2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00

1412 lines
28 KiB

/* lkmain.c */
* (C) Copyright 1989-1995
* All Rights Reserved
* Alan R. Baldwin
* 721 Berkeley St.
* Kent, Ohio 44240
* Extensions: P. Felber
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include <alloc.h>
#include "aslink.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SDK_VERSION_STRING "3.0.0"
#define TARGET_STRING "gbz80"
/*)Module lkmain.c
* The module lkmain.c contains the functions which
* (1) input the linker options, parameters, and specifications
* (2) perform a two pass link
* (3) produce the appropriate linked data output and/or
* link map file and/or relocated listing files.
* lkmain.c contains the following functions:
* FILE * afile(fn,ft,wf)
* VOID bassav()
* VOID gblsav()
* VOID link()
* VOID lkexit()
* VOID main(argc,argv)
* VOID map()
* int parse()
* VOID setbas()
* VOID setgbl()
* VOID usage()
* lkmain.c contains the following local variables:
* char * usetext[] array of pointers to the
* command option tect lines
/*)Function VOID main(argc,argv)
* int argc number of command line arguments + 1
* char * argv[] array of pointers to the command line
* arguments
* The function main() evaluates the command line arguments to
* determine if the linker parameters are to input through 'stdin'
* or read from a command file. The functiond getline() and parse()
* are to input and evaluate the linker parameters. The linking process
* proceeds by making the first pass through each .rel file in the order
* presented to the linker. At the end of the first pass the setbase(),
* lnkarea(), setgbl(), and symdef() functions are called to evaluate
* the base address terms, link all areas, define global variables,
* and look for undefined symbols. Following these routines a linker
* map file may be produced and the linker output files may be opened.
* The second pass through the .rel files will output the linked data
* in one of the four supported formats.
* local variables:
* char * p pointer to an argument string
* int c character from argument string
* int i loop counter
* global variables:
* text line in ib[]
* lfile *cfp The pointer *cfp points to the
* current lfile structure
* char ctype[] array of character types, one per
* ASCII character
* lfile *filep The pointer *filep points to the
* beginning of a linked list of
* lfile structures.
* head *hp Pointer to the current
* head structure
* char ib[NINPUT] .rel file text line
* char *ip pointer into the .rel file
* lfile *linkp pointer to first lfile structure
* containing an input .rel file
* specification
* int lkerr error flag
* int mflag Map output flag
* int oflag Output file type flag
* FILE *ofp Output file handle
* for word formats
* FILE *ofph Output file handle
* for high byte format
* FILE *ofpl Output file handle
* for low byte format
* int pass linker pass number
* int pflag print linker command file flag
* int radix current number conversion radix
* FILE *sfp The file handle sfp points to the
* currently open file
* lfile *startp asmlnk startup file structure
* FILE * stdin c_library
* FILE * stdout c_library
* functions called:
* FILE * afile() lkmain.c
* int fclose() c_library
* int fprintf() c_library
* int getline() lklex.c
* VOID library() lklibr.c
* VOID link() lkmain.c
* VOID lkexit() lkmain.c
* VOID lnkarea() lkarea.c
* VOID map() lkmain.c
* VOID new() lksym.c
* int parse() lkmain.c
* VOID reloc() lkreloc.c
* VOID search() lklibr.c
* VOID setbas() lkmain.c
* VOID setgbl() lkmain.c
* VOID symdef() lksym.c
* VOID usage() lkmain.c
* side effects:
* Completion of main() completes the linking process
* and may produce a map file (.map) and/or a linked
* data files (.ihx or .s19) and/or one or more
* relocated listing files (.rst).
