_font));
render_sensor(it, kWidth - right_width / 2, kHeight * 0 / 10,
id(outside_temperature).state, "°C", "Outside");
render_sensor(it, kWidth - right_width / 2, kHeight * 3 / 10,
id(lounge_temperature).state, "°C", "Lounge");
render_sensor(it, kWidth - right_width / 2, kHeight * 6 / 10,
id(solar_power).state, "W", "Solar");
render_sensor(it, right_width / 2, kHeight * 6 / 10, id(uptime_sensor).state,
"s", "Uptime");
static const struct {
float level;
std::string icon;
} battery_levels[] = {
{10, "mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline"},
{40, "mdi-battery-low"},
{70, "mdi-battery-medium"},
{std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), "mdi-battery-high"},
// Battery
float battery_level = id(m5paper_battery_level).state;
if (!std::isnan(battery_level)) {
for (const auto& level : battery_levels) {
if (battery_level <= level.level) {
it.print(910, 10, &id(battery_font),