2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00

403 lines
12 KiB

this program the flow of air through a rotary flowmeter
and displays the calculated cfm. the output of the meter
is a small duty cycle pulse, the period of repatition of
which if proportional to the flow. the flow is compensated
for changes in pressure and temperature to maintain
calibration. if the flow exceeds an adjustable setpoint
it energizes a 2 form c relay for user application use.
#include <reg552.h>
#define ZERO_K 2730 /* 0 degress centigrade in kelvin */
#define ONE_TENTH_CFM 4444444L /* 1/10 cfm in microseconds */
#define STD_TEMP 2980 /* 25 degrees centigrade in kelvin */
#define STD_ATM 147 /* one atmosphere in tenths psi */
#define LOWEST_CFM 0x40 /* maximun period from meter 0x400000 */
#define START_ADC0 0x28 /* commands to start appropriate */
#define START_ADC1 0x29 /* a/d conversion cycle */
#define START_ADC2 0x2a /* */
#define START_ADC3 0x2b /* */
#define START_ADC4 0x2c /* */
#define ADCI 0x10 /* a/d converter status flags */
#define ADCS 0x08 /* */
#define FREERUN_I 0x10 /* */
#define SEG_A 0x01 /* P3 position for display segment 'a' */
#define CFM 0x01 /* P3 position for 'cfm' led */
#define SEG_B 0x02 /* P3 position for display segment 'b' */
#define DEGREES 0x02 /* P3 position for 'degrees' led */
#define SEG_C 0x04 /* P3 position for display segment 'c' */
#define PSI 0x04 /* P3 position for 'psi' led */
#define SEG_D 0x08 /* P3 position for display segment 'd' */
#define SETPOINT 0x08 /* P3 position for 'setpoint' led */
#define SEG_E 0x10 /* P3 position for display segment 'e' */
#define SEG_F 0x20 /* P3 position for display segment 'f' */
#define SEG_G 0x40 /* P3 position for display segment 'g' */
#define SEG_DP 0x80 /* P3 position for display decimal pt. */
typedef unsigned char byte; /* type define objects with */
typedef unsigned int word; /* more classical microprocessor */
typedef unsigned long l_word; /* meaning */
#define TRUE 1 /* define logical true / false */
#define FALSE 0 /* values for bit variables */
define look-up table of possible seven segment display
characters possible to display. table contents need to
be inverted before use to be compatible with U2 (udn2585a)
code byte segments[] =
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F , /* 0 */
SEG_B | SEG_C , /* 1 */
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_G, /* 2 */
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_G, /* 3 */
SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_F | SEG_G, /* 4 */
SEG_A | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_F | SEG_G, /* 5 */
SEG_A | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F | SEG_G, /* 6 */
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_C , /* 7 */
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F | SEG_G, /* 8 */
SEG_A | SEG_B | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_F | SEG_G, /* 9 */
SEG_A | SEG_D | SEG_E | SEG_F | SEG_G /* error */
sbit RELAY = 0x96; /* active hi to turn on setpoint relay */
sbit STROBE_0 = 0x80; /* active hi to enable status led's */
sbit STROBE_1 = 0x81; /* active hi to enable display cr15 */
sbit STROBE_2 = 0x82; /* active hi to enable display cr14 */
sbit NO_FLOW = 0x83; /* flag set when no flow detected */
sbit STROBE_3 = 0x84; /* active hi to enable display cr13 */
sbit SEL_0 = 0x93; /* active low inputs used to select */
sbit SEL_1 = 0x94; /* mode being displayed */
sbit INTR = 0x95; /* */
sbit UPDATE = 0x97; /* flag set when time to update display */
data word cfm; /* gas flow in tenths of a cfm */
data word setpoint; /* relay setpoint in tenths of a cfm */
data word degree_c; /* temperature in tenths centagrade */
data l_word corr; /* intermediate calculation value */
data word psi; /* pressupe in tenths of a psi */
data byte display0; /* variables to hold values for the */
data byte display1; /* displays during refresh */
data byte display2; /* */
data byte display3; /* */
data byte disp_pntr; /* pointer to next display to enable */
data byte refresh; /* counter determines display updates */
data byte high; /* bits 16 - 23 of flow period */
data byte middle; /* bits 8 - 15 of flow period */
data byte low; /* bits 0 - 7 of flow period */
data byte ticks; /* incremented by timer overflow */
use the free-running I timer to multiplex the led displays
at approx. 1000 hz.
void multiplex() interrupt 3
case 0x00:
STROBE_3 = FALSE; /* turn off display cr13 */
P3 = 0xff; /* turn off all segments */
P3 = display0; /* load segments for led's */
STROBE_0 = TRUE; /* turn on status led's */
disp_pntr = 1; /* increment pointer to dsiplay */
case 0x01:
STROBE_0 = FALSE; /* turn off status led's */
P3 = 0xff; /* turn off all segments */
P3 = display1; /* load segments for tenths */
STROBE_1 = TRUE; /* turn on display cr15 */
disp_pntr = 2; /* increment pointer to dsiplay */
case 0x02:
STROBE_1 = FALSE; /* turn off display cr15 */
P3 = 0xff; /* turn off all segments */
P3 = display2; /* load segments for units */
STROBE_2 = TRUE; /* turn on display cr14 */
disp_pntr = 3; /* increment pointer to dsiplay */
case 0x03:
STROBE_2 = FALSE; /* turn off display cr14 */
P3 = 0xff; /* turn off all segments */
P3 = display3; /* load segments for tens */
STROBE_3 = TRUE; /* turn on display cr13 */
disp_pntr = 0; /* increment pointer to dsiplay */
use the free running pwm prescaler to generate
interrupts every 92 hz. every 32nd interrupt
set the UPDATE flag to enable the reading of
the command switches, and updating of the led
display contents.