#ifdef SDK
int binary = 0;
#endif /* SDK */
#ifdef GAMEBOY
char *default_basep[] = {
char *default_globlp[] = {
/* DMA transfer must start at multiples of 0x100 */
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
main(argc, argv)
char *argv[];
register char *p;
register int c, i;
#ifdef GAMEBOY
nb_rom_banks = 2;
nb_ram_banks = 0;
mbc_type = 0;
for(i = 0; default_basep[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(basep == NULL) {
basep = (struct base *)new(sizeof(struct base));
bsp = basep;
} else {
bsp->b_base = (struct base *)new(sizeof(struct base));
bsp = bsp->b_base;
bsp->b_strp = default_basep[i];
for(i = 0; default_globlp[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(globlp == NULL) {
globlp = (struct globl *)new(sizeof(struct globl));
gsp = globlp;
} else {
gsp->g_globl = (struct globl *)new(sizeof(struct globl));
gsp = gsp->g_globl;
gsp->g_strp = default_globlp[i];
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
#ifndef SDK
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
#endif /* SDK */
startp = (struct lfile *) new (sizeof (struct lfile));
pflag = 1;
for (i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
p = argv[i];
if (*p == '-') {
while (ctype[c = *(++p)] & LETTER) {
switch(c) {
case 'c':
case 'C':
startp->f_type = F_STD;
case 'f':
case 'F':
startp->f_type = F_LNK;
case 'n':
case 'N':
pflag = 0;
case 'p':
case 'P':
pflag = 1;
#ifdef SDK
if(c == '-') {
startp->f_type = F_CMD;
startp->f_idp = (char *)&argv[i+1];
#endif /* SDK */
} else {
if (startp->f_type == F_LNK) {
startp->f_idp = p;
if (startp->f_type == F_INV)
if (startp->f_type == F_LNK && startp->f_idp == NULL)
#ifdef SDK
if (startp->f_type == F_CMD && startp->f_idp == NULL)
#endif /* SDK */
cfp = NULL;
sfp = NULL;
filep = startp;
while (1) {
ip = ib;
if (getline() == 0)
if (pflag && sfp != stdin)
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", ip);
if (*ip == '\0' || parse())
if (sfp)
if (linkp == NULL)
#ifdef SDK
if (linkp->f_flp == NULL)
#endif /* SDK */
#ifdef GAMEBOY
for(i = 1; i < nb_rom_banks; i++) {
bsp->b_base = (struct base *)new(sizeof(struct base));
bsp = bsp->b_base;
bsp->b_strp = (char *)malloc(18);
sprintf(bsp->b_strp, "_CODE_%d=0x4000", i);
for(i = 0; i < nb_ram_banks; i++) {
bsp->b_base = (struct base *)new(sizeof(struct base));
bsp = bsp->b_base;
bsp->b_strp = (char *)malloc(18);
sprintf(bsp->b_strp, "_DATA_%d=0xA000", i);
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
for (pass=0; pass<2; ++pass) {
cfp = NULL;
sfp = NULL;
#ifdef SDK
filep = linkp->f_flp;
#else /* SDK */
filep = linkp;
#endif /* SDK */
hp = NULL;
radix = 10;
while (getline()) {
ip = ib;
if (pass == 0) {
* Search libraries for global symbols
* Set area base addresses.
* Link all area addresses.
* Process global definitions.
* Check for undefined globals.
#ifdef SDK
if (symflag)
* Output Link Map.
if (mflag)
* Open output file
if (oflag == 1) {
#ifdef SDK
ofp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "ihx", 1);
#else /* SDK */
ofp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "IHX", 1);
#endif /* SDK */
if (ofp == NULL) {
} else
if (oflag == 2) {
#ifdef SDK
ofp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "s19", 1);
#else /* SDK */
ofp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "S19", 1);
#endif /* SDK */
if (ofp == NULL) {
#ifdef SDK
} else
if (oflag == 3) {
binary = 1;
ofp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "", 1);
binary = 0;
if (ofp == NULL) {
#endif /* SDK */
} else {
* Link in library files
/* Never get here. */
return 0;
/*)Function VOID lkexit(i)
* int i exit code
* The function lkexit() explicitly closes all open
* files and then terminates the program.
