Michael Hope 8479106022 Split the GPS parser out from nppilot.
Split the GPS parser into smaller source files.
Added tests to the parser.
2014-06-24 22:03:42 +02:00

105 lines
2 KiB

package gps
import (
type Parser struct {
fields []string
EmptyField bool
Err error
func (parser *Parser) setError(text string) {
if parser.Err == nil {
parser.Err = errors.New(text)
func (parser *Parser) updateError(err error) {
if err != nil {
parser.Err = err
func (parser *Parser) get(idx int, fallback string) string {
if idx >= len(parser.fields) {
parser.setError("Field out of range.")
return fallback
} else {
value := parser.fields[idx]
if value == "" {
parser.EmptyField = true
return fallback
} else {
return value
func (parser *Parser) parseInt(value string) int {
f, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, 0)
return int(f)
func (parser *Parser) parseFloat(value string) float64 {
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
return f
func (parser *Parser) parseFloat32(value string) float32 {
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32)
return float32(f)
func (parser *Parser) GetString(idx int) string {
return parser.get(idx, "")
func (parser *Parser) GetInt(idx int) int {
return parser.parseInt(parser.get(idx, "0"))
func (parser *Parser) GetFloat(idx int) float64 {
value := parser.get(idx, "0")
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
return f
func (parser *Parser) GetFloat32(idx int) float32 {
value := parser.get(idx, "0")
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32)
return float32(f)
func (parser *Parser) GetTime(idx int) float64 {
value := parser.parseFloat(parser.GetString(idx))
hhmm := int(value / 100)
hours, minutes := hhmm/100, hhmm%100
seconds := value - float64(hhmm*100)
return float64(hours*3600+minutes*60) + seconds
func (parser *Parser) GetLatLong(idx int) float64 {
value := parser.GetFloat(idx)
dd := int(value / 100)
mm := value - float64(dd*100)
decimal := float64(dd) + mm/60
direction := parser.get(idx+1, "W")
if direction == "W" || direction == "S" {
decimal = -decimal
return decimal