2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
.cvsignore Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
alloc.h Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asdata.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asexpr.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
aslex.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
aslink.h Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
aslink.mak Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
aslist.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asm.h Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asmain.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asnoice.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asout.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
asstore.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
assubr.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
assym.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00 Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00 Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
i51adr.c Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
i51ext.c Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
i51mch.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
i51pst.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
i8051.h Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkarea.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkdata.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkeval.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkhead.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkihx.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lklex.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lklibr.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lklist.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkmain.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lknoice.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkrloc.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lks19.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lkstore.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
lksym.c Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
Makefile.aslink Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
Makefile.asx8051 Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00
Makefile.bcc Imported gbdk-2.92. 2015-01-10 16:25:07 +01:00 Imported gbdk-2.96a. 2015-01-10 16:25:09 +01:00
readme.390 Imported gbdk-2.91. 2015-01-10 16:25:06 +01:00

DS80C390 flat mode support

2/4/2000 Kevin Vigor (e-mail: kevin at

I have hacked the 8051 assembler to support the 24 bit flat address mode of
the DS80C390 processor. This mode allows the chip to directly address up to
4 Meg of RAM. Details can be found at Dallas' web site:

1: Assembler changes.

24 bit mode is entered via a new assembler directive, .flat24. This directive
takes a mandatory argument, which is either the string "on" or the string
"off". ".flat24 on" enables 24-bit mode, and ".flat24 off" puts the assembler
into standard 8051 mode.

Note that any .included files within a ".flat24 on" segment of the code will
be compiled in 24-bit mode.

In 24-bit mode, 8 instructions have altered behavior. Of these, 5 modify
the instruction encoding, while 3 differ only in behavior. These
instructions are discussed in the DS80C390 User's Guide, but a summary is
included here:

ACALL and AJMP now take a 19 bit offset instead of the 8051's 11 bit offset. 
An extra address byte is added to the encoded instruction.

LCALL and LJMP now take a 24 bit target address instead of the 8051's 16 bit
address. An extra address byte is added to the encoded instruction.

MOV DPTR, #immed now takes a 24 bit immediate value instead of the 8051's 16
bit address. An extra data byte is added to the encoded instruction.

INC DPTR now increments the entire 24 bit DPTR. The encoding is not changed.

RET and RETI restore the full 24 bit PC from the stack. The encoding is not

2: Linker changes.

The linker supports (through a variety of evil hacks) 19 bit ACALL/AJMP
relocations and 24 bit LCALL/LJMP/DPTR relocations. These changes should be
invisible to the user.

The linker can now also generated extended linear address records in the
Intel hex output format. This is necessary for any areas located above the
64K mark. This is enabled by the "-r" linker flag, and is disabled by
default (but the linker will throw a warning if an extended address is
encountered without the -r flag being enabled).

Note that for various reasons, areas may still not be larger than 64K.
However, they may be located anywhere in the 4 Meg address space via the
assembler .org directive (for ABS areas) or the linker "-b" option.

3: Examples

Note that this example uses ABS areas to make the layout obvious. This code
won't do anything useful at all, but demonstrates the instruction encoding
in .flat24 mode vs 8051 mode.

; test1.asm
.area CODE (ABS)
.org 0

; SFRs not known to the assembler yet...
$TA = 0x00C7
$ACON = 0x009D

; Set the chip to 24 bit flat mode via the DS "timed access" procedure.
mov $TA, #0xAA
mov $TA, #0x55
mov $ACON, #0x06		; 10 bit stack & 24 bit flat addressing.

.flat24 on		; Enable 24-bit mode. The AM1 bit had better be
			; on...

mov dptr, #myData	; Valid on the '390: myData is in the FARDATA
			; area at 0x300001.
			; Generates: 90 30 00 01
acall _junkNear		; Within 11 bit range, but still must generate
			; 19 bit address for '390 flat mode.
			; Generates: 11 04 00			
ajmp _junkFar		; Within 16 bit range.
			; Generates 01 08 00
acall _junkReallyFar	; Within 19 bit range.
			; Generates 91 00 00
lcall _junkReallyReallyFar	; Within 24 bit range.
			; Generates 12 08 00 00

; Set the chip to 8051 mode via the DS "timed access" procedure.
mov $TA, #0x0AA
mov $TA, #0x055
mov $ACON, #0x00	; 8 bit stack & 16 bit flat addressing.

.flat24 off		; Now we're an 8051 again. The AM1 bit had better be
			; off...

;mov dptr, #myData	; Can't do that: myData is too far away.
acall _junkNear		; Within 11 bit range.
			; Generates 91 00
ljmp _junkFar		; Within 16 bit range; can't AJMP, but can LJMP
			; Generates 02 08 00

.area CODE2 (ABS)
.org 0x400
; This is within the 11 bit ACALL/AJMP range of the 8051.

.area CODE3 (ABS)
.org 0x800
; This is within the 390's 19 bit ACALL/AJMP range, and inside the stock
; 8051's 16 bit LCALL range.

.area CODE4 (ABS)
; This is within the 390's 19 bit ACALL/AJMP range and outside the
; 8051's LCALL range.
; Note that to link an image with an area beyond 64K (like this one),
; the '-r' flag must be provided to the linker, and Intel Hex output format
; must be used.
.org 0x40000

.area CODE5 (ABS)
; This is outside anybody's ACALL/AJMP range.
.org 0x80000

.org 0x300000
; This is way, way up there.
.byte 0x01
.byte 0x02

; test1.asm ends.