* local variables:
* none
* global variables:
* FILE * mfp file handle for .map
* FILE * ofp file handle for .ihx/.s19
* FILE * rfp file hanlde for .rst
* FILE * sfp file handle for .rel
* FILE * tfp file handle for .lst
* functions called:
* int fclose() c_library
* VOID exit() c_library
* side effects:
* All files closed. Program terminates.
int i;
if (mfp != NULL) fclose(mfp);
if (ofp != NULL) fclose(ofp);
if (rfp != NULL) fclose(rfp);
if (sfp != NULL) fclose(sfp);
if (tfp != NULL) fclose(tfp);
/*)Function link()
* The function link() evaluates the directives for each line of
* text read from the .rel file(s). The valid directives processed
* are:
* X, D, Q, H, M, A, S, T, R, and P.
* local variables:
* int c first non blank character of a line
* global variables:
* head *headp The pointer to the first
* head structure of a linked list
* head *hp Pointer to the current
* head structure
* int pass linker pass number
* int radix current number conversion radix
* functions called:
* char endline() lklex.c
* VOID module() lkhead.c
* VOID newarea() lkarea.c
* VOID newhead() lkhead.c
* sym * newsym() lksym.c
* VOID reloc() lkreloc.c
* side effects:
* Head, area, and symbol structures are created and
* the radix is set as the .rel file(s) are read.
register int c;
if ((c=endline()) == 0) { return; }
switch (c) {
case 'X':
radix = 16;
case 'D':
radix = 10;
case 'Q':
radix = 8;
case 'H':
if (pass == 0) {
} else {
if (hp == 0) {
hp = headp;
} else {
hp = hp->h_hp;
sdp.s_area = NULL;
sdp.s_areax = NULL;
sdp.s_addr = 0;
case 'M':
if (pass == 0)
case 'A':
if (pass == 0)
if (sdp.s_area == NULL) {
sdp.s_area = areap;
sdp.s_areax = areap->a_axp;
sdp.s_addr = 0;
case 'S':
if (pass == 0)
case 'T':
case 'R':
case 'P':
if (pass == 0)
if (c == 'X' || c == 'D' || c == 'Q') {
if ((c = get()) == 'H') {
hilo = 1;
} else
if (c == 'L') {
hilo = 0;
/*)Function VOID map()
* The function map() opens the output map file and calls the various
* routines to
* (1) output the variables in each area,
* (2) list the files processed with module names,
* (3) list the libraries file processed,
* (4) list base address definitions,
* (5) list global variable definitions, and
* (6) list any undefined variables.
* local variables:
* int i counter
* head * hdp pointer to head structure
* lbfile *lbfh pointer to library file structure
* global variables:
* area *ap Pointer to the current
* area structure
* area *areap The pointer to the first
* area structure of a linked list
* base *basep The pointer to the first
* base structure
* base *bsp Pointer to the current
* base structure
* lfile *filep The pointer *filep points to the
* beginning of a linked list of
* lfile structures.
* globl *globlp The pointer to the first
* globl structure
* globl *gsp Pointer to the current
* globl structure
* head *headp The pointer to the first
* head structure of a linked list
* lbfile *lbfhead The pointer to the first
* lbfile structure of a linked list
* lfile *linkp pointer to first lfile structure
* containing an input REL file
* specification
* int lop current line number on page
* FILE *mfp Map output file handle
* int page current page number
* functions called:
* FILE * afile() lkmain.c
* int fprintf() c_library
* VOID lkexit() lkmain.c
* VOID lstarea() lklist.c
* VOID newpag() lklist.c
* VOID symdef() lksym.c
* side effects:
* The map file is created.