void read_switch() interrupt 6
if(refresh++ == 32)
refresh = 0;
whenever the timer overflows from 0xffff to 0x0000
increment the variable 'ticks' which represent the
highest order (16 - 23) bits of the gas flow period
in microseconds. if the variable 'ticks' is greater
than the period representing a flow of < 0.1 cfm
then set the NO_FLOW flag to enable display of 00.0
void overflow() interrupt 1
if(++ticks > LOWEST_CFM)
cfm = 0;
ticks = 0;
an external interrupt generated by a tach pulse
from the flowmeter reads the current value of the
timer into variables 'low' and 'middle', and then
resets the timers. the 'ticks' variable described
above is also copied to variable 'high', and then
reset to zero. the NO_FLOW flag is cleared to
enable display of the calculated cfm.
void calc_cfm() interrupt 0
low = TL0;
TL0 = 0;
middle = TH0;
TH0 = 0;
high = ticks;
ticks = 0;
void main()
RELAY = 0; /* initialize output pins */
INTR = 1;
STROBE_0 = 0;
STROBE_1 = 0;
STROBE_2 = 0;
STROBE_3 = 0;
NO_FLOW = 0;
TL0 = 0; /* timer 0 period 0x10000 u_seconds */
TH0 = 0;
PWMP = 255; /* pwm timer interrupt at 92 hz */
TR0 = 1; /* enable timer 0 */
IT0 = 1; /* INT0 is edge active */
ticks = 0; /* initialize variables */
cfm = 0;
low = 0;
middle = 0;
high = 0;
degree_c = 250;
psi = 147;
corr = 0;
refresh = 0;
disp_pntr = 0;
IEN0 = 0xab; /* enable intrrupts */
#ifdef MY
main execution loop, executes forever.
calculate base cfm rate - first create long word representing
flow rate period in microseconds. then subtract out the time
overhead in servicing the routine 'calc_cfm'. then divide the
period into the period for 1/10 cfm, to get flow rate in 1/10
cfm resolution.
corr = high * 0x10000L;
corr += (middle * 0x100L);
corr += low;
corr = ONE_TENTH_CFM / corr;
read temperature - measure output from the LM35 sensor,
scaled by the AMP-02. the scaling results in a range
of 0 to 51.0 degrees centigrade, in 0.2 degree steps.
while(ADCON & ADCS) ;
degree_c = ((word)ADDATH) << 8 | ADDATL;
degree_c *= 2;
compensate cfm rate for temperature - convert temperature
into degrees kelvin, then divide it into the measured flow
rate multiplied by the calibration temperature of the flow-
meter in degrees kelvin. (nominal 25 degrees centigrade)
corr *= STD_TEMP;
corr /= (ZERO_K + degree_c);
read pressure - measure output of the KP100A pressure trans-
ducer, scaled by the AMP_02. the scaling results in a range
of 0 to 25.5 psi, in 1/10 psi steps.
while(ADCON & ADCS) ;
psi = ((word) ADDATH << 8) | ADDATL;
compensate cfm rate for pressure - multiply measured pres-
sure and the calculated flow rate, and then divide it by
the standard atmospheric pressure at sea-level. (nominal
14.7 psi)
corr *= psi;
corr /= STD_ATM;
cfm = corr;
read setpoint pot to obtain setpoint in the range of
0 - 25.5 cfm in 1/10 cfm steps.
while(ADCON & ADCS) ;
setpoint = ADAT;
test if cfm rate greater or equal to the
setpoint, and if so then energize relay
if(setpoint > cfm)
RELAY = 0;
RELAY = 1;
test if update flag has been set, and if so reset flag.
then test if the no flow flag has been set. if so then
display 00.0 cfm
display0 = ~CFM;
display1 = ~segments[0];
display2 = ~(segments[0] | SEG_DP);
display3 = ~segments[0];
if the no flow flag was not set then read the display
select switches, and display the appropriate data.
else if(SEL_0)
if no swich is depressed then the default display is
the flow rate in cfm. test the flowrate is greater than
or equal to 30 cfm then display the overrange message
EEE else the flow in XX.X format.
if(cfm <= 300)
display0 = ~CFM;
display1 = ~segments[cfm % 10];
cfm /= 10;
display2 = ~(segments[cfm % 10]);
cfm /= 10;
display3 = ~segments[cfm % 10];
display0 = ~CFM;
display1 = ~segments[10];
display2 = ~segments[10];
display3 = ~segments[10];
if switch 1 is depressed then display temperature.
display0 = ~DEGREES;
display1 = ~segments[degree_c % 10];
degree_c /= 10;
display2 = ~(segments[degree_c % 10] | SEG_DP);
degree_c /= 10;
display3 = ~segments[degree_c % 10];
if switch 2 depressed then display the pressure.
display0 = ~PSI;
display1 = ~segments[psi % 10];
psi /= 10;
display2 = ~(segments[psi % 10] | SEG_DP);
psi /= 10;
display3 = ~segments[psi % 10];
if switch 3 depressed then display the setpoint.
display0 = ~SETPOINT;
display1 = ~segments[setpoint % 10];
setpoint /= 10;
display2 = ~(segments[setpoint % 10] | SEG_DP);
setpoint /= 10;
display3 = ~segments[setpoint % 10];