Learning FPGAs #1

I normally work at the system or electronic level, and one thing I’ve always wanted to learn is FPGAs and the corresponding HDLs.

To pull this together, I plan to implement the 6502 using Verilog on an OrangeCrab board. The board uses a ECP5-25F and is supported by Yosys.


I chose the 6502 as it reminds me of the VIC-20 and C128 I used to own, and it has a small, straight forward instruction set.

According to https://llx.com/Neil/a2/opcodes.html, most instructions have a aaabbbcc format, where aaa and cc determine the opcode and bbb is the addressing mode. https://www.pagetable.com/c64ref/6502/ has a nice 3-3-2 view of this.

The instructions are divided into groups based on cc:

  • 00 is group 3
  • 01 is group 1
  • 10 is group 2
  • 11 is reserved

Group 1 (c = 01)

Covers 1/4th of the decode space, where aaa is:

  • 000 ORA
  • 001 AND
  • 010 EOR
  • 011 ADC
  • 100 STA
  • 101 LDA
  • 110 CMP
  • 111 SBC

and bbb is:

  • 000 (zero page,X)
  • 001 zero page
  • 010 #immediate
  • 011 absolute
  • 100 (zero page),Y
  • 101 zero page,X
  • 110 absolute,Y
  • 111 absolute,X

Group 2 (c = 10)

  • 000 ASL
  • 001 ROL
  • 010 LSR
  • 011 ROR
  • 100 STX
  • 101 LDX
  • 110 DEC
  • 111 INC

where bbb is:

  • 000 #immediate
  • 001 zero page
  • 010 accumulator
  • 011 absolute
  • 101 zero page,X
  • 111 absolute,X

So zero page, absolute, zero page, X, and absolute, X are the same.

Group 3 (c = 00)

  • 001 BIT
  • 010 JMP
  • 011 JMP (abs)
  • 100 STY
  • 101 LDY
  • 110 CPY
  • 111 CPX

where bbb is:

  • 000 #immediate
  • 001 zero page
  • 011 absolute
  • 101 zero page,X
  • 111 absolute,X

which is the same as group 2 except accumulator.

The conditional branches have the form xxy 100 00, i.e. b is 100 and c is 00, and x is:

  • 00 negative
  • 01 overflow
  • 10 carry
  • 11 zero

which is compared with y.

Next is to implement the ALU.

Michael Hope
Software Engineer