#ifndef MLH_MAP
register i;
register struct head *hdp;
register struct lbfile *lbfh;
* Open Map File
#ifdef SDK
mfp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "map", 1);
#else /* SDK */
mfp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "MAP", 1);
#endif /* SDK */
if (mfp == NULL) {
* Output Map Area Lists
page = 0;
lop = NLPP;
ap = areap;
while (ap) {
ap = ap->a_ap;
* List Linked Files
fprintf(mfp, "\nFiles Linked [ module(s) ]\n\n");
hdp = headp;
#ifdef SDK
filep = linkp->f_flp;
#else /* SDK */
filep = linkp;
#endif /* SDK */
while (filep) {
fprintf(mfp, "%-16s", filep->f_idp);
i = 0;
while ((hdp != NULL) && (hdp->h_lfile == filep)) {
if (i % 5) {
fprintf(mfp, ", %8.8s", hdp->m_id);
} else {
if (i) {
fprintf(mfp, ",\n%20s%8.8s", "", hdp->m_id);
} else {
fprintf(mfp, " [ %8.8s", hdp->m_id);
hdp = hdp->h_hp;
if (i)
fprintf(mfp, " ]");
fprintf(mfp, "\n");
filep = filep->f_flp;
* List Linked Libraries
if (lbfhead != NULL) {
"\nLibraries Linked [ object file ]\n\n");
for (lbfh=lbfhead; lbfh; lbfh=lbfh->next) {
fprintf(mfp, "%-32s [ %16.16s ]\n",
lbfh->libspc, lbfh->relfil);
fprintf(mfp, "\n");
* List Base Address Definitions
if (basep) {
fprintf(mfp, "\nUser Base Address Definitions\n\n");
bsp = basep;
while (bsp) {
fprintf(mfp, "%s\n", bsp->b_strp);
bsp = bsp->b_base;
* List Global Definitions
if (globlp) {
fprintf(mfp, "\nUser Global Definitions\n\n");
gsp = globlp;
while (gsp) {
fprintf(mfp, "%s\n", gsp->g_strp);
gsp = gsp->g_globl;
fprintf(mfp, "\n\f");
VOID map()
register struct head *hdp;
register struct lbfile *lbfh;
* Open Map File
#ifdef SDK
mfp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "map", 1);
#else /* SDK */
mfp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "MAP", 1);
#endif /* SDK */
if (mfp == NULL) {
*Output Map Area Lists
page = 0;
lop = NLPP;
ap = areap;
while (ap) {
ap = ap->a_ap;
* List Linked Files
hdp = headp;
#ifdef SDK
filep = linkp->f_flp;
#else /* SDK */
filep = linkp;
#endif /* SDK */
if (filep) {
fprintf( mfp, "MODULES\n");
while (filep) {
fprintf(mfp, "\tFILE %s\n", filep->f_idp);
while ((hdp != NULL) && (hdp->h_lfile == filep)) {
if (strlen(hdp->m_id)>0)
fprintf(mfp, "\t\tNAME %s\n", hdp->m_id);
hdp = hdp->h_hp;
filep = filep->f_flp;
* List Linked Libraries
if (lbfhead != NULL) {
fprintf(mfp, "LIBRARIES\n");
for (lbfh=lbfhead; lbfh; lbfh=lbfh->next) {
fprintf(mfp, "\tLIBRARY %s\n"
"\t\tMODULE %s\n",
lbfh->libspc, lbfh->relfil);
* List Base Address Definitions
if (basep) {
fprintf(mfp, "USERBASEDEF\n");
bsp = basep;
while (bsp) {
fprintf(mfp, "\t%s\n", bsp->b_strp);
bsp = bsp->b_base;
* List Global Definitions
if (globlp) {
fprintf(mfp, "USERGLOBALDEF\n");
gsp = globlp;
while (gsp) {
fprintf(mfp, "\t%s\n", gsp->g_strp);
gsp = gsp->g_globl;
#ifdef SDK
if (mfp!=NULL) {
mfp = NULL;
#endif /* MLH_MAP */
#ifdef SDK
VOID lstareatosym(struct area *xp);
VOID sym()
* Open sym File
mfp = afile(linkp->f_idp, "sym", 1);
if (mfp == NULL) {
fprintf( mfp, "; no$gmb format .sym file\n"
"; Generated automagically by ASxxxx linker %s (SDK " SDK_VERSION_STRING ")\n"
* Output sym Area Lists
page = 0;
lop = NLPP;
ap = areap;
while (ap) {
ap = ap->a_ap;
if (mfp!=NULL) {
mfp = NULL;
#endif /* SDK */
/*)Function int parse()
* The function parse() evaluates all command line or file input
* linker directives and updates the appropriate variables.
