#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 218 \textclass article \begin_preamble \usepackage{url} \end_preamble \language english \inputencoding auto \fontscheme times \graphics default \paperfontsize default \spacing single \papersize Default \paperpackage a4 \use_geometry 0 \use_amsmath 0 \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \quotes_times 2 \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \layout Title Proposed Test Suite Design \layout Author Michael Hope (michaelh@juju.net.nz) \layout Date \latex latex \backslash today{} \layout Abstract This article describes the goals, requirements, and suggested specification for a test suite for the output of the Small Device C Compiler (sdcc). Also included is a short list of existing works. \layout Section Goals \layout Standard The main goals of a test suite for sdcc are \layout Enumerate To allow developers to run regression tests to check that core changes do not break any of the many ports. \layout Enumerate To verify the core. \layout Enumerate To allow developers to verify individual ports. \layout Enumerate To allow developers to test port changes. \layout Standard This design only covers the generated code. It does not cover a test/unit test framework for the sdcc application itself, which may be useful. \layout Standard One side effect of (1) is that it requires that the individual ports pass the tests originally. This may be too hard. See the section on Exceptions below. \layout Section Requirements \layout Subsection Coverage \layout Standard The suite is intended to cover language features only. Hardware specific libraries are explicitly not covered. \layout Subsection Permutations \layout Standard The ports often generate different code for handling different types (Byte, Word, DWord, and the signed forms). Meta information could be used to permute the different test cases across the different types. \layout Subsection Exceptions \layout Standard The different ports are all at different levels of development. Test cases must be able to be disabled on a per port basis. Permutations also must be able to be disabled on a port level for unsupported cases. Disabling, as opposed to enabling, on a per port basis seems more maintainable. \layout Subsection Running \layout Standard The tests must be able to run unaided. The test suite must run on all platforms that sdcc runs on. A good minimum may be a subset of Unix command set and common tools, provided by default on a Unix host and provided through cygwin on a Windows host. \layout Standard The tests suits should be able to be sub-divided, so that the failing or interesting tests may be run separately. \layout Subsection Artifcats \layout Standard The test code within the test cases should not generate artifacts. An artifact occurs when the test code itself interferes with the test and generates an erroneous result. \layout Subsection Emulators \layout Standard sdcc is a cross compiling compiler. As such, an emulator is needed for each port to run the tests. \layout Section Existing works \layout Subsection DejaGnu \layout Standard DejaGnu is a toolkit written in Expect designed to test an interactive program. It provides a way of specifying an interface to the program, and given that interface a way of stimulating the program and interpreting the results. It was originally written by Cygnus Solutions for running against development boards. I believe the gcc test suite is written against DejaGnu, perhaps partly to test the Cygnus ports of gcc on target systems. \layout Subsection gcc test suite \layout Standard I don't know much about the gcc test suite. It was recently removed from the gcc distribution due to issues with copyright ownership. The code I saw from older distributions seemed more concerned with esoteric features of the language. \layout Subsection xUnit \layout Standard The xUnit family, in particular JUnit, is a library of in test assertions, test wrappers, and test suite wrappers designed mainly for unit testing. PENDING: More. \layout Subsection CoreLinux++ Assertion framework \layout Standard While not a test suite system, the assertion framework is an interesting model for the types of assertions that could be used. They include pre-condition, post-condition, invariants, conditional assertions, unconditional assertions, and methods for checking conditions. \layout Section Specification \layout Standard This specification borrows from the JUnit style of unit testing and the CoreLinux++ style of assertions. The emphasis is on maintainability and ease of writing the test cases. \layout Subsection Terms \layout Standard PENDING: Align these terms with the rest of the world. \layout Itemize An \emph on assertion \emph default is a statement of how things should be. PENDING: Better description, an example. \layout Itemize A \emph on test point \emph default is the smallest unit of a test suite, and consists of a single assertion that passes if the test passes. \layout Itemize A \emph on test case \emph default is a set of test points that test a certain feature. \layout Itemize A \emph on test suite \emph default is a set of test cases that test a certain set of features. \layout Subsection Test cases \layout Standard Test cases shall be contained in their own C file, along with the meta data on the test. Test cases shall be contained within functions whose names start with 'test' and which are descriptive of the test case. Any function that starts with 'test' will be automatically run in the test suite. \layout Standard To make the automatic code generation easier, the C code shall have this format \layout Itemize Test functions shall start with 'test' to allow automatic detection. \layout Itemize