2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00

721 lines
18 KiB

/* aslink.h */
* (C) Copyright 1989-1996
* All Rights Reserved
* Alan R. Baldwin
* 721 Berkeley St.
* Kent, Ohio 44240
* Extensions: P. Felber
#include <limits.h>
#define VERSION "V01.75"
* Case Sensitivity Flag
/*)Module asmlnk.h
* The module asmlnk.h contains the definitions for constants,
* structures, global variables, and LKxxxx functions
* contained in the LKxxxx.c files.
$(FILES) = {
$(STACK) = 2000
/* DECUS C void definition */
/* File/extension seperator */
#ifdef decus
#define VOID char
#define FSEPX '.'
/* PDOS C void definition */
/* File/extension seperator */
#ifdef PDOS
#define VOID char
#define FSEPX ':'
/* Default void definition */
/* File/extension seperator */
#ifndef VOID
#define VOID void
#define FSEPX '.'
* This file defines the format of the
* relocatable binary file.
#ifdef SDK
#define NCPS 32 /* characters per symbol */
#else /* SDK */
#define NCPS 8 /* characters per symbol */
#endif /* SDK */
/* #define NCPS 32 */ /* characters per symbol */
#define NDATA 16 /* actual data */
#define NINPUT PATH_MAX /* Input buffer size */
#define NHASH 64 /* Buckets in hash table */
#define HMASK 077 /* Hash mask */
#define NLPP 60 /* Lines per page */
#define NTXT 16 /* T values */
#define FILSPC PATH_MAX /* File spec length */
* The "R_" relocation constants define values used in
* generating the assembler relocation output data for
* areas, symbols, and code.
* Relocation types.
* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | MSB | PAGn| PAG0| USGN| BYT2| PCR | SYM | BYT |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
#define R_WORD 0x00 /* 16 bit */
#define R_BYTE 0x01 /* 8 bit */
#define R_AREA 0x00 /* Base type */
#define R_SYM 0x02
#define R_NORM 0x00 /* PC adjust */
#define R_PCR 0x04
#define R_BYT1 0x00 /* Byte count for R_BYTE = 1 */
#define R_BYT2 0x08 /* Byte count for R_BYTE = 2 */
#define R_SGND 0x00 /* Signed value */
#define R_USGN 0x10 /* Unsigned value */
#define R_NOPAG 0x00 /* Page Mode */
#define R_PAG0 0x20 /* Page '0' */
#define R_PAG 0x40 /* Page 'nnn' */
* Valid for R_BYT2:
#define R_LSB 0x00 /* output low byte */
#define R_MSB 0x80 /* output high byte */
* Global symbol types.
#define S_REF 1 /* referenced */
#define S_DEF 2 /* defined */
* Area types
#define A_CON 000 /* concatenate */
#define A_OVR 004 /* overlay */
#define A_REL 000 /* relocatable */
#define A_ABS 010 /* absolute */
#define A_NOPAG 000 /* non-paged */
#define A_PAG 020 /* paged */
* File types
#define F_INV 0 /* invalid */
#define F_STD 1 /* stdin */
#define F_LNK 2 /* File.lnk */
#define F_REL 3 /* File.rel */
#ifdef SDK
#define F_CMD 4 /* Command line */
#endif /* SDK */
#ifdef GAMEBOY
* Multiple banks support
extern int nb_rom_banks;
extern int nb_ram_banks;
extern int current_rom_bank;
extern int mbc_type;
extern char cart_name[];
* ROM patching support
typedef struct _patch {
unsigned int addr;
unsigned char value;
struct _patch *next;
} patch;
extern patch* patches;
#endif /* GAMEBOY */
* General assembler address type
typedef unsigned int Addr_T;
* The structures of head, area, areax, and sym are created
* as the REL files are read during the first pass of the
* linker. The struct head is created upon encountering a
* H directive in the REL file. The structure contains a
* link to a link file structure (struct lfile) which describes
* the file containing the H directive, the number of data/code
* areas contained in this header segment, the number of
* symbols referenced/defined in this header segment, a pointer
* to an array of pointers to areax structures (struct areax)
* created as each A directive is read, and a pointer to an
* array of pointers to symbol structures (struct sym) for
* all referenced/defined symbols. As H directives are read
* from the REL files a linked list of head structures is
* created by placing a link to the new head structure
* in the previous head structure.