* local variables:
* int c character value
* char fid[] file id string
* global variables:
* char ctype[] array of character types, one per
* ASCII character
* lfile *lfp pointer to current lfile structure
* being processed by parse()
* lfile *linkp pointer to first lfile structure
* containing an input REL file
* specification
* int mflag Map output flag
* int oflag Output file type flag
* int pflag print linker command file flag
* FILE * stderr c_library
* int uflag Relocated listing flag
* int xflag Map file radix type flag
* Functions called:
* VOID addlib() lklibr.c
* VOID addpath() lklibr.c
* VOID bassav() lkmain.c
* int fprintf() c_library
* VOID gblsav() lkmain.c
* VOID getfid() lklex.c
* char getnb() lklex.c
* VOID lkexit() lkmain.c
* char * strcpy() c_library
* int strlen() c_library
* side effects:
* Various linker flags are updated and the linked
* structure lfile is created.
register int c;
char fid[NINPUT];
while ((c = getnb()) != 0) {
if ( c == '-') {
while (ctype[c=get()] & LETTER) {
switch(c) {
case 'i':
case 'I':
oflag = 1;
case 's':
case 'S':
oflag = 2;
#ifdef GAMEBOY
case 'y':
case 'Y':
c = get();
if(c == 'O' || c == 'o')
nb_rom_banks = expr(0);
else if(c == 'A' || c == 'a')
nb_ram_banks = expr(0);
else if(c == 'T' || c == 't')
mbc_type = expr(0);
else if(c == 'N' || c == 'n') {
int i = 0;
if(getnb() != '=' || getnb() != '"') {
fprintf(stderr, "Syntax error in -YN=\"name\" flag\n");
while((c = get()) != '"' && i < 16) {
cart_name[i++] = c;
if(i < 16)
cart_name[i] = 0;
while(get() != '"')
} else if(c == 'P' || c == 'p') {
patch *p = patches;
patches = (patch *)malloc(sizeof(patch));
patches->next = p;
patches->addr = expr(0);
if(getnb() != '=') {
fprintf(stderr, "Syntax error in -YHaddr=val flag\n");
patches->value = expr(0);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option\n");
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
#ifdef SDK
case 'j':
case 'J':
case 'z':
case 'Z':
oflag = 3;
#endif /* SDK */
case 'm':
case 'M':
case 'u':
case 'U':
uflag = 1;
case 'x':
case 'X':
xflag = 0;
case 'q':
case 'Q':
xflag = 1;
case 'd':
case 'D':
xflag = 2;
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'n':
case 'N':
pflag = 0;
case 'p':
case 'P':
pflag = 1;
case 'b':
case 'B':
case 'g':
case 'G':
case 'k':
case 'K':
case 'l':
case 'L':
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option\n");
} else
if (ctype[c] != ILL) {
if (linkp == NULL) {
linkp = (struct lfile *)
new (sizeof (struct lfile));
lfp = linkp;
} else {
lfp->f_flp = (struct lfile *)
new (sizeof (struct lfile));
lfp = lfp->f_flp;
getfid(fid, c);
lfp->f_idp = (char *) new (strlen(fid)+1);
strcpy(lfp->f_idp, fid);
lfp->f_type = F_REL;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input");
/*)Function VOID bassav()
* The function bassav() creates a linked structure containing
* the base address strings input to the linker.
