2015-01-10 16:25:08 +01:00

98 lines
1.7 KiB

.include "global.s"
;; BANKED: checked
.title "Sound sample player"
.module Sample
.area _BASE
.AUD3WAVERAM = 0xff30
push bc
lda hl,4(sp)
ld a,(hl+)
ld d,(hl)
ld e,a
lda hl,6(sp)
ld a,(hl+)
ld b,(hl)
ld c,a
ld h,d
ld l,e
call .play_sample
pop bc
; Playback raw sound sample with length BC from HL at 8192Hz rate.
; BC defines the length of the sample in samples/32 or bytes/16.
; The format of the data is unsigned 4-bit samples,
; 2 samples per byte, upper 4-bits played before lower 4 bits.
; Adaption for GBDK by Lars Malmborg.
; Original code by Jeff Frohwein.
ld a,#0x84
ldh (.NR52),a ;enable sound 3
ld a,#0
ldh (.NR30),a
ldh (.NR51),a
ld a,#0x77
ldh (.NR50),a ;select speakers
ld a,#0xff
ldh (.NR51),a ;enable sound 3
ld a,#0x80
ldh (.NR31),a ;sound length
ld a,#0x20
ldh (.NR32),a ;sound level high
ld a,#0x00
ldh (.NR33),a ;sound freq low
ld de,#.AUD3WAVERAM ;12
push bc ;16
ld b,#16 ;16
xor a
ldh (.NR30),a
ld a,(hl+) ;8
ld (de),a ;8
inc de ;8
dec b ;4
jr nz,.samp3 ;12
ld a,#0x80
ldh (.NR30),a
ld a,#0x87 ; (256hz)
ldh (.NR34),a
ld bc,#558 ;delay routine
dec bc ;8
ld a,b ;4
or c ;4
jr nz,.samp4 ;12
ld a,#0 ;more delay
ld a,#0
ld a,#0
pop bc ;12
dec bc ;8
ld a,b ;4
or c ;4
jr nz,.samp2 ;12
ld a,#0xbb
ldh (.NR51),a ;disable sound 3