--- - name: fastboot - disable unneded services systemd: state=stopped masked=yes enabled=no name={{ item }}.service with_items: - alsa-restore - console-setup - dhcpcd - dphys-swapfile - fake-hwclock - kbd - keyboard-setup - kmod-static-nodes - networking - ntp - plymouth - plymouth-log - raspi-config - systemd-journal-flush - systemd-setup-dgram-qlen - triggerhappy - name: fastboot - remove tiggerhappy, plymouth, openresolv apt: state=absent force=true name=plymouth,triggerhappy,openresolv - name: fastboot - copy the wpa_supplicant config template: src=wpa_supplicant@.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant@.service - name: fastboot - copy the wlan config template: src=80-wlan.network dest=/etc/systemd/network/80-wlan.network - name: fastboot - copy the timesyncd config template: src=timesyncd.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/timesyncd.service - name: fastboot - enable the systemd based services systemd: enabled=yes name={{ item }}.service with_items: - systemd-networkd - systemd-resolved - timesyncd - wpa_supplicant@wlan0 - name: fastboot - use the systemd resolv.conf file: src=/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf dest=/etc/resolv.conf state=link