* local variables:
* none
* global variables:
* base *basep The pointer to the first
* base structure
* base *bsp Pointer to the current
* base structure
* char *ip pointer into the REL file
* text line in ib[]
* functions called:
* char getnb() lklex.c
* VOID * new() lksym.c
* int strlen() c_library
* char * strcpy() c_library
* VOID unget() lklex.c
* side effects:
* The basep structure is created.
if (basep == NULL) {
basep = (struct base *)
new (sizeof (struct base));
bsp = basep;
} else {
bsp->b_base = (struct base *)
new (sizeof (struct base));
bsp = bsp->b_base;
bsp->b_strp = (char *) new (strlen(ip)+1);
strcpy(bsp->b_strp, ip);
/*)Function VOID setbas()
* The function setbas() scans the base address lines in hte
* basep structure, evaluates the arguments, and sets beginning
* address of the specified areas.
* local variables:
* int v expression value
* char id[] base id string
* global variables:
* area *ap Pointer to the current
* area structure
* area *areap The pointer to the first
* area structure of a linked list
* base *basep The pointer to the first
* base structure
* base *bsp Pointer to the current
* base structure
* char *ip pointer into the REL file
* text line in ib[]
* int lkerr error flag
* functions called:
* Addr_T expr() lkeval.c
* int fprintf() c_library
* VOID getid() lklex.c
* char getnb() lklex.c
* int symeq() lksym.c
* side effects:
* The base address of an area is set.
register int v;
char id[NCPS];
bsp = basep;
while (bsp) {
ip = bsp->b_strp;
getid(id, -1);
if (getnb() == '=') {
v = expr(0);
for (ap = areap; ap != NULL; ap = ap->a_ap) {
if (symeq(id, ap->a_id))
if (ap == NULL) {
#ifndef SDK
"No definition of area %s\n", id);
#endif /* SDK */
} else {
ap->a_addr = v;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "No '=' in base expression");
bsp = bsp->b_base;
/*)Function VOID gblsav()
* The function gblsav() creates a linked structure containing
* the global variable strings input to the linker.
* local variable:
* none
* global variables:
* globl *globlp The pointer to the first
* globl structure
* globl *gsp Pointer to the current
* globl structure
* char *ip pointer into the REL file
* text line in ib[]
* int lkerr error flag
* functions called:
* char getnb() lklex.c
* VOID * new() lksym.c
* int strlen() c_library
* char * strcpy() c_library
* VOID unget() lklex.c
* side effects:
* The globlp structure is created.
if (globlp == NULL) {
globlp = (struct globl *)
new (sizeof (struct globl));
gsp = globlp;
} else {
gsp->g_globl = (struct globl *)
new (sizeof (struct globl));
gsp = gsp->g_globl;
gsp->g_strp = (char *) new (strlen(ip)+1);
strcpy(gsp->g_strp, ip);
/*)Function VOID setgbl()
* The function setgbl() scans the global variable lines in hte
* globlp structure, evaluates the arguments, and sets a variable
* to this value.
* local variables:
* int v expression value
* char id[] base id string
* sym * sp pointer to a symbol structure
* global variables:
* char *ip pointer into the REL file
* text line in ib[]
* globl *globlp The pointer to the first
* globl structure
* globl *gsp Pointer to the current
* globl structure
* FILE * stderr c_library
* int lkerr error flag
* functions called:
* Addr_T expr() lkeval.c
* int fprintf() c_library
* VOID getid() lklex.c
* char getnb() lklex.c
* sym * lkpsym() lksym.c
* side effects:
* The value of a variable is set.
register int v;
register struct sym *sp;
char id[NCPS];
gsp = globlp;
while (gsp) {
ip = gsp->g_strp;
getid(id, -1);
if (getnb() == '=') {
v = expr(0);
sp = lkpsym(id, 0);
if (sp == NULL) {
#ifndef SDK
"No definition of symbol %s\n", id);
#endif /* SDK */
} else {
#ifndef SDK
if (sp->s_flag & S_DEF) {
"Redefinition of symbol %s\n", id);
sp->s_axp = NULL;
#endif /* SDK */
sp->s_addr = v;
sp->s_type |= S_DEF;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "No '=' in global expression");
gsp = gsp->g_globl;
/*)Function FILE * afile(fn,, ft, wf)
* char * fn file specification string
* char * ft file type string
* int wf read(0)/write(1) flag
* The function afile() opens a file for reading or writing.