Test functions shall follow the K&R intention style for ease of detection. i.e. the function name shall start in the left column on a new line below the return specification. \layout Subsection Assertions \layout Standard All assertions shall log the line number, function name, and test case file when they fail. Most assertions can have a more descriptive message attached to them. Assertions will be implemented through macros to get at the line information. This may cause trouble with artifacts. \layout Standard The following definitions use C++ style default arguments where optional messages may be inserted. All assertions use double opening and closing brackets in the macros to allow them to be compiled out without any side effects. While this is not required for a test suite, they are there in case any of this code is incorporated into the main product. \layout Standard Borrowing from JUnit, the assertions shall include \layout Itemize FAIL((String msg = \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Failed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset )). Used when execution should not get here. \layout Itemize ASSERT((Boolean cond, String msg = \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Assertion failed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). Fails if cond is false. Parent to REQUIRE and ENSURE. \layout Standard JUnit also includes may sub-cases of ASSERT, such as assertNotNull, assertEquals , and assertSame. \layout Standard CoreLinux++ includes the extra assertions \layout Itemize REQUIRE((Boolean cond, String msg = \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Precondition failed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). Checks preconditions. \layout Itemize ENSURE((Boolean cond, String msg = \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Postcondition failed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset ). Checks post conditions. \layout Itemize CHECK((Boolean cond, String msg = \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset Check failed \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset )). Used to call a function and to check that the return value is as expected. i.e. CHECK((fread(in, buf, 10) != -1)). Very similar to ASSERT, but the function still gets called in a release build. \layout Itemize FORALL and EXISTS. Used to check conditions within part of the code. For example, can be used to check that a list is still sorted inside each loop of a sort routine. \layout Standard All of FAIL, ASSERT, REQUIRE, ENSURE, and CHECK shall be available. \layout Subsection Meta data \layout Standard PENDING: It's not really meta data. \layout Standard Meta data includes permutation information, exception information, and permutati on exceptions. \layout Standard Meta data shall be global to the file. Meta data names consist of the lower case alphanumerics. Test case specific meta data (fields) shall be stored in a comment block at the start of the file. This is only due to style. \layout Standard A field definition shall consist of \layout Itemize The field name \layout Itemize A colon. \layout Itemize A comma separated list of values. \layout Standard The values shall be stripped of leading and trailing white space. \layout Standard Permutation exceptions are by port only. Exceptions to a field are specified by a modified field definition. An exception definition consists of \layout Itemize The field name. \layout Itemize An opening square bracket. \layout Itemize A comma separated list of ports the exception applies for. \layout Itemize A closing square bracket. \layout Itemize A colon. \layout Itemize The values to use for this field for these ports. \layout Standard An instance of the test case shall be generated for each permutation of the test case specific meta data fields. \layout Standard The runtime meta fields are \layout Itemize port - The port this test is running on. \layout Itemize testcase - The name of this test case. \layout Itemize function - The name of the current function. \layout Standard Most of the runtime fields are not very usable. They are there for completeness. \layout Standard Meta fields may be accessed inside the test case by enclosing them in curly brackets. The curly brackets will be interpreted anywhere inside the test case, including inside quoted strings. Field names that are not recognised will be passed through including the brackets. Note that it is therefore impossible to use some strings within the test case. \layout Standard Test case function names should include the permuted fields in the name to reduce name collisions. \layout Subsection An example \layout Standard I don't know how to do pre-formatted text in LaTeX. Sigh. \layout Standard The following code generates a simple increment test for all combinations of the storage classes and all combinations of the data sizes. This is a bad example as the optimiser will often remove most of this code. \layout Standard \family typewriter /** Test for increment. \layout Standard \family typewriter type: char, int, long \layout Standard \family typewriter Z80 port does not fully support longs (4 byte) \layout Standard \family typewriter type[z80]: char, int \layout Standard \family typewriter class: \begin_inset Quotes eld \end_inset \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset , register, static */ \layout Standard \family typewriter static void \layout Standard \family typewriter testInc{class}{types}(void) \layout Standard \family typewriter { \layout Standard \family typewriter {class} {type} i = 0; \layout Standard \family typewriter i = i + 1; \layout Standard \family typewriter ASSERT((i == 1)); \layout Standard \family typewriter } \the_end