struct head
struct head *h_hp; /* Header link */
struct lfile *h_lfile;/* Associated file */
int h_narea; /* # of areas */
struct areax **a_list; /* Area list */
int h_nglob; /* # of global symbols */
struct sym **s_list; /* Globle symbol list */
char m_id[NCPS]; /* Module name */
* A structure area is created for each 'unique' data/code
* area definition found as the REL files are read. The
* struct area contains the name of the area, a flag byte
* which contains the area attributes (REL/CON/OVR/ABS),
* an area subtype (not used in this assembler), and the
* area base address and total size which will be filled
* in at the end of the first pass through the REL files.
* As A directives are read from the REL files a linked
* list of unique area structures is created by placing a
* link to the new area structure in the previous area structure.
struct area
struct area *a_ap; /* Area link */
struct areax *a_axp; /* Area extension link */
Addr_T a_addr; /* Beginning address of area */
Addr_T a_size; /* Total size of the area */
char a_type; /* Area subtype */
char a_flag; /* Flag byte */
char a_id[NCPS]; /* Name */
* An areax structure is created for every A directive found
* while reading the REL files. The struct areax contains a
* link to the 'unique' area structure referenced by the A
* directive and to the head structure this area segment is
* a part of. The size of this area segment as read from the
* A directive is placed in the areax structure. The beginning
* address of this segment will be filled in at the end of the
* first pass through the REL files. As A directives are read
* from the REL files a linked list of areax structures is
* created for each unique area. The final areax linked
* list has at its head the 'unique' area structure linked
* to the linked areax structures (one areax structure for
* each A directive for this area).
struct areax
struct areax *a_axp; /* Area extension link */
struct area *a_bap; /* Base area link */
struct head *a_bhp; /* Base header link */
Addr_T a_addr; /* Beginning address of section */
Addr_T a_size; /* Size of the area in section */
* A sym structure is created for every unique symbol
* referenced/defined while reading the REL files. The
* struct sym contains the symbol's name, a flag value
* (not used in this linker), a symbol type denoting
* referenced/defined, and an address which is loaded
* with the relative address within the area in which
* the symbol was defined. The sym structure also
* contains a link to the area where the symbol was defined.
* The sym structures are linked into linked lists using
* the symbol link element.
struct sym
struct sym *s_sp; /* Symbol link */
struct areax *s_axp; /* Symbol area link */
char s_type; /* Symbol subtype */
char s_flag; /* Flag byte */
Addr_T s_addr; /* Address */
char s_id[NCPS]; /* Name */
* The structure lfile contains a pointer to a
* file specification string, the file type, and
* a link to the next lfile structure.
struct lfile
struct lfile *f_flp; /* lfile link */
int f_type; /* File type */
char *f_idp; /* Pointer to file spec */
* The struct base contains a pointer to a
* base definition string and a link to the next
* base structure.
struct base
struct base *b_base; /* Base link */
char *b_strp; /* String pointer */
* The struct globl contains a pointer to a
* global definition string and a link to the next
* global structure.
struct globl
struct globl *g_globl; /* Global link */
char *g_strp; /* String pointer */
* A structure sdp is created for each 'unique' paged
* area definition found as the REL files are read.
* As P directives are read from the REL files a linked
* list of unique sdp structures is created by placing a
* link to the new sdp structure in the previous area structure.
struct sdp
struct area *s_area; /* Paged Area link */
struct areax *s_areax; /* Paged Area Extension Link */
Addr_T s_addr; /* Page address offset */
* The structure rerr is loaded with the information
* required to report an error during the linking
* process. The structure contains an index value
* which selects the areax structure from the header
* areax structure list, a mode value which selects
* symbol or area relocation, the base address in the
* area section, an area/symbol list index value, and
* an area/symbol offset value.
struct rerr
int aindex; /* Linking area */
int mode; /* Relocation mode */
Addr_T rtbase; /* Base address in section */
int rindex; /* Area/Symbol reloaction index */
Addr_T rval; /* Area/Symbol offset value */
* The structure lbpath is created for each library
* path specification input by the -k option. The
* lbpath structures are linked into a list using
* the next link element.
struct lbpath {
struct lbpath *next;
char *path;
* The structure lbname is created for all combinations of the
* library path specifications (input by the -k option) and the
* library file specifications (input by the -l option) that
* lead to an existing file. The element path points to
* the path string, element libfil points to the library
* file string, and the element libspc is the concatenation
* of the valid path and libfil strings.
