--- # Display name title: 吳健雄 # Name pronunciation (optional) name_pronunciation: Chien Shiung Wu # Full name (for SEO) first_name: Shiung Wu last_name: Chien # Status emoji status: icon: ☕️ # Is this the primary user of the site? superuser: true # Role/position/tagline role: Professor of Artificial Intelligence # Organizations/Affiliations to show in About widget organizations: - name: Stanford University url: https://www.stanford.edu/ # Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts) bio: My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter. # Social Networking # Need to use another icon? Simply download the SVG icon to your `assets/media/icons/` folder. profiles: - icon: at-symbol url: 'mailto:your-email@example.com' label: E-mail Me - icon: brands/x url: https://twitter.com/GetResearchDev - icon: brands/instagram url: https://www.instagram.com/ - icon: brands/linkedin url: https://www.linkedin.com/ # Link to a PDF of your resume/CV - upload it to `static/uploads/resume.pdf` - icon: academicons/cv url: uploads/resume.pdf label: Download my resume - icon: rss url: ./post/index.xml label: Subscribe to my blog via RSS feed # Highlight the author in author lists? (true/false) highlight_name: true # Author's website URL website: "" --- Chien Shiung Wu is a professor of artificial intelligence at the Stanford AI Lab. Her research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter. She leads the Robotic Neurobiology group, which develops self-reconfiguring robots, systems of self-organizing robots, and mobile sensor networks.