Marti Bolivar 7c81947272 I2C: Restore on F1, refactoring prep for F2.
Bring back <libmaple/i2c.h> support on STM32F1 with a view towards how
it'll be implemented on STM32F2. There are still many F1-isms in
libmaple/i2c.c and <libmaple/i2c.h>, to be dealt with subsequently.

Move device declarations and base pointer definitions to a new F1
<series/i2c.h>. The register maps and bit definitions themselves are
identical on both series, so leave them in the libmaple header.

Add i2c_private.h, which contains:

- I2C_DEV(), a convenience macro for defining an i2c_dev, and
- declarations for the event and error IRQ handlers.

The IRQ handlers are large, and I2C is slow anyway, so I see no reason
to make them inline in the private header (as we do for some other
peripherals). We just expose the existing ones that were formerly
static in libmaple/i2c.c, but prefix the names with underscore.

Move the device declarations and IRQ handlers into new
stm32f1/i2c.c. These use the i2c_private.h API.

Signed-off-by: Marti Bolivar <>
2012-06-22 14:06:09 -04:00

51 lines
1.2 KiB

# Standard things
sp := $(sp).x
dirstack_$(sp) := $(d)
d := $(dir)
# Local flags
# Local rules and targets
cSRCS_$(d) := adc.c
cSRCS_$(d) += dac.c
cSRCS_$(d) += dma.c
cSRCS_$(d) += exti.c
cSRCS_$(d) += flash.c
cSRCS_$(d) += gpio.c
cSRCS_$(d) += iwdg.c
cSRCS_$(d) += nvic.c
cSRCS_$(d) += pwr.c
cSRCS_$(d) += rcc.c
cSRCS_$(d) += spi.c
cSRCS_$(d) += systick.c
cSRCS_$(d) += timer.c
cSRCS_$(d) += usart.c
cSRCS_$(d) += usart_private.c
cSRCS_$(d) += util.c
sSRCS_$(d) := exc.S
# I2C support must be ported to F2:
ifeq ($(MCU_SERIES),stm32f1)
cSRCS_$(d) += i2c.c
cFILES_$(d) := $(cSRCS_$(d):%=$(d)/%)
sFILES_$(d) := $(sSRCS_$(d):%=$(d)/%)
OBJS_$(d) := $(cFILES_$(d):%.c=$(BUILD_PATH)/%.o) $(sFILES_$(d):%.S=$(BUILD_PATH)/%.o)
DEPS_$(d) := $(OBJS_$(d):%.o=%.d)
$(OBJS_$(d)): TGT_CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_$(d))
$(OBJS_$(d)): TGT_ASFLAGS :=
TGT_BIN += $(OBJS_$(d))
# Standard things
-include $(DEPS_$(d))
d := $(dirstack_$(sp))
sp := $(basename $(sp))