* The lbpath structures are linked into a list
* using the next link element.
* Each library file contains a list of object files
* that are contained in the particular library. e.g.:
* \iolib\termio
* \inilib\termio
* Only one specification per line is allowed.
struct lbname {
struct lbname *next;
char *path;
char *libfil;
char *libspc;
* The function fndsym() searches through all combinations of the
* library path specifications (input by the -k option) and the
* library file specifications (input by the -l option) that
* lead to an existing file for a symbol definition.
* The structure lbfile is created for the first library
* object file which contains the definition for the
* specified undefined symbol.
* The element libspc points to the library file path specification
* and element relfil points to the object file specification string.
* The element filspc is the complete path/file specification for
* the library file to be imported into the linker. The
* file specicifation may be formed in one of two ways:
* (1) If the library file contained an absolute
* path/file specification then this becomes filspc.
* (i.e. C:\...)
* (2) If the library file contains a relative path/file
* specification then the concatenation of the path
* and this file specification becomes filspc.
* (i.e. \...)
* The lbpath structures are linked into a list
* using the next link element.
struct lbfile {
struct lbfile *next;
char *libspc;
char *relfil;
char *filspc;
* External Definitions for all Global Variables
extern char *_abs_; /* = { ". .ABS." };
extern int lkerr; /* ASLink error flag
extern char *ip; /* pointer into the REL file
* text line in ib[]
extern char ib[NINPUT]; /* REL file text line
extern char *rp; /* pointer into the LST file
* text line in rb[]
extern char rb[NINPUT]; /* LST file text line being
* address relocated
extern char ctype[]; /* array of character types, one per
* ASCII character
* Character Type Definitions
#define SPACE 0000
#define ETC 0000
#define LETTER 0001
#define DIGIT 0002
#define BINOP 0004
#define RAD2 0010
#define RAD8 0020
#define RAD10 0040
#define RAD16 0100
#define ILL 0200
#define DGT2 DIGIT|RAD16|RAD10|RAD8|RAD2
#define DGT8 DIGIT|RAD16|RAD10|RAD8
#define DGT10 DIGIT|RAD16|RAD10
#define LTR16 LETTER|RAD16
extern char ccase[]; /* an array of characters which
* perform the case translation function
extern struct lfile *filep; /* The pointers (lfile *) filep,
* (lfile *) cfp, and (FILE *) sfp
* are used in conjunction with
* the routine getline() to read
* asmlnk commands from
* (1) the standard input or
* (2) or a command file
* and to read the REL files
* sequentially as defined by the
* asmlnk input commands.
* The pointer *filep points to the
* beginning of a linked list of
* lfile structures.
