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<u>CDB File format Description</u></h1>
The .cdb file created when the --debug option is used contains&nbsp; the
following types of records. The records are stored one per&nbsp; line,
and the first character determines the record type.
<u>Type Description Generated by</u></h4>
'S'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Symbol Record Compiler</li>
'T'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Structure description record Compiler</li>
'L'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Linker record assembler/linker</li>
'F'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Function record Compiler</li>
'M'&nbsp;&nbsp; Module record Compiler</li>
<u>Details of 'S'-Type (Symbol Record)</u></h4>
A symbol record is generated for each named symbol in the source file (local,
global &amp; parameter). The format of the symbol record is as follows.
(&lt;type info>),&lt;Address Space>,&lt;on Stack?>,&lt;stack offset></i>
<p>Following the record type is the scope information for the symbol.&nbsp;
'G' indicates Global . F&lt;filename> indicates the symbol is active for
a given file only (e.g. global variables declared as 'static') L&lt;functionName>
indicates that the symbol is local to the function with the given name.
The follows the name of the variable (this is&nbsp; the unmangled/user
given name of the variable). The level &amp; block are used to further
scope local variables since C allows the&nbsp; definitions like ...
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int c; /* block #1 , level #1 */
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int c; /* block #2, level
#2 */
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int c; /* block #3 , level
#2 */
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
<p>The type info is a chain of type (since C allows declarations of arbitrary
complexity. The type info has the following format .
<p><i>({size}&lt;type info chain>)</i>
<p><i>size </i>- size in bytes of the symbol.
<p><i>&lt;type info chain></i> - should be parsed into a linked list of
type, the elements of the list are described below.
<td NOSAVE><b>Type Code</b></td>
<td NOSAVE><b>Description</b></td>
<td NOSAVE>DA&lt;n></td>
<td NOSAVE>Array of n elements</td>
<td>Generic pointer</td>
<td>Code pointer</td>
<td>Xternal Ram pointer</td>
<td>Internal ram pointer</td>
<td>Paged pointer</td>
<td NOSAVE>Upper 128 byte pointer</td>
<td>structure of name &lt;name></td>
<td>bit field of &lt;n> bits.</td>
<p>Address Space
<br>Code Description
<br>---- -----------
<center><table BORDER WIDTH="500" NOSAVE >
<td NOSAVE><b>Address Space</b>
<td><b>Description of address space</b></td>
<td>External stack</td>
<td>Internal stack</td>
<td>Code/static segment</td>
<td>Internal ram (lower 128) bytes</td>
<td>External ram</td>
<td>Internal ram</td>
<td>Bit addressable</td>
<td>SFR space</td>
<td>SBIT space</td>
<p>Sign Information
<br>Code Description
<br>---- -----------
<br>S Signed
<br>U Unsigned
<br>This is best illustrated with a few examples.
<p>idata char BCD_Cell[5];
<p>Generates the following debug info.
<p>The following function declaration along with local variables and parameters.
<p>void uitoa(unsigned int value, char* string, int radix)
<br>char buffer[NUMBER_OF_DIGITS];
<p>Will generate the following debug information.
<p>/* function "uitoa" */
<p>/* parameter "value" */
<p>/* parameter "string" */
<p>/* parameter "radix" */
<p>/* local variable "buffer" */
<p>Details of 'T'-Type (Structure Record)
<br>Structure definitions ALWAYS have file scope. Currently structure definitions
<br>within functions or blocks are not handled in the debug information.
<br>and unions are represented using the same debug format. The format
of the
<br>Structure record is as follows .
<p>T:F&lt;filename>$tag[({offset}&lt;Symbol Record 'S' type for 1st field>)
<br>({offset}&lt;Symbol Record 'S' type for 2nd field>)
<p>Example 1.
<p>struct some_struct {
<br>int a;
<br>char b;
<br>long c;
<p>Generates the following 'T' - type record.
<br>/* field 'a' offset = 0 */
<br>/* field 'b' offset = 2 */
<br>/* field 'c' offset = 3 */
<p>The 'S' - type (symbol rescord for each of the fields is embedded inside
<br>the structure definition record.
<p>Example 2.
<p>Structure declarations with embeded structures.
<p>union bil {
<br>struct {
<br>volatile unsigned char b0,
<br>b3 ;
<br>} b;
<br>struct {
<br>volatile unsigned int lo,hi ;
<br>} i;
<br>unsigned volatile long l;
<br>struct {
<br>volatile unsigned char b0;
<br>unsigned int i12;
<br>unsigned char b3;}
<br>} ;
<p>Generates the following debug information. NOTE: the embedded anonymous
<br>structures generates separate T - type records.
<br>/* field 'b' is of type Structure __00020000 , offset = 0 */
<p>/* field 'i' is of type structre __00020001 , offset = 0 (union) */
<p>/* field 'l' is of type unsigned long */
<p>/* field 'bi' is of type structure __00020002 offset = 0 */
<p>/* compiler generates these 'T'-type records for the
<br>anonymous structures */
<p>/* T record for structure __00020000 (field 'b' in the above structure)
<br>/* field 'b0' type unsigned char , offset = 0 */
<p>/* field 'b1' type unsigned char , offset = 1 */
<p>/* field 'b2' type unsigned char, offset = 2 */
<p>/* field 'b3' type unsigned char , offset = 3 */
<p>/* T record for structure __00020001 (field 'i' in union 'bil' ) */
<br>/* field 'lo' type unsigned int offset 0 */
<p>/* field 'hi' type unsigned int offset 2 */
<p>/* T record for structure __00020002 (field 'bi' in union 'bil' )*/
<br>/* field 'b0' type unsigned char , offset 0 */
<p>/* field 'i1' type unsigned int , offset 1 */
<p>/* field 'b3' type unsigned char offset 3 */
<p>Details of 'F'-Type (FUNCTION Record)
<br>A Function record is created for each function defined in the C Source
<br>file. The format of a function record is identical to that of the Symbol
<br>record. The function record contains information about the return value
<br>of a function, in addition it contains information about the register
<br>the function uses and if the function is an interrupt service routine
<br>interrupt number of the function.
<p>Example 1.