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1.1 About SDCC

SDCC is a Freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI-C compiler by Sandeep Dutta designed for 8 bit Microprocessors. The current version targets Intel MCS51 based Microprocessors(8051,8052, etc), Zilog Z80 based MCUs, and the Dallas DS80C390 variant. It can be retargetted for other microprocessors, support for PIC, AVR and 186 is under development. The entire source code for the compiler is distributed under GPL. SDCC uses ASXXXX & ASLINK, a Freeware, retargettable assembler & linker. SDCC has extensive language extensions suitable for utilizing various microcontrollers and underlying hardware effectively.

In addition to the MCU specific optimizations SDCC also does a host of standard optimizations like:

For the back-end SDCC uses a global register allocation scheme which should be well suited for other 8 bit MCUs.

The peep hole optimizer uses a rule based substitution mechanism which is MCU independent.

Supported data-types are:

The compiler also allows inline assembler code to be embedded anywhere in a function. In addition, routines developed in assembly can also be called.

SDCC also provides an option (-cyclomatic) to report the relative complexity of a function. These functions can then be further optimized, or hand coded in assembly if needed.

SDCC also comes with a companion source level debugger SDCDB, the debugger currently uses ucSim a freeware simulator for 8051 and other micro-controllers.

The latest version can be downloaded from

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Johan Knol