extern struct lfile *cfp; /* The pointer *cfp points to the
* current lfile structure
extern struct lfile *startp;/* asmlnk startup file structure
extern struct lfile *linkp; /* pointer to first lfile structure
* containing an input REL file
* specification
extern struct lfile *lfp; /* pointer to current lfile structure
* being processed by parse()
extern struct head *headp; /* The pointer to the first
* head structure of a linked list
extern struct head *hp; /* Pointer to the current
* head structure
extern struct area *areap; /* The pointer to the first
* area structure of a linked list
extern struct area *ap; /* Pointer to the current
* area structure
extern struct areax *axp; /* Pointer to the current
* areax structure
extern struct sym *symhash[NHASH]; /* array of pointers to NHASH
* linked symbol lists
extern struct base *basep; /* The pointer to the first
* base structure
extern struct base *bsp; /* Pointer to the current
* base structure
extern struct globl *globlp;/* The pointer to the first
* globl structure
extern struct globl *gsp; /* Pointer to the current
* globl structure
extern struct sdp sdp; /* Base Paged structure
extern struct rerr rerr; /* Structure containing the
* linker error information
extern FILE *ofp; /* Linker Output file handle
extern FILE *mfp; /* Map output file handle
extern FILE *rfp; /* File handle for output
* address relocated ASxxxx
* listing file
extern FILE *sfp; /* The file handle sfp points to the
* currently open file
extern FILE *tfp; /* File handle for input
* ASxxxx listing file
extern int oflag; /* Output file type flag
extern int mflag; /* Map output flag
#ifdef SDK
extern int symflag; /* no$gmb .sym output flag
extern int xflag; /* Map file radix type flag
extern int pflag; /* print linker command file flag
extern int uflag; /* Listing relocation flag
extern int radix; /* current number conversion radix:
* 2 (binary), 8 (octal), 10 (decimal),
* 16 (hexadecimal)
extern int line; /* current line number
extern int page; /* current page number
extern int lop; /* current line number on page
extern int pass; /* linker pass number
extern int rtcnt; /* count of elements in the
* rtval[] and rtflg[] arrays
extern Addr_T rtval[]; /* data associated with relocation
extern int rtflg[]; /* indicates if rtval[] value is
* to be sent to the output file.
* (always set in this linker)
extern int hilo; /* REL file byte ordering
extern int gline; /* LST file relocation active
* for current line
extern int gcntr; /* LST file relocation active
* counter
extern struct lbpath *lbphead; /* pointer to the first
* library path structure
extern struct lbname *lbnhead; /* pointer to the first
* library name structure
extern struct lbfile *lbfhead; /* pointer to the first
* library file structure
/* C Library function definitions */
/* for reference only
extern VOID exit();
extern int fclose();
extern char * fgets();
extern FILE * fopen();
extern int fprintf();
extern VOID free();
extern VOID * malloc();
extern char putc();
extern char * strcpy();
extern int strlen();
extern char * strncpy();
/* Program function definitions */
/* lkmain.c */
extern FILE * afile();
extern VOID bassav();
extern VOID gblsav();
extern VOID link();
extern VOID lkexit();
extern int main();
extern VOID map();
#ifdef SDK
extern VOID sym();
extern int parse();
extern VOID setbas();
extern VOID setgbl();
extern VOID usage();
/* lklex.c */
extern char endline();
extern char get();
extern VOID getfid();
extern VOID getid();
extern int getline();
extern int getmap();
extern char getnb();
extern int more();
extern VOID skip();
extern VOID unget();
/* lkarea.c */
extern VOID lkparea();
extern VOID lnkarea();
extern VOID lnksect();
extern VOID newarea();
/* lkhead.c */
extern VOID module();
extern VOID newhead();
/* lksym.c */
extern int hash();
extern struct sym * lkpsym();
extern VOID * new();
extern struct sym * newsym();
extern VOID symdef();
extern int symeq();
extern VOID syminit();
extern VOID symmod();
extern Addr_T symval();
/* lkeval.c */
extern int digit();
extern Addr_T eval();
extern Addr_T expr();
extern int oprio();
extern Addr_T term();
/* lklist.c */
extern int dgt();
extern VOID lkulist();
extern VOID lkalist();
extern VOID lkglist();
extern VOID lstarea();
extern VOID newpag();
extern VOID slew();
/* lkrloc.c */
extern Addr_T adb_b();
extern Addr_T adb_hi();
extern Addr_T adb_lo();
extern Addr_T adw_w();
extern Addr_T adw_hi();
extern Addr_T adw_lo();
extern Addr_T evword();
extern VOID rele();
extern VOID reloc();
extern VOID relt();
extern VOID relr();
extern VOID relp();
extern VOID relerr();
extern char * errmsg[];
extern VOID errdmp();
extern VOID relerp();
extern VOID erpdmp();
extern VOID prntval();
/* lklibr.c */
extern VOID addfile();
extern VOID addlib();
extern VOID addpath();
extern int fndsym();
extern VOID library();
extern VOID loadfile();
extern VOID search();
/* lks19.c */
extern VOID s19();
/* lkihx.c */
extern VOID ihx();
/* lkgb.h */
VOID gb(int in);
VOID gg(int in);