* (1) If the file type specification string ft
* is not NULL then a file specification is
* constructed with the file path\name in fn
* and the extension in ft.
* (2) If the file type specification string ft
* is NULL then the file specification is
* constructed from fn. If fn does not have
* a file type then the default .rel file
* type is appended to the file specification.
* afile() returns a file handle for the opened file or aborts
* the assembler on an open error.
* local variables:
* int c character value
* char fb[] constructed file specification string
* FILE * fp filehandle for opened file
* char * p1 pointer to filespec string fn
* char * p2 pointer to filespec string fb
* char * p3 pointer to filetype string ft
* global variables:
* int lkerr error flag
* functions called:
* FILE * fopen() c_library
* int fprintf() c_library
* side effects:
* File is opened for read or write.
afile(fn, ft, wf)
char *fn;
char *ft;
register char *p1, *p2, *p3;
register int c;
FILE *fp;
char fb[FILSPC];
p1 = fn;
p2 = fb;
p3 = ft;
while ((c = *p1++) != 0 && c != FSEPX) {
if (p2 < &fb[FILSPC-4])
*p2++ = c;
*p2++ = FSEPX;
if (*p3 == 0) {
if (c == FSEPX) {
p3 = p1;
} else {
#ifdef SDK
p3 = "rel";
#else /* SDK */
p3 = "REL";
#endif /* SDK */
while ((c = *p3++) != 0) {
if (p2 < &fb[FILSPC-1])
*p2++ = c;
*p2++ = 0;
#ifdef SDK
if ((fp = fopen(fb, wf?(binary?"wb":"w"):(binary?"rb":"r"))) == NULL) {
#else /* SDK */
if ((fp = fopen(fb, wf?"w":"r")) == NULL) {
#endif /* SDK */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot %s.\n", fb, wf?"create":"open");
return (fp);
char *usetxt[] = {
#ifdef SDK
"Distributed with SDK " SDK_VERSION_STRING ", built on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__,
"Compile options: SDK Target " TARGET_STRING
#ifdef SDK
" -- [Commands] Non-interactive command line input",
#endif /* SDK */
" -c Command line input",
" -f file[LNK] File input",
" -p Prompt and echo of file[LNK] to stdout (default)",
" -n No echo of file[LNK] to stdout",
#ifdef SDK
"Usage: [-Options] outfile file [file ...]",
#else /* SDK */
"Usage: [-Options] file [file ...]",
#endif /* SDK */
" -k Library path specification, one per -k",
" -l Library file specification, one per -l",
" -b area base address = expression",
" -g global symbol = expression",
#ifdef GAMEBOY
" -yo Number of rom banks (default: 2)",
" -ya Number of ram banks (default: 0)",
" -yt MBC type (default: no MBC)",
" -yn Name of program (default: name of output file)",
" -yp# Patch one byte in the output GB file (# is: addr=byte)",
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
"Map format:",
" -m Map output generated as file[MAP]",
#ifdef SDK
" -j no$gmb symbol file generated as file[SYM]",
#endif /* SDK */
" -x Hexidecimal (default)",
" -d Decimal",
" -q Octal",
" -i Intel Hex as file[IHX]",
" -s Motorola S19 as file[S19]",
#ifdef SDK
" -z Gamegear image as file[GG]",
" -z Gameboy image as file[GB]",
#endif /* GAMEGEAR */
#endif /* SDK */
" -u Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.RST]",
" -e or null line terminates input",
/*)Function VOID usage()
* The function usage() outputs to the stderr device the
* assembler name and version and a list of valid assembler options.
* local variables:
* char ** dp pointer to an array of
* text string pointers.
* global variables:
* FILE * stderr c_library
* functions called:
* int fprintf() c_library
* side effects:
* none
register char **dp;
fprintf(stderr, "\nASxxxx Linker %s\n\n", VERSION);
for (dp = usetxt; *dp; dp++)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", *dp);