# PREVIOUS PLUGINS - no longer needed now porting from Bootstrap to Tailwind #plugins: # - stylelint-scss extends: - stylelint-config-standard - stylelint-config-prettier # PREVIOUS EXTENDS - no longer needed now porting from Bootstrap to Tailwind # - stylelint-config-standard-scss # - stylelint-config-prettier-scss rules: comment-empty-line-before: null # Allow more compact comments property-no-vendor-prefix: null # Necessary unless postcss prefix value-no-vendor-prefix: null # Necessary unless postcss prefix at-rule-no-unknown: null # Use PostCSS "at" rules # PREVIOUS RULES - no longer needed now porting from Bootstrap to Tailwind # at-rule-no-unknown: null # Use SCSS "at" rules # scss/at-rule-no-unknown: true # Use SCSS "at" rules # no-descending-specificity: null # Todo: remove once investigated/resolved # color-function-notation: null # Todo: refactor code # alpha-value-notation: null # Todo: refactor code # number-max-precision: null # Todo: refactor code # font-family-no-missing-generic-family-keyword: # - true # - ignoreFontFamilies: # - Font Awesome 5 Free