/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- sdcdb.c - main source file for sdcdb debugger Written By - Sandeep Dutta . sandeep.dutta@usa.net (1999) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program. You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding! -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "sdcdb.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "simi.h" #include "break.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "newalloc.h" char *currModName = NULL; cdbrecs *recsRoot = NULL ; set *modules = NULL; /* set of all modules */ set *functions = NULL ; /* set of functions */ set *symbols = NULL ; /* set of symbols */ int nStructs = 0 ; structdef **structs = NULL ; /* all structures */ int nLinkrecs = 0; linkrec **linkrecs = NULL; /* all linkage editor records */ context *currCtxt = NULL; short fullname = 0; char *ssdirl = SDCC_LIB_DIR ":" SDCC_LIB_DIR "/small" ; char *simArgs[8]; int nsimArgs = 0; /* fake filename & lineno to make linker */ char *filename=NULL; int lineno = 0; int fatalError = 0; /* command table */ struct cmdtab { char *cmd ; /* command the user will enter */ int (*cmdfunc)(char *,context *); /* function to execute when command is entered */ char *htxt ; /* short help text */ } cmdTab[] = { /* NOTE:- the search is done from the top, so "break" should precede the synonym "b" */ /* break point */ { "break" , cmdSetUserBp , "{b}reak\t\t\t [LINE | FILE:LINE | FILE:FUNCTION | FUNCTION]\n", }, { "b" , cmdSetUserBp , NULL }, { "clear" , cmdClrUserBp , "{cl}ear\t\t\t [LINE | FILE:LINE | FILE:FUNCTION | FUNCTION]\n" }, { "cl" , cmdClrUserBp , NULL }, { "continue" , cmdContinue , "{c}ontinue\t\t Continue program being debugged, after breakpoint.\n" }, { "c" , cmdContinue , NULL }, { "delete" , cmdDelUserBp , "{d}elete n\t\t clears break point number n\n" }, { "d" , cmdDelUserBp , NULL }, { "help" , cmdHelp , "{h|?}elp\t\t this message\n" }, { "?" , cmdHelp , NULL }, { "h" , cmdHelp , NULL }, { "info" , cmdInfo , "info\n" "\t {break}\t list all break points\n" "\t {stack}\t information about call stack\n" "\t {frame}\t current frame information\n" "\t {registers}\t display value of all registers\n" }, { "listasm" , cmdListAsm , "listasm {la}\t\t list assembler code for the current C line\n" }, { "la" , cmdListAsm , NULL }, { "list" , cmdListSrc , "{l}ist\t\t\t [LINE | FILE:LINE | FILE:FUNCTION | FUNCTION]\n" }, { "l" , cmdListSrc , NULL }, { "show" , cmdShow , "show\n" "\t {copying}\t copying & distribution terms\n" "\t {warranty}\t warranty information\n" }, { "set" , cmdSetOption , NULL }, { "step" , cmdStep , "{s}tep\t\t\t Step program until it reaches a different source line.\n" }, { "s" , cmdStep , NULL }, { "next" , cmdNext , "{n}ext\t\t\t Step program, proceeding through subroutine calls.\n" }, { "n" , cmdNext , NULL }, { "run" , cmdRun , "{r}un\t\t\t Start debugged program. \n" }, { "r" , cmdRun , NULL }, { "ptype" , cmdPrintType , "{pt}ype \t print type information of a variable\n" }, { "pt" , cmdPrintType , NULL }, { "print" , cmdPrint , "{p}rint \t print value of given variable\n" }, { "p" , cmdPrint , NULL }, { "file" , cmdFile , "file \t\t load symbolic information from \n" }, { "frame" , cmdFrame , "{fr}ame\t\t\t print information about the current Stack\n" }, { "finish" , cmdFinish , "{fi}nish\t\t execute till return of current function\n" }, { "fi" , cmdFinish , NULL }, { "fr" , cmdFrame , NULL }, { "f" , cmdFrame , NULL }, { "!" , cmdSimulator , "!\t send a command directly to the simulator\n" }, { "quit" , cmdQuit , "{q}uit\t\t\t \"Watch me now. Iam going Down. My name is Bobby Brown\"\n" }, { "q" , cmdQuit , NULL } }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* gc_strdup - make a string duplicate garbage collector aware */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *gc_strdup(const char *s) { char *ret; ret = Safe_malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(ret, s); return ret; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* alloccpy - allocate copy and return a new string */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *alloccpy ( char *s, int size) { char *d; if (!size) return NULL; d = Safe_malloc(size+1); memcpy(d,s,size); d[size] = '\0'; return d; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* resize - resizes array of type with new size */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void **resize (void **array, int newSize) { void **vptr; if (array) vptr = Safe_realloc(array,newSize*(sizeof(void **))); else vptr = calloc(1, sizeof(void **)); if (!vptr) { fprintf(stderr,"sdcdb: out of memory \n"); exit(1); } return vptr; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* readCdb - reads the cdb files & puts the records into cdbLine */ /* linked list */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int readCdb (FILE *file) { cdbrecs *currl ; char buffer[1024]; char *bp ; if (!(bp = fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),file))) return 0; currl = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(cdbrecs)); recsRoot = currl ; while (1) { /* make sure this is a cdb record */ if (strchr("STLFM",*bp) && *(bp+1) == ':') { /* depending on the record type */ switch (*bp) { case 'S': /* symbol record */ currl->type = SYM_REC; break; case 'T': currl->type = STRUCT_REC; break; case 'L': currl->type = LNK_REC; break; case 'F': currl->type = FUNC_REC; break; case 'M': currl->type = MOD_REC ; } bp += 2; currl->line = Safe_malloc(strlen(bp)); strncpy(currl->line,bp,strlen(bp)-1); currl->line[strlen(bp)-1] = '\0'; } if (!(bp = fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),file))) break; if (feof(file)) break; currl->next = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(cdbrecs)); currl = currl->next; } return (recsRoot->line ? 1 : 0); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* searchDirsFname - search directory list & return the filename */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *searchDirsFname (char *fname) { char *dirs , *sdirs; FILE *rfile = NULL; char buffer[128]; /* first try the current directory */ if ((rfile = fopen(fname,"r"))) { fclose(rfile); return strdup(fname) ; } if (!ssdirl) return strdup(fname); /* make a copy of the source directories */ dirs = sdirs = strdup(ssdirl); /* assume that the separator is ':' and try for each directory in the search list */ dirs = strtok(dirs,":"); while (dirs) { if (dirs[strlen(dirs)] == '/') sprintf(buffer,"%s%s",dirs,fname); else sprintf(buffer,"%s/%s",dirs,fname); if ((rfile = fopen(buffer,"r"))) break ; dirs = strtok(NULL,":"); } free(sdirs); if (rfile) { fclose(rfile); return strdup(buffer); } else return strdup(fname); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* searchDirsFopen - go thru list of directories for filename given*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ FILE *searchDirsFopen(char *fname) { char *dirs , *sdirs; FILE *rfile = NULL; char buffer[128]; /* first try the current directory */ if ((rfile = fopen(fname,"r"))) return rfile; if (!ssdirl) return NULL; /* make a copy of the source directories */ dirs = sdirs = strdup(ssdirl); /* assume that the separator is ':' and try for each directory in the search list */ dirs = strtok(dirs,":"); while (dirs) { sprintf(buffer,"%s/%s",dirs,fname); if ((rfile = fopen(buffer,"r"))) break ; dirs = strtok(NULL,":"); } free(sdirs); return rfile ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* loadFile - loads a file into module buffer */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ srcLine **loadFile (char *name, int *nlines) { FILE *mfile ; char buffer[512]; char *bp; srcLine **slines = NULL; if (!(mfile = searchDirsFopen(name))) { fprintf(stderr,"sdcdb: cannot open module %s -- use '--directory= option\n",name); return NULL; } while ((bp = fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),mfile))) { (*nlines)++; slines = (srcLine **)resize((void **)slines,*nlines); slines[(*nlines)-1] = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(srcLine)); slines[(*nlines)-1]->src = alloccpy(bp,strlen(bp)); } fclose(mfile); return slines; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* loadModules - reads the source files into module structure */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void loadModules () { cdbrecs *loop; module *currMod; char *rs; /* go thru the records & find out the module records & load the modules specified */ for ( loop = recsRoot ; loop ; loop = loop->next ) { switch (loop->type) { /* for module records do */ case MOD_REC: currMod = parseModule(loop->line,TRUE); currModName = currMod->name ; currMod->cfullname = searchDirsFname(currMod->c_name); /* load it into buffer */ currMod->cLines = loadFile (currMod->c_name, &currMod->ncLines); /* do the same for the assembler file */ currMod->afullname = searchDirsFname(currMod->asm_name); currMod->asmLines=loadFile (currMod->asm_name, &currMod->nasmLines); break; /* if this is a function record */ case FUNC_REC: parseFunc(loop->line); break; /* if this is a structure record */ case STRUCT_REC: parseStruct(loop->line); break; /* if symbol then parse the symbol */ case SYM_REC: parseSymbol(loop->line,&rs); break; case LNK_REC: parseLnkRec(loop->line); break; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* functionPoints - determine the execution points within a func */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void functionPoints () { function *func; symbol *sym; /* for all functions do */ for ( func = setFirstItem(functions); func; func = setNextItem(functions)) { int j ; module *mod; sym = func->sym; Dprintf(D_sdcdb, ("func '%s' has entry '%x' exit '%x'\n", func->sym->name, func->sym->addr, func->sym->eaddr)); if (!func->sym->addr && !func->sym->eaddr) continue ; /* for all source lines in the module find the ones with address >= start and <= end and put them in the point */ mod = NULL ; if (! applyToSet(modules,moduleWithName,func->modName,&mod)) continue ; func->mod = mod ; func->entryline= INT_MAX; func->exitline = 0; func->aentryline = INT_MAX ; func->aexitline = 0; /* do it for the C Lines first */ for ( j = 0 ; j < mod->ncLines ; j++ ) { if (mod->cLines[j]->addr >= sym->addr && mod->cLines[j]->addr <= sym->eaddr ) { exePoint *ep ; /* add it to the execution point */ if (func->entryline > j) func->entryline = j; if (func->exitline < j) func->exitline = j; ep = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(exePoint)); ep->addr = mod->cLines[j]->addr ; ep->line = j; ep->block= mod->cLines[j]->block; ep->level= mod->cLines[j]->level; addSet(&func->cfpoints,ep); } } /* do the same for asm execution points */ for ( j = 0 ; j < mod->nasmLines ; j++ ) { if (mod->asmLines[j]->addr >= sym->addr && mod->asmLines[j]->addr <= sym->eaddr ) { exePoint *ep ; /* add it to the execution point */ if (func->aentryline > j) func->aentryline = j; if (func->aexitline < j) func->aexitline = j; /* add it to the execution point */ ep = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(exePoint)); ep->addr = mod->asmLines[j]->addr ; ep->line = j; addSet(&func->afpoints,ep); } } #ifdef SDCDB_DEBUG Dprintf(D_sdcdb, ("function '%s' has the following C exePoints\n", func->sym->name)); { exePoint *ep; for (ep = setFirstItem(func->cfpoints); ep; ep = setNextItem(func->cfpoints)) Dprintf(D_sdcdb, ("{%x,%d} %s", ep->addr,ep->line,mod->cLines[ep->line]->src)); Dprintf(D_sdcdb, (" and the following ASM exePoints\n")); for (ep = setFirstItem(func->afpoints); ep; ep = setNextItem(func->afpoints)) Dprintf (D_sdcdb, ("{%x,%d} %s", ep->addr,ep->line,mod->asmLines[ep->line]->src)); } #endif } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* setEntryExitBP - set the entry & exit Break Points for functions*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEFSETFUNC(setEntryExitBP) { function *func = item; if (func->sym && func->sym->addr && func->sym->eaddr) { /* set the entry break point */ setBreakPoint (func->sym->addr , CODE , FENTRY , fentryCB ,func->mod->c_name , func->entryline); /* set the exit break point */ setBreakPoint (func->sym->eaddr , CODE , FEXIT , fexitCB ,func->mod->c_name , func->exitline ); } return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cmdFile - load file into the debugger */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int cmdFile (char *s,context *cctxt) { FILE *cdbFile; char buffer[128]; char *bp; while (isspace(*s)) s++; if (!*s) { fprintf(stdout,"No exec file now.\nNo symbol file now.\n"); return 0; } sprintf(buffer,"%s.cdb",s); /* try creating the cdbfile */ if (!(cdbFile = searchDirsFopen(buffer))) { fprintf(stdout,"Cannot open file\"%s\"",buffer); return 0; } /* allocate for context */ currCtxt = Safe_calloc(1,sizeof(context)); /* readin the debug information */ if (!readCdb (cdbFile)) { fprintf(stdout,"No symbolic information found in file %s.cdb\n",s); return 0; } /* parse and load the modules required */ loadModules(); /* determine the execution points for this module */ functionPoints(); /* start the simulator & setup connection to it */ openSimulator((char **)simArgs,nsimArgs); fprintf(stdout,"%s",simResponse()); /* now send the filename to be loaded to the simulator */ sprintf(buffer,"%s.ihx",s); bp=searchDirsFname(buffer); simLoadFile(bp); free(bp); /*set the break points required by the debugger . i.e. the function entry and function exit break points */ applyToSet(functions,setEntryExitBP); /* ad we are done */ return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* cmdHelp - help command */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int cmdHelp (char *s, context *cctxt) { int i ; for (i = 0 ; i < (sizeof(cmdTab)/sizeof(struct cmdtab)) ; i++) { /* command string matches */ if (cmdTab[i].htxt) fprintf(stdout,"%s",cmdTab[i].htxt); } return 0; } #define MAX_CMD_LEN 512 char *prompt = "(sdcdb) "; char cmdbuff[MAX_CMD_LEN]; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* interpretCmd - interpret and do the command */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int interpretCmd (char *s) { static char *pcmd = NULL; int i ; int rv = 0 ; /* if nothing & previous command exists then execute the previous command again */ if (*s == '\n' && pcmd) strcpy(s,pcmd); /* if previous command exists & is different from the current command then copy it */ if (pcmd) { if (strcmp(pcmd,s)) { free(pcmd); pcmd = strdup(s); } } else pcmd = strdup(s); /* lookup the command table and do the task required */ strtok(s,"\n"); for (i = 0 ; i < (sizeof(cmdTab)/sizeof(struct cmdtab)) ; i++) { /* command string matches */ if (strncmp(s,cmdTab[i].cmd,strlen(cmdTab[i].cmd)) == 0) { if (!cmdTab[i].cmdfunc) return 1; rv = (*cmdTab[i].cmdfunc)(s + strlen(cmdTab[i].cmd),currCtxt); /* if full name then give the file name & position */ if (fullname && currCtxt && currCtxt->func) { if (srcMode == SRC_CMODE) fprintf(stdout,"\032\032%s:%d:1\n", currCtxt->func->mod->cfullname, currCtxt->cline+1); else fprintf(stdout,"\032\032%s:%d:1\n", currCtxt->func->mod->afullname, currCtxt->asmline+1); } goto ret; } } fprintf(stdout,"Undefined command: \"%s\". Try \"help\".\n",s); ret: return rv; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* commandLoop - the main command loop */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void commandLoop() { while (1) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",prompt); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(cmdbuff,sizeof(cmdbuff),stdin) == NULL) break; if (interpretCmd(cmdbuff)) break; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* printVersionInfo - print the version information */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void printVersionInfo() { fprintf(stdout, "SDCDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it\n" "under certain conditions; type \"show copying\" to see the conditions.\n" "There is absolutely no warranty for SDCDB; type \"show warranty\" for details.\n" "SDCDB 0.8 . Copyright (C) 1999 Sandeep Dutta (sandeep.dutta@usa.net)\n" "Type ? for help\n"); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* parseCmdLine - parse the commandline arguments */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void parseCmdLine (int argc, char **argv) { int i ; char *filename = NULL; char buffer[100]; for ( i = 1; i < argc ; i++) { fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",argv[i]); /* if this is an option */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') { /* if directory then mark directory */ if (strncmp(argv[i],"--directory=",12) == 0) { if (!ssdirl) ssdirl = &argv[i][12]; else { char *p = Safe_malloc(strlen(ssdirl)+strlen(&argv[i][12])+2); strcat(strcat(strcpy(p,&argv[i][12]),":"),ssdirl); ssdirl = p; } continue; } if (strncmp(argv[i],"-fullname",9) == 0) { fullname = TRUE; continue; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"-cd") == 0) { i++; chdir(argv[i]); continue; } if (strncmp(argv[i],"-cd=",4) == 0) { chdir(argv[i][4]); continue; } /* the simulator arguments */ /* cpu */ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-t") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-cpu") == 0) { simArgs[nsimArgs++] = "-t"; simArgs[nsimArgs++] = strdup(argv[++i]); continue ; } /* XTAL Frequency */ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-X") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-frequency") == 0) { simArgs[nsimArgs++] = "-X"; simArgs[nsimArgs++] = strdup(argv[++i]); continue ; } /* serial port */ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s") == 0) { simArgs[nsimArgs++] = "-s"; simArgs[nsimArgs++] = strdup(argv[++i]); continue ; } if (strcmp(argv[i],"-S") == 0) { simArgs[nsimArgs++] = "-s"; simArgs[nsimArgs++] = strdup(argv[++i]); continue ; } fprintf(stderr,"unknown option %s --- ignored\n", argv[i]); } else { /* must be file name */ if (filename) { fprintf(stderr,"too many filenames .. parameter '%s' ignored\n", argv[i]); continue ; } filename = strtok(argv[i],"."); } } if (filename) cmdFile(filename,NULL); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* main - */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main ( int argc, char **argv) { printVersionInfo(); /* parse command line */ parseCmdLine(argc,argv); commandLoop